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Kerry's Wife Pays Less Taxes Than Median Family


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For a long time Steve Forbes has been advocating a flat tax. He says this is the only way to make sure the rich pay their fair share of taxes due Uncle Sam.

Now we know why Steve Forbes wants the flat tax.  Wealthy individuals such as Teresa Heinz Kerry pay less in taxes, proportionately, than does the median U.S. family.

This fact was illustrated to us by a NewsMax reader, Robert Clay of California.

Mr. Clay writes:

"According to HUD, the median family income for the U.S. for 2003 was $56,500.  After applying the standard deduction of $9,500 for married filing jointly we end up with a taxable income of $47,000.  This puts the average family in the 15 percent tax bracket.  Kerry's wife, using tax shelters, managed to pay only an effective federal tax rate of 11.5 percent, compared with the top federal income tax rate of 35 percent.  She paid $587,000 on an income of $5.1M.

"If Kerry wants the rich to pay more he should start with his wife."

Despite the release of partial financial information, John and Teresa Kerry have not explained why, if it's so important for the evil rich to pay more taxes, they didn't add a voluntary addition to their check to the IRS.


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"If Kerry wants the rich to pay more he should start with his wife."

That would require the head democrat to practice what he preaches. How likely is that to happen?

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