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Coach Pat Dye on Finebaum


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Pauw whinning about Coach Dye missing his segment last week. Pauw started mouthing off to Coach and Coach Dye hung up on the Weazel. Love it. I hate finescum. Anyone else listening? It's purely for the comedy as far as im concerned. Nothing else on here in cullman area as far as sportstalk goes.

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Pretty disrespectful to CPD. Fine with me if he never goes back on the show again.

Ditto. I wish he would skip it all together. I wish Finescum had no Auburn guests. I wish it was a total boycott.

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The truth of the matter is that PF is disrespectful to every one who comes on his show. He seems to be even more disrespectful to Dye, and that is how it has been for several years. Candidly, PF is not a nice person and will stab his "friends" in the back in a NY second. I have listened to the way he talks about his "friends."

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I must add that I got this from tidefans.com. One poster on there said that "Dye is no fool. He knows the REC controls the media". Hmmmm....

On another side note, the Alabama fans on that site really have a lot of hate for Auburn. Browsing around that site make me feel like they are the ones who would go to any lengths to win.

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The truth of the matter is that PF is disrespectful to every one who comes on his show. He seems to be even more disrespectful to Dye, and that is how it has been for several years. Candidly, PF is not a nice person and will stab his "friends" in the back in a NY second. I have listened to the way he talks about his "friends."

Not to everyone he doesn't. He is always respectful to Coach Stallings and has never said anything behind his back.

Last night I wanted to hear the bammers excuses so I listened and PF was still acting butt hurt over CPD being a no show last week. Toward the end PF got an attitude and jumped in CPD's face again about it, Dye gave Finedong a chance to get out but the prick wouldn't and then CPD hung up. My first thought was the little turd would never and has never talked that way to Coach Stallings. Coach Stallings tried (lightly) to set the little prick straight and said something about always calling in on a land line and having bad cell reception at times.

If I were the sponsors I would tell the little queer that unless he makes an on air apology to Coach Dye and make it sound sincere, sponsorship would be pulled.

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He has been disrespectful to Coach Stallings this year. When Coach Stallings found out what He had said to Mike Leach about Dye and Stallings and Coach called him out on it, and was mad that PF didn't take up for them, and basically said that Stallings and Dye were fired. He has never been as rude to him as he has to Coach Dye, though, and I think last night gave Coach Dye the ammo to go to the sponser and be able to get out of the contract, or because the season is over, maybe last night was the last time anyway. Stallings and Dye are friends and Coach tried to take up for Coach Dye, and I bet he decides not to be on there next year either. I would hate that, because it was a chance to hear from Coach Stallings each week, but I don't want him to be insulted.

I'm not an Auburn fan by any means,but I do believe the older coaches deserve some form of respect just for what they did for their programs. The present coaches may be getting big salaries now, and have to take the abuse, but these coaches were not making that kind of money, and worked just as hard at the job and don't deserve someone like PF taking jabs at them several years later.

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Finebaum's huge ego could be setting him up for a massive fall.

Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. -- Prov 16:18

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Finebaum is just the regional version of that new creature of the new milleum, the sport shock jock. Jim Rome is a national version of this strangely popular character. They're all like the character of Louie on "Taxi", hiding behind microphones while hypocritically mocking bloggers and website posters.

One of the darkly funniest things I've ever seen on TV was when Jim Rome kept calling QB Jim Everett "Chrissy Everet" face to face on Rome's old ESPN show and Everett jumped up and punked Rome ON THE AIR. Rome disappeared for a couple months then reappeared w/ a feaux tough-guy van dyke beard, feaux tough-guy black mock turtle neck, and a show where he didn't have to face anybody in person....while he mocked or slimed them.

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Bottom line is Finebaum needs CPD a lot more than CPD needs Finebaum.

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sadly a pensacola sports network down here has decided to run at least an hour of the finescum show and it just started down here like a week or 2 ago. I just happened to be in the truck one day and it was on. It took me less than 5 minutes to realize who it was and for me to pop in a cd. I will never listed to that uat blowhard.

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Pauw whinning about Coach Dye missing his segment last week. Pauw started mouthing off to Coach and Coach Dye hung up on the Weazel. Love it. I hate finescum. Anyone else listening? It's purely for the comedy as far as im concerned. Nothing else on here in cullman area as far as sportstalk goes.

Have you seen the You Tube video of Hitler as Sabin when he tells everyone to leave the room but 3 people one being PF..that's about the truth!! The video ends with Sabin being upset about AU and asking for a Little Debbie..hehe

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