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New Book Quotes Obama as Describing Tea Partiers as 'Tea-Baggers'


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What a vulgar little man this socialist is!

A new book about President Obama alleges he once used the vulgar term "tea-bagger" to refer to the Tea Party movement.

Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter, in his book "The Promise: President Obama, Year One," to be released May 18, quotes the president as saying that Republican opposition to the economic stimulus package "helped create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party where it now controls the agenda for the Republicans," according to a Washington Post report on the book.

"Tea-bagging" has been used as a derogatory term for the Tea Party movement because of its sexual connotations.

Tea Party sympathizers were quick to respond. "It is insulting to have him lecture on civility while being the least civil participant," Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform said in a written statement. "Obama, get out of the gutter, wash your mouth out with soap and grow up."

White House spokesman Bill Burton responded Wednesday evening by saying he had no reason to dispute the accuracy of the quote in Alterman's book, adding that the term was not meant to be derogatory in any way.


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I don't get it....they sent tea bags to senators as protesters

Tea Party sites use the words Tea Bag

Send a Tea Bag to Washington; Modern Tea Party

Although the goal for this one is to have the tea bags in hand tomorrow, I think if they get there this week it'll still send the right message. Even sending a fax picture of a tea bag works. Send an email with the word "TEA BAG TEA PARTY" as the message (I'd imagine attached clip art will end up in spam file somewhere).


Is this one of those "We can use the word but you can't" things?

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No, it isn't. Because these folks don't refer to themselves as Tea Baggers, which while you are playing dumb you know was chosen by the Left because of the pornographic double entendre involved. If there's been a consensus term used among those involved in it, it would be Tea Partiers. Can the babe in the woods act.

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Feb. 27, 2009

At the first anti-stimulus "New American Tea Party" rally in Washington D.C., a protestor carries a sign reading "Tea Bag the Liberal Dems before they Tea Bag You!!" The Washington Independent's David Weigel calls it "the best sign I saw."

March 2

Americans for Prosperity, an anti-tax group, is one of the first Tea Party organizations to advocate sending tea bags to elected officials to protest the stimulus package. Several other lobby groups follow suit.

April 1

Several Tea Party protest sites encourage readers to "Tea bag the fools in DC." Jay Nordlinger at National Review Online later admits: "Conservatives started [using the term]... but others ran and ran with it."


So to sum up, Republicans want to use it when denouncing the left but dammit, the left should STOP mocking the right with it!

Stop it! We can only do it to you!

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Yes, it is similar to how non-blacks are not allowed to use the N-word.

The guy in your quote used it as a verb to mock the democrats that had used Tea Baggers instead of Tea Party when they knew what the name was.

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Where in the article does it say PRESIDENT OBAMA is a socialist?

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Where in the article does it say PRESIDENT OBAMA is a socialist?

That's like saying "the sky is blue". Every article doesn't have to say that.

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Feb. 27, 2009

At the first anti-stimulus "New American Tea Party" rally in Washington D.C., a protestor carries a sign reading "Tea Bag the Liberal Dems before they Tea Bag You!!" The Washington Independent's David Weigel calls it "the best sign I saw."

March 2

Americans for Prosperity, an anti-tax group, is one of the first Tea Party organizations to advocate sending tea bags to elected officials to protest the stimulus package. Several other lobby groups follow suit.

April 1

Several Tea Party protest sites encourage readers to "Tea bag the fools in DC." Jay Nordlinger at National Review Online later admits: "Conservatives started [using the term]... but others ran and ran with it."


So to sum up, Republicans want to use it when denouncing the left but dammit, the left should STOP mocking the right with it!

Stop it! We can only do it to you!

No, to sum it up, you plucked three instances out of thousands, one of which you know doesn't even come close to what the blowhards on the left are insinuating by using that phrase.

Unlike the n-word or the word "redneck" and others where it's usually considered an insult only when a person not of that group uses it, you can't find anything even remotely close to widespread use of the term "tea bagger" by the people who belong to this group. A simple Google search will tell you that the ones that use this term are Democrats and left-wingers, the overwhelming majority of whom know its more risque meaning, as a pejorative.

You're not dumb. Quit acting like it to push this stupid idea.

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Where in the article does it say PRESIDENT OBAMA is a socialist?

Oh come on! Obama is not a socialist! He is just a president that loves socialistic programs and as much government control over every segment of society possible, who is a habitual liar. Don't call him a socialist. He's much worse than that. At least some socialist have some character and integrity.

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