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Prime Example of Typical Alabama fan...


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Check out this neck. A fork lift operator wearing an I hate Auburn shirt. Apparently Saban commented at media days and this neck to paraphrase that was like God speaking.

Jim Rome use to do checklists on his show we should develop one for Bama fans.


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Check out this neck. A fork lift operator wearing an I hate Auburn shirt. Apparently Saban commented at media days and this neck to paraphrase that was like God speaking.

Jim Rome use to do checklists on his show we should develop one for Bama fans.



"I felt this big when I heard he said that," Blackerby said, holding his fingers an inch apart while standing in the front row behind ropes in The Wynfrey lobby. "It's like I went to church and God told me He didn't approve."


This quote tells you everything you need to know about this updyke.

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Check out this neck. A fork lift operator wearing an I hate Auburn shirt. Apparently Saban commented at media days and this neck to paraphrase that was like God speaking.

Jim Rome use to do checklists on his show we should develop one for Bama fans.


I'd hate Auburn too! We're awesome!!

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I understand that what makes this a story is the whole Updyke situation. However I’ve been seeing these I hate Auburn t-shirts since the forklift driver was riding a tricycle. I remember going to games a seeing the I hate Auburn shirts, buttons, and stickers. I also saw a lot of t-shirts with worse things than I hate Auburn at Legion Field back in the day. But then again like they all say “they’ve never had nothing but class.” :rolleyes:

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Check out this neck. A fork lift operator wearing an I hate Auburn shirt. Apparently Saban commented at media days and this neck to paraphrase that was like God speaking.

Jim Rome use to do checklists on his show we should develop one for Bama fans.


A real southern man and a true AMERICAN hero!

Just Joshin' ya'

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Wasn't it $aban, a couple of years ago, who said something like "Don't you know know how much I hate these guys" during the AU/UA game?

Updyke, T-shirt guy, and Saban are three peas in a pod.

Oh yeah, BTW, it's nothing personal, according to $aban.

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Wasn't it $aban, a couple of years ago, who said something like "Don't you know know how much I hate these guys" during the AU/UA game?

Updyke, T-shirt guy, and Saban are three peas in a pod.

Oh yeah, BTW, it's nothing personal, according to $aban.

Yes, except the term Saban used wasn't "guys". It was Bast**** if i recall correctly. I was thinking of that while reading Saban's phony response to his fellow Updyke.

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No no no Saban called AU mfers at end of 08 Iron Bowl. Considering he is a known liar, a tyrant, disgraced former NFL coach with win all costs mentality should we care?

Mad before Bama fan weighs in this dislike for Saban is NOT because he wins but his unattractive personality and lack of character and professionalism. Or let me just put it In laymen's term great coach piece of crap person. Give me a guy like Tony Dungy or Richt or Chizik or Joe Gibbs classy Christian coaches.

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In retrospect could the April Tornado and the Toomer's Tree Poisening be bringing a more gentleman's view of iron bowl in the eye of the coach's and players. In my book I'll always hate all that Bammer stands for,but in the last six months lots of stuff has happened and they maybe are trying to relay to the players its just a game.

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Saban actually said "Don't you know how much I hate those f...ers." This was picked up by the TV microphones (but not broadcast)and was commented on by the two guys calling the game. They made a big joke about it and laughed about it. And, it was right after halftime and bammer was leading the game 28 to 0 at the time. What a disinginuous person and lier Saban is.

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Saban actually said "Don't you know how much I hate those f...ers." This was picked up by the TV microphones (but not broadcast)and was commented on by the two guys calling the game. They made a big joke about it and laughed about it. And, it was right after halftime and bammer was leading the game 28 to 0 at the time. What a disinginuous person and lier Saban is.

It was actually the chick on the sidelines that had the report of what satan said.

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Saban actually said "Don't you know how much I hate those f...ers." This was picked up by the TV microphones (but not broadcast)and was commented on by the two guys calling the game. They made a big joke about it and laughed about it. And, it was right after halftime and bammer was leading the game 28 to 0 at the time. What a disinginuous person and lier Saban is.

Come on guys. I'm tired of everyone in this nation trying to be so politically correct and try not to offend anyone. I want to first say that I do not own or would wear an "I hate Auburn" tee shirt or button, but if I wanted to, I assure you that I would, and since Coach Saban doesn't pay for my wardrobe, and is not responsible for telling me how to feel, I would say it's none of his business. If he can't control his own mouth, or the writtings of his own daughter, then don't get on TV and try to sound so PC.

With that having been said, I really don't care that the guy wore the tee shirt, or that Saban or his daughter said what they did. They have the freedom to feel however they want and since it is not illegal to do so, then so be it.

We all express ourselves in different ways.

Are Auburn fans really trying to convince anyone that their fans don't have the same type of merchandise? I see nothing wrong with people saying this.........I do want to point out that I do have a problem if you take said hatred and do damage to property or life, but to get all up in the air because someone said that they hate your school is a little childish.

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....Are Auburn fans really trying to convince anyone that their fans don't have the same type of merchandise? I see nothing wrong with people saying this.........I do want to point out that I do have a problem if you take said hatred and do damage to property or life, but to get all up in the air because someone said that they hate your school is a little childish.

I haven't seen any, not saying it's not out there, care to provide a link to where one might purchase such items?

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....Are Auburn fans really trying to convince anyone that their fans don't have the same type of merchandise? I see nothing wrong with people saying this.........I do want to point out that I do have a problem if you take said hatred and do damage to property or life, but to get all up in the air because someone said that they hate your school is a little childish.

I haven't seen any, not saying it's not out there, care to provide a link to where one might purchase such items?

I prefer to spend my money on items that shows my support for Auburn and not my distaste for all things Bama. I don't put much Auburn stuff on my car since I live in the Tuscaloosa area. I've seen what crazy fans can do (trees) so I don't want my car to get keyed or tires punctured. When I do put up my flags, I've even been known to take them off my car when I have to park the car somewhere in T-Town after dark. #waytoomanycrazies

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....Are Auburn fans really trying to convince anyone that their fans don't have the same type of merchandise? I see nothing wrong with people saying this.........I do want to point out that I do have a problem if you take said hatred and do damage to property or life, but to get all up in the air because someone said that they hate your school is a little childish.

I haven't seen any, not saying it's not out there, care to provide a link to where one might purchase such items?

I prefer to spend my money on items that shows my support for Auburn and not my distaste for all things Bama. I don't put much Auburn stuff on my car since I live in the Tuscaloosa area. I've seen what crazy fans can do (trees) so I don't want my car to get keyed or tires punctured. When I do put up my flags, I've even been known to take them off my car when I have to park the car somewhere in T-Town after dark. #waytoomanycrazies

I have no interest in purchasing such items, I'm just curious IF they actually exist.

Or is this more rare, like a unicorn being ridden by a genie...

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I have no interest in purchasing such items, I'm just curious IF they actually exist.

Or is this more rare, like a unicorn being ridden by a genie...

Or a photograph of a ninja... :o

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....Are Auburn fans really trying to convince anyone that their fans don't have the same type of merchandise? I see nothing wrong with people saying this.........I do want to point out that I do have a problem if you take said hatred and do damage to property or life, but to get all up in the air because someone said that they hate your school is a little childish.

I haven't seen any, not saying it's not out there, care to provide a link to where one might purchase such items?

I prefer to spend my money on items that shows my support for Auburn and not my distaste for all things Bama. I don't put much Auburn stuff on my car since I live in the Tuscaloosa area. I've seen what crazy fans can do (trees) so I don't want my car to get keyed or tires punctured. When I do put up my flags, I've even been known to take them off my car when I have to park the car somewhere in T-Town after dark. #waytoomanycrazies

I have no interest in purchasing such items, I'm just curious IF they actually exist.

Or is this more rare, like a unicorn being ridden by a genie...

The worst I've ever seen are those "the good, the bad, the ugly" shirts, where Bama is the ugly.

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....Are Auburn fans really trying to convince anyone that their fans don't have the same type of merchandise? I see nothing wrong with people saying this.........I do want to point out that I do have a problem if you take said hatred and do damage to property or life, but to get all up in the air because someone said that they hate your school is a little childish.

I haven't seen any, not saying it's not out there, care to provide a link to where one might purchase such items?

I prefer to spend my money on items that shows my support for Auburn and not my distaste for all things Bama. I don't put much Auburn stuff on my car since I live in the Tuscaloosa area. I've seen what crazy fans can do (trees) so I don't want my car to get keyed or tires punctured. When I do put up my flags, I've even been known to take them off my car when I have to park the car somewhere in T-Town after dark. #waytoomanycrazies

I have no interest in purchasing such items, I'm just curious IF they actually exist.

Or is this more rare, like a unicorn being ridden by a genie...

I really don't know where you'd get merchandise like that. To be honest, I'm really not a tee shirt person. I do like to wear Bama gear, but I like the oxford or polo shirts with the script A or I am quite fond of houndstooth jackets. People have given me tee shirts with certain sayings on them, but I just feel that after a certain age, you shouldn't wear those. I think that age would be when you're out of school, so for that reason, I can guarantee you that I would never be seen with an I hate Auburn shirt on my person.

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With that having been said, I really don't care that the guy wore the tee shirt, or that Saban or his daughter said what they did. They have the freedom to feel however they want and since it is not illegal to do so, then so be it.

We all express ourselves in different ways.

That's what is called a straw man. That they have the freedom to feel however they want to isn't the issue. It's merely pointing out what trailer trash low lifes bama fans tend to be, across the board. From the Updykes, to the Moores, and this moron w/ the t-shirt, ( need I go on ? ) bama fans are by far more infested w/ degenerates and low life losers than any other fan base. And it's not even close.

Are Auburn fans really trying to convince anyone that their fans don't have the same type of merchandise? I see nothing wrong with people saying this.........I do want to point out that I do have a problem if you take said hatred and do damage to property or life, but to get all up in the air because someone said that they hate your school is a little childish.

Another straw man... followed w/ a bit of irony. ( or idiocy ) Damage to property ? Really ? Are you actually going to go there ?

Just pathetic.

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