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Nader Factor


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Nader Factor Could Tip Presidential Race

Monday, May 03, 2004

WASHINGTON — Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader ignores criticism from Democrats that he will damage John Kerry's presidential bid and insists he is in the race for the long haul.

In 2000, Nader ran on the Green Party ticket, and some Democrats charged that he cost Al Gore the election. Nader says they should get over it.

"If the Democrats would stop whining about Greens and get to work, they would win this election," he said.

Nader says he doesn't have much time for liberals who, fearing he could help re-elect President Bush, have condemned his independent bid for the White House.

"So far as I know, I haven't been criticized by anyone who doesn't have life insurance, health insurance, a good job and a retirement plan. My compass is the American people who are falling behind," Nader said.

He also says this year he has a real chance to steal Republican votes from the president, arguing that conservatives opposed to the Patriot Act and big deficits have something in common with him.

Nader told Fox News he's in the race to stay even if it looks like he's siphoning votes from John Kerry.


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i look for nadar to pull out of the race and be a non-factor this time around.

here's a little-known fact: 'nadar' in latin actually means "non-factor".

look it up.


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i look for nadar to pull out of the race and be a non-factor this time around.

here's a little-known fact: 'nadar' in latin actually means "non-factor".

look it up.


I'm sure that most Latin Americans would've recognized that! :D

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i look for nadar to pull out of the race and be a non-factor this time around.

here's a little-known fact:  'nadar' in latin actually means "non-factor".

look it up.


I looked it up and couldn't find it. The closest I could come to was 'nascor' which means to: be born, spring forth, arise.

Yep. I'm positive this was the genesis for NASCAR originating in the South. (Hey, think about it -- it makes sense. B) )

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