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Economy in U.S. Grew at 3% Pace in 4th Qtr.


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The DOW hits 13k for the first time since 2008, the jobs picture continues to improve and now better than expected GDP growth numbers ... nah, can't be...

Economy in U.S. Grew at 3% Pace in 4th Qtr.

The U.S. economy expanded more than forecast in the fourth quarter as companies rebuilt inventories in anticipation of growing demand.

Gross domestic product climbed at a revised 3 percent annual rate, the most since the second quarter of 2010, Commerce Department figures showed today in Washington. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg News called for no change from the previously reported 2.8 percent gain, according to the median forecast in the Bloomberg News survey.


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I suspect that now we've taken the brunt of the wall st and housing fallout. I don't think a 13k or 14k Dow is sustainable for a huge time without another dip backwards.

The biggest issue that we will face in the next couple of years is inflation and oil prices. The dollar is so devalued right now that the consumer's buying power is dwindling down to nothing. This is why a mixture of raising taxes and seriously cutting costs is paramount. We need to get the interest rates back up a little and stop printing money.

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15 trillion in debt! Dollar losing its grip as the global currency. REAL unemployment is 15%. Gas prices rising like a titan rocket.

EVERYTHING IS GETTING BETTER!!!! :cheer::blink::cheer::homer:

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If the economy is goes bad, that sucks. If the economy gets better, commodity prices will kill it because of all the new money we have created.

Also, keep in mind that the government doesn't measure inflation very well when they calculate that GDP number.

I'll be looking at the labor participation rate and the government deficit numbers to determine when we have recovered from our economic and fiscal problems.

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Cooked books, phony bump from borrowed stimulus money, durable goods orders down, gas prices on the rise ( no war / hurricanes to blame. ) but by all means, sound the party horns and let's have yet ANOTHER 5 * gala event & concert @ the White House!!!

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