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Domestic Oil Production increases despite WH policies


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In the words of arnie ... Facts suck, don't they?

The president and the White House haven't been shy about claiming credit for doing everything possible to keep gasoline prices low. As White House spokesman Jay Carney said this week "Oil and gas production in the United States has risen every year since the president's been in office. Oil production is now higher than it's been in eight years."

Industry analysts say production is rising -- not because of President Obama, but in spite of him.

"Today on federal land, the area where the president has control, production in the Gulf of Mexico is down 30 percent. Lease sales in Rocky Mountains on federal lands are down 70 percent," Jack Gerard, head of the American Petroleum Institute said. He says the president has put 85 percent of the outer continental shelf off limits and overall, is only making 3 percent of the areas under his control available for development. Numbers from think tanks and the federal Energy Information Administration confirm those numbers.

Nevertheless, steadily rising gas prices are a political liability. That's why the president now takes credit for the results of policies he ran against in 2008. One ad lambasted McCain by tying him to the Bush energy policies, saying "McCain and Bush support a drilling plan that won't produce a drop of oil for seven years."

The president initially wanted to drive up oil prices to make renewable energy more attractive. :blink: His cap and trade plan was too harsh even for Democratic allies and failed. Nevertheless, Obama still seems to deny that drilling would reduce prices. "You know there are no quick fixes to this problem, and you know we can't just drill our way to lower gas prices," he said at a speech in Florida this week.

Exploration and development do take years. But analysts argue the administration can't now take credit for decisions about drilling made years ago by President Bush and his predecessors. "That production is a direct result of leases issued before this administration and as result of development on private and state lands," Gerard said.

On private lands, oil production is booming. In North Dakota, the oil and gas are on private or state land and beyond the president's control. The state has gone from producing a small amount of oil to some 450,000 barrels a day. Unemployment is 3.3 percent, the lowest in the country. And the state has a budget surplus in the billions.

Gerard thinks North Dakota isn't the only place. He says if the President would unleash the energy industry, the US and Canada have so much oil and gas that, along with renewables, we could become energy independent. "We could be energy self sufficient right here in North America in 12 years, but that takes political courage," he said. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and others are now talking about releasing oil from the strategic petroleum reserve.

Gerard says it at least shows the administration recognizes that supply affects prices. But he argues we have a bigger reserve right under our feet-- if we'd only develop it.

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In the words of arnie ... Facts suck, don't they?

The president and the White House haven't been shy about claiming credit for doing everything possible to keep gasoline prices low. As White House spokesman Jay Carney said this week "Oil and gas production in the United States has risen every year since the president's been in office. Oil production is now higher than it's been in eight years."

Industry analysts say production is rising -- not because of President Obama, but in spite of him.

"Today on federal land, the area where the president has control, production in the Gulf of Mexico is down 30 percent. Lease sales in Rocky Mountains on federal lands are down 70 percent," Jack Gerard, head of the American Petroleum Institute said. He says the president has put 85 percent of the outer continental shelf off limits and overall, is only making 3 percent of the areas under his control available for development. Numbers from think tanks and the federal Energy Information Administration confirm those numbers.

Nevertheless, steadily rising gas prices are a political liability. That's why the president now takes credit for the results of policies he ran against in 2008. One ad lambasted McCain by tying him to the Bush energy policies, saying "McCain and Bush support a drilling plan that won't produce a drop of oil for seven years."

The president initially wanted to drive up oil prices to make renewable energy more attractive. :blink: His cap and trade plan was too harsh even for Democratic allies and failed. Nevertheless, Obama still seems to deny that drilling would reduce prices. "You know there are no quick fixes to this problem, and you know we can't just drill our way to lower gas prices," he said at a speech in Florida this week.

Exploration and development do take years. But analysts argue the administration can't now take credit for decisions about drilling made years ago by President Bush and his predecessors. "That production is a direct result of leases issued before this administration and as result of development on private and state lands," Gerard said.

On private lands, oil production is booming. In North Dakota, the oil and gas are on private or state land and beyond the president's control. The state has gone from producing a small amount of oil to some 450,000 barrels a day. Unemployment is 3.3 percent, the lowest in the country. And the state has a budget surplus in the billions.

Gerard thinks North Dakota isn't the only place. He says if the President would unleash the energy industry, the US and Canada have so much oil and gas that, along with renewables, we could become energy independent. "We could be energy self sufficient right here in North America in 12 years, but that takes political courage," he said. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and others are now talking about releasing oil from the strategic petroleum reserve.

Gerard says it at least shows the administration recognizes that supply affects prices. But he argues we have a bigger reserve right under our feet-- if we'd only develop it.

There only source is a member of what?

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There only source is a member of what?

Their source(s) are stated right there in the article. They're presenting the real reasons domestic oil production is up -- unlike left-wing journos or this administration. Refute the facts if you can.

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There only source is a member of what?

Their source(s) are stated right there in the article. They're presenting the real reasons domestic oil production is up -- unlike left-wing journos or this administration. Refute the facts if you can.

The largest lobbying group for the oil industry, funded by the Koch brothers, and supported Rick Perry. Those are the facts

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There only source is a member of what?

Their source(s) are stated right there in the article. They're presenting the real reasons domestic oil production is up -- unlike left-wing journos or this administration. Refute the facts if you can.

The largest lobbying group for the oil industry, funded by the Koch brothers, and supported Rick Perry. Those are the facts

And the Democrat Party is funded by Soros. So what.

http://www.forbes.com/sites/louiswoodhill/2012/02/22/gasoline-prices-are-not-rising-the-dollar-is-falling/Panic is in the air as gasoline prices move above $4.00 per gallon. Politicians and pundits are rounding up the usual suspects, looking for someone or something to blame for this latest outrage to middle class family budgets. In a rare display of bipartisanship, President Obama and Speaker of the House John Boehner are both wringing their hands over the prospect of seeing their newly extended Social Security tax cut gobbled up by rising gasoline costs.

Unfortunately, the talking heads that are trying to explain the reasons for high oil prices are missing one tiny detail. Oil prices aren’t high right now. In fact, they are unusually low. Gasoline prices would have to rise by another $0.65 to $0.75 per gallon from where they are now just to be “normal”. And, because gasoline prices are low right now, it is very likely that they are going to go up more—perhaps a lot more.

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There only source is a member of what?

Their source(s) are stated right there in the article. They're presenting the real reasons domestic oil production is up -- unlike left-wing journos or this administration. Refute the facts if you can.

The largest lobbying group for the oil industry, funded by the Koch brothers, and supported Rick Perry. Those are the facts

And the Democrat Party is funded by Soros. So what.

Panic is in the air as gasoline prices move above $4.00 per gallon. Politicians and pundits are rounding up the usual suspects, looking for someone or something to blame for this latest outrage to middle class family budgets. In a rare display of bipartisanship, President Obama and Speaker of the House John Boehner are both wringing their hands over the prospect of seeing their newly extended Social Security tax cut gobbled up by rising gasoline costs.

Unfortunately, the talking heads that are trying to explain the reasons for high oil prices are missing one tiny detail. Oil prices aren't high right now. In fact, they are unusually low. Gasoline prices would have to rise by another $0.65 to $0.75 per gallon from where they are now just to be "normal". And, because gasoline prices are low right now, it is very likely that they are going to go up more—perhaps a lot more.

Rread some more

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There only source is a member of what?

Their source(s) are stated right there in the article. They're presenting the real reasons domestic oil production is up -- unlike left-wing journos or this administration. Refute the facts if you can.

The largest lobbying group for the oil industry, funded by the Koch brothers, and supported Rick Perry. Those are the facts

Those are facts but they do not and can not refute the facts presented in the article I posted. (Good effort at dodging, though. :thumbsup: )

Back to the original topic of this thread -- this administration's policies are directly contrary to increasing domestic oil production on federal lands. Any increase in production today has been the result of leases issued under the Bush administration and of course, from private & state owned lands where obammie's oil production killing policies have had zero effect. Thus, it is total hypocracy for this administration to tout the overall increase in domestic oil production during their reign.

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There only source is a member of what?

Their source(s) are stated right there in the article. They're presenting the real reasons domestic oil production is up -- unlike left-wing journos or this administration. Refute the facts if you can.

The largest lobbying group for the oil industry, funded by the Koch brothers, and supported Rick Perry. Those are the facts

Those are facts but they do not and can not refute the facts presented in the article I posted. (Good effort at dodging, though. :thumbsup: )

Back to the original topic of this thread -- this administration's policies are directly contrary to increasing domestic oil production on federal lands. Any increase in production today has been the result of leases issued under the Bush administration and of course, from private & state owned lands where obammie's oil production killing policies have had zero effect. Thus, it is total hypocracy for this administration to tout the overall increase in domestic oil production during their reign.

So what policies of the Obama administration do you believe have a significant impact on the cost of gas?

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With worldwide demand for gas higher than ever before, Obama has depressed oil supply by denying the Keystone pipeline, shutting down drilling off shore, and forcing the American people into alternative energy before they are available or economically feasible.

But that has not stopped him despite the wasted billions of taxpayer dollars that could have been used to develop domestic oil. Obama's goal all along has been to cause energy to rise in cost. He thinks that higher prices will cause us to move to alternative energy. Trucks don't run on imaginary energy and the high cost of fuel will be passed to us in the form of higher prices in nearly everything.

Stand by for ramming.

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Obama was supported by Big Oil during the 2008 Campaign...BP being one of them. I dare say this flies in the face of the argument of those who think Big Oil is only in support of one party.

That said, gas prices will continue to rise if we don't A: get the refineries back online through fair regulation and B: when we decide an all in approach to energy.

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5 Biggest Whoppers In Obama's Energy Speech

Energy: The White House billed President Obama's energy policy speech as a response to mounting criticism of record high gas prices. What he delivered was a grab bag of excuses and outright falsehoods.

Obama's main message to struggling motorists was: It's not my fault, so stop whining. The speech only got worse from there, recycling excuses and myths that Obama's peddled for years. But there were some standout whoppers that deserve debunking. The five biggest:

"We're focused on production."

Fact: While production is up under Obama, this has nothing to do with his policies, but is the result of permits and private industry efforts that began long before Obama occupied the White House.

Obama has chosen almost always to limit production. He canceled leases on federal lands in Utah, suspended them in Montana, delayed them in Colorado and Utah, and canceled lease sales off the Virginia coast.

His administration also has been slow-walking permits in the Gulf of Mexico, approving far fewer while stretching out review times, according to the Greater New Orleans Gulf Permit Index. The Energy Dept. says Gulf oil output will be down 17% by the end of 2013, compared with the start of 2011. Swift Energy President Bruce Vincent is right to say Obama has "done nothing but restrict access and delay permitting."

"The U.S. consumes more than a fifth of the world's oil. But we only have 2% of the world's oil reserves."

Fact: Obama constantly refers to this statistic to buttress his claim that "we can't drill our way to lower gas prices." The argument goes that since the U.S. supply is limited, it won't ever make a difference to world prices.

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It's bogus. New exploration and drilling technologies have uncovered vast amounts of recoverable oil.

In fact, the U.S. has a mind-boggling 1.4 trillion barrels of oil, enough to "fuel the present needs in the U.S. for around 250 years," according to the Institute for Energy Research. The problem is the government has put most of this supply off limits.

"Because of the investments we've made, the use of clean, renewable energy in this country has nearly doubled."

Fact: Production of renewable energy — biomass, wind, solar and the like — climbed just 12% between 2008 and 2011, according to the federal Energy Information Administration.

"We need to double-down on a clean energy industry that's never been more promising."

Fact: Renewable energy simply won't play an important role in the country's energy picture anytime soon, accounting for just 13% of U.S. energy production by 2035, according to the EIA.

"There are no short-term silver bullets when it comes to gas prices."

Fact: Obama could drive down oil prices right now simply by announcing a more aggressive effort to boost domestic supplies. When President Bush lifted a moratorium in 2008, oil prices immediately fell $9 a barrel.

Obama said in his speech that Americans aren't stupid. He's right about that, which is why most are giving his energy policy a thumbs down


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