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Dye: Auburn Has More Talent Than BCS Championship Team


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Coach Dye is correct. The coaching staff has been doing a good job building a program. Cam was a big plus but there are many other players coming in and gaining experience. Auburn will be competitive this year.

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Another vid...

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Another vid...

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Typical Bammer ... spends more time talking about Auburn than he does about Bama, even when "his" team is expected to compete for a national championship. [Disclaimer: since I don't have access to the raw footage, it may be the video editor, not Coach Stallings, who is the Bammer.]

I agree with Dye ... this Auburn team is going to be fun to watch. I expect us to surprise a few people.

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The quote from my sig is from Pat Dye when my family and I met him at Tiger Suites, we talked for a good 20 minutes. Class act all the way. He is also right about what he said in the video too.

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1. Dye's 100% correct, this year's team has more TALENT than our title team

2. Much of that talent is inexperienced, only UF has a younger team in the SEC this year

3. Auburn will lose 4-5 games this year

4. Auburn will finish in the top 3 next year w/...all this talent w/...experience

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While he's right about talent level, I'd trade some of that for some experience

I wouldn't because we will have both 2012-2014.

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A brutal schedule mixed with inexperience doesn't usually lend itself to a great season, but stranger things have happened.

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A brutal schedule mixed with inexperience doesn't usually lend itself to a great season, but stranger things have happened.

Great season, no. But then our definition of a great season has improved considerably than what it used to be. I do think this will be a good season, and like Dye said, fun to watch.

Of course Auburn won't be as good as last year. But they're almost certain to be a lot better than they were 2 years ago.

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We look a LOT like Florida in 2007:

-They only return 5 starters from the national title team, but they have 2 straight classes of elite recruits

-They do return almost their entire coaching staff, including the OC who makes it all tick

-They were in their 3rd year under Meyer

-They had Percy Harvin (we have Trovon Reed)

-They had a defense staffed almost completely by (very highly recruited) freshmen and sophomores


-They had Tebow (but we have Dyer & McCalebb)

-They had a more favorable home schedule

-They had a lot of upper classmen on the O line, but I'm not sure if they started the year prior

-They were a consensus preseason top 5 pick

They went 9-4, 5-3 in conference play.

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While he's right about talent level, I'd trade some of that for some experience

I wouldn't because we will have both 2012-2014.

I'm referencing this year.

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Try to tell most non AU fans that there's more over all talent coming back, and they'll likely shake their heads, smile politely, and think you're deluded.

My reply ? Look at what Chizik and Gus did, with far less talent, in year 1. Now that 1st recruiting class is upcoming Jrs, with two top 5 signing classes to back them up, which is quite an upgrade from what they had when they first got to Auburn.

But I'll take Dye at his word, and agree when he says this young team will have to find itself. Wrassle with them angles, as they grow, I reckon. But in '12, don't count this Tigers out.

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