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Coming soon: bammer tweets


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Alabama Exposed! Hey Coach Saban, looks like your players let the Championship trophy go to their heads (and Twitter accounts)!

On February 28th, 2012, Chat Sports will publish a ground breaking story on the socially, racially and sexually unacceptable tweets that have been published publicly by members of the 2012 Alabama Crimson Tide football recruiting class.

Further reading: 2012 Top recruiting classes EXPOSED by Tweets

Make sure to bookmark this link and mark your calendar to come back on 2/28/12 to read what is sure to be the article of the year in collegiate athletics!


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Alabama Exposed! Hey Coach Saban, looks like your players let the Championship trophy go to their heads (and Twitter accounts)!

On February 28th, 2012, Chat Sports will publish a ground breaking story on the socially, racially and sexually unacceptable tweets that have been published publicly by members of the 2012 Alabama Crimson Tide football recruiting class.

Come now, surely not...not from the classy culture that gave us "Rammer Jammer", "Son of a Preacher Man/Take the Money & Run", tree killers, and teabaggers! :whistle:


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If Abraham Lincoln were only alive today...

"Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to (Tweet) and Remove All Doubt" :roflol:

+1 :thumbsup:

...Lincoln freed the slaves, but even he couldn't have freed a Bammer mind.

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I am all for this "blowing the lid off", but anytime someone gives us a future date and time of when the sh** is hitting the fan, there is usually a let down. See Geraldo and the Al Capone's vault.

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When I saw the thread titled "bama tweets" I was thinking more along the lines of:

@rammerjammer; At sisters house, given her a foot rub#

@bubba; Down here at the crick warshin my clothes#

@bigalsboy; Thinkin bout puttin my ballz on them trees down ther at awbarn#

@sabbanites; hollar atcha boy, gettin marryed today. Unkle billy bob is still pissed that I'm gettin hitched to his sister. Thinks that'll make him my cuzzin for sum reason#

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You would think if they had time to put up that info on the site they would have went ahead and posted the tweets. Stuff like that makes me very skeptical.

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The thing is, you could make a story like this for pretty much every college football team out there. There's no telling what kind of stupid stuff I would have put out there when I was 17/18 years old.

The biggest thing that bothers me is that it looks like the authors are not putting their names on the articles. If you're going to put this kind of info out there about teenagers, you better be put your name out there instead of just having "Chatsports Staffwriter" as the author name on the article.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This could get interesting IF there is some REAL substance to their claim that they have tweets that indicate recruiting violations.

That editor's note makes no sense to me. If you've got it, publish it. We're not talking about leaking national secrets or even breaching ethical boundaries. All I can figure is it's a defensive statement to ward off schools filing suits against the publisher, but that seems like a stretch.

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This could get interesting IF there is some REAL substance to their claim that they have tweets that indicate recruiting violations.

That editor's note makes no sense to me. If you've got it, publish it. We're not talking about leaking national secrets or even breaching ethical boundaries. All I can figure is it's a defensive statement to ward off schools filing suits against the publisher, but that seems like a stretch.

I thought the same thing or that it could be a teaser just to keep traffic coming to their site. I guess time will tell.

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