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Pope says Sundays are for God, not sports


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Lets see:

1. if a priest molests a child slap his wrist(the priests) and sweep it under the rug.

2. No sports on sundays.

I'm sorry but after #1 it's all blah blah blah to me.

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wasnt saturday the orginal day of rest?

Yep... Saturday (the word itself) is derived from "Sabbath Day"

Of course the NT says that a Sabbath day doesn't HAVE to be Sunday, but we need a day to rest in God.

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wasnt saturday the orginal day of rest?

Yep... Saturday (the word itself) is derived from "Sabbath Day"

Of course the NT says that a Sabbath day doesn't HAVE to be Sunday, but we need a day to rest in God.

Exactly. Saturday was the original "day of rest". Christ, nor any of the apostles ever said a certain day was the Sabbath, but only said to remember it and keep it Holy. Most Christian denominations now use Sunday as their day of worship because that was the day of the week the Jesus was resurrected. I believe that you should set one day aside, regardless of the day it is, and take that day to rest and worship. To me, that is keeping the Sabbath holy.

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I have my own relationship with god and don't need a go between(priest.preacher or anyone else}To pay them for forgiveness.. After the last mass I attended, I prefer not to be judged in church. We should all leave that up to God. I say let 'em play ball! WDE

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I have my own relationship with god and don't need a go between(priest.preacher or anyone else}To pay them for forgiveness.. After the last mass I attended, I prefer not to be judged in church. We should all leave that up to God. I say let 'em play ball! WDE

Exactly! That is why the Bible tells us the veil was torn into when Christ gave up the Ghost at the Cross. That tore down the wall between man and God. Man no longer needs a priest to ask forgiveness, we can got straight to the Source. The church's job us to minister to the lost, feed the hungray, and pray for the sick. It also is to lift up other brother's and sister's when it is needed. A pastor's/priest's job is to lead his congreation with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and to give Godly counsel for each member when it is needed also. A priest can't grant divine forgiveness, only Christ can do that. Going to church does not save you, but the Bible does instruct us to attend church as part of our spiritual growth.

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Being raised catholic and being in the company of questionable priestly behavior I'll roll the dice with my own worship patterns and leave the insttutionalized worshipping to the parish members in good standing. thanks for your sermon just the same.WDE

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Being raised catholic and being in the company of questionable priestly behavior I'll roll the dice with my own worship patterns and leave the insttutionalized worshipping to the parish members in good standing. thanks for your sermon just the same.WDE

Do yourself a good deed and look in the Bible for all the passages concerning worship. Then search around for a place that YOU feel comfortable. The CHURCH does not make the christian, the christian makes the church. And all intitutionalized worshipping is not like that of the catholic religion. After reading, find one that YOU feel closely resembles what the Bible calls for. But to stay away for the reasons you have stated is not what God intended.

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Being raised catholic and being in the company of questionable priestly behavior I'll roll the dice with my own worship patterns and leave the insttutionalized worshipping to the parish members in good standing. thanks for your sermon just the same.WDE

Do yourself a good deed and look in the Bible for all the passages concerning worship. Then search around for a place that YOU feel comfortable. The CHURCH does not make the christian, the christian makes the church. And all intitutionalized worshipping is not like that of the catholic religion. After reading, find one that YOU feel closely resembles what the Bible calls for. But to stay away for the reasons you have stated is not what God intended.

That was the point I was trying to get across. Was not meant as a sermon since I was agreeing with you keason7. However, I am sorry that you see believers gathering in one place to worship as a negative thing. Please don't let your experience of one church or faith stereotype the wonderful worship that can be found at lots of other churches. Like I said earlier, the reason for church attendance at good church is for your spiritual growth. We need other brothers and sisters for support and they need you for support also. Like it or not, with the fellowship of other believers, your walk with God can become stagnate. Like CCTAU said, you need to get past the bitterness from your past experience, and find the church God wants you to be at. The bitterness will effect your walk with God. My wife was Catholic and so is her whole family, but she was like you and had a hard time believing going to church was of any use to her because of her experiences. Luckily she started going to church with me when we started dating and discovered there was a church for her that made her feel loved and welcomed. She discovered a church after the true heart of God. If you find this "preachy", I am sorry. But I say all of this out of love for a brother, not as a sermon.

For any Catholics on the board, please do not think I have anything against anybody that is a Catholic, but I do disagree with the way they do some things. However, good things do come out of the Catholic church and their people. Mother Teresa comes to mind. Then look what Mel Gibson has done with "The Passion".

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That is exactly why, for a couple of years, I have been kickin around the idea of starting a place, for like minded, children of God, like myself to worship. But I fully believe when it is time for this, God, will let me know. I'll keep you informed on the progress.WDE and God Bless! Miracles from God are happening every day.

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