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Schad/Thamel are the Dukes


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I've never seen two reporters so butt hurt in my life - they see their credibility fading fast and are grasping for straws. There has to be a good analogy for them, right? I just wish I had LSUFREAKS skills...

Let me set the stage here for those who aren't familiar. If you aren't familiar, you need to watch the movie TODAY.

You have Akroyd (Chizik) Murphy (Newton) and the old guys - the Dukes (Schad/Thamel) who are given some bad information about the Orange Juice Market. They put all their chips in the wrong basket...and at the end...they are ruined. And are grasping for anything and at the end shout the famous "TURN THOSE MACHINES BACK ON"


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I was thinking the EXACT same thing. Even looked around for that clip, but ended up going w/ the Willie Wonka message, for Schad and the four letter network.....

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