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Democratic Party activism dressed up as feminism


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Critics of Rush Limbaugh Ignore Bill Maher, Matt Taibbi Misogyny

Mar 8, 2012 9:35 PM EST

If Democrats are so outraged by misogyny in the media, why is President Obama’s super PAC taking Bill Maher’s $1 million? And why is David Axelrod reportedly going on ‘Real Time’?

The truth hurts.

Members of the professional left reacted with outrage to my column this week calling them out for their fake war against media misogyny. Instead of addressing the encyclopedia of left-wing misogyny I raised, many liberals chose instead to start a ferocious battle with all manner of straw men.

“It’s not true that liberals never call out people for misogyny!” is the refrain. Of course it’s not true, and I never said it was. Many of the professional left seem incapable of distinguishing between a few blog posts and comments condemning left-wing misogyny and a full-scale war to remove someone from their job. This really shouldn’t be so hard to grasp: If you hate misogyny and sexism in the media, then react to the consistent and repeated misogyny of men on the left with the same fervor that you have reacted to Rush Limbaugh’s sickening outbursts.

President Obama has seen fit to wade into the Limbaugh kerfuffle, even telling reporters Tuesday that Limbaugh’s behavior was an attack on everyone’s daughter and “I do not want them attacked or called horrible names.” Speaking of daughters, do you remember when Bill Maher said that the real name of then-20-year-old Bristol Palin’s book should be “Whoops, There’s a Dick in Me?”

“But Maher doesn’t have sponsors like Limbaugh does!” cry the left-wing Maher enablers. Yes, but he does have an endless stream of high-profile liberals parading through his studio. In fact, it was reported that none other than David Axelrod, who on Wednesday attacked Mitt Romney for his insufficient outrage over Limbaugh’s sexist rant, is set to visit the Maher show to kiss the ring of the Misogynist One. Also, I’m no genius, but doesn’t HBO run his show? Couldn’t liberals boycott HBO?

Rush Limbaugh is justifiably boycotted for calling a woman a “slut” and a “prostitute,” but the man who used the c-word, **** and boobs to refer to Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann is getting a visit from a top Democratic strategist. Liberals have demanded that GOP leaders denounce Limbaugh, but President Obama, who has opined repeatedly on the Limbaugh controversy, refuses to denounce Maher. This despite the fact that Maher has made a high-profile $1 million donation to Obama’s super PAC, which is run by longtime Obama aide Bill Burton.

But remember: liberals care deeply about misogyny.

“But Palin and Bachmann are public figures! It’s different than attacking a private citizen like Sandra Fluke!” the chorus of apologists chime. What principles they have. Misogyny is so terrible, but it’s fine if it’s directed at a public woman. Remember that when a conservative host calls Nancy Pelosi the c-word.

The most desperate attempt to avoid the reality of liberal misogyny was spearheaded by Keith Olbermann, who crawled out of his cave to accuse me of “defending Rush Limbaugh” because I pointed out liberal piggishness. On his Current TV show last night, the former sportscaster informed his viewer to ignore me because I was just a “house-tamed Fox News liberal.” After he also tweeted his attacks—which were echoed by other liberals trying to distort what I said—his (presumably “progressive”) followers let me know that I was a “wind-up toy” and a “bobblehead” and “just another brainless plastic doll Fox puts on camera to appease the horned up 60-year-old white dudes at home.” All the typical insults that male political analysts and columnists get, I’m sure.

Don’t forget: liberals are the feminists; it’s the GOP who hates women.

Liberal men marginalizing women in the media with name-calling is actually more common that you would think, and it isn’t reserved just for conservative women. Veteran political reporter Karen Tumulty of The Washington Post wrote this week about the time Matt Taibbi—who incidentally blurbed Rachel Maddow’s new book—described Tumulty variously as “mannish,” a “female impersonator,” a “pre-op version of Dave Barry,” and “ugly.” She says that he also “wrote at length about the size of one female reporter’s rear end, and called another one ‘squirrely bitch.’”

If the left reacted with the same furor to liberal misogyny as they have reacted to Limbaugh, misogynist cracks would go the way of racist and anti-gay “jokes.” Let’s just call a spade a spade: the uproar over Limbaugh is only because it fits into the Democratic narrative that the GOP is “anti-woman.” It’s Democratic Party activism dressed up as feminism.

In an painful-to-watch video posted to YouTube today, Democratic congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee and Jan Schakowsky—who both blasted Limbaugh for his behavior—repeatedly refuse to condemn Bill Maher calling Gov. Sarah Palin a “c--t” and a “dumb ****.” Why is this so difficult?

The uproar over Limbaugh is only because it fits into the Democratic narrative that the GOP is “anti-woman.” It’s Democratic Party activism dressed up as feminism.

Jehmu Greene, a Democratic strategist who is the former president of the Women’s Media Center, told me: “There are countless fair-weather feminists in the progressive community. Caring about sexism is important when it suits their political goal. Because the most important voting bloc for President Obama is women, as we head closer to November you will see these fair-weather feminists start burning their bras for political expediency.”

Regarding liberals going on Bill Maher’s show instead of protesting him, Greene says: “They care more about their friendship with him and their personal visibility than about how offensive he is. A lot of liberals wear getting booked on his show as a badge of honor when they should be repulsed by him. ”

Says Greene: “It’s imperative liberals have this conversation [about left-wing media misogyny], no matter how uncomfortable it makes them. If liberals address our own culpability when it comes to sexism and misogyny, more women will dare to compete [in the public arena], which will dramatically increase victories on the issues we care most about.”

Indeed. Are you listening David Axelrod?

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Kirsten Powers is a columnist for The Daily Beast. She is also a contributor to USA Today and a Fox News political analyst. She served in the Clinton administration from 1993 to 1998 and has worked in New York state and city politics. Her writing has been published in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Post, The New York Observer, Salon.com, Elle magazine, and American Prospect online.

For inquiries, please contact The Daily Beast at editorial@thedailybeast.com


You don't have to be a democrat to be a hypocrite but you have to be a hypocrite to be a democrat.

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Funny, opposing taxpayer funded contraceptives and abortions is a war on woment. What about the Democrats war on freedom?

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Freedom? They care less about Freedom and more about their agenda. dry.gif

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Freedom? They care less about Freedom and more about their agenda. dry.gif

Sums up the Bush years quite well

Horse apples.

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See here is the difference in our two groups

Us on the left know what and who Bill Maher is and does. He is a comedian/political observer who has a show on HBO. I'll be watching tonight at 10:00 eastern by the way. He has both liberals and conservatives on his show. Yes he crosses the line of decency in my opinion sometimes. But his show is what it is.... a political,comedic,sometimes satire. It's a SHOW.

The right sees Rush Limbaugh as the "truth". He sits there for 3 hours aday spewing that venom that the NEOCONS lap up. His listeners aren't able to think on their own or question any of the pablum he throws there way. As such no one in the Republican party has the balls to say, "guys, he is a big fat, former 4 times married(remember family values)ex pill popper." " It's a radio show for God's sake"

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See here is the difference in our two groups

Us on the left know what and who Bill Maher is and does. He is a comedian/political observer who has a show on HBO. I'll be watching tonight at 10:00 eastern by the way. He has both liberals and conservatives on his show. Yes he crosses the line of decency in my opinion sometimes. But his show is what it is.... a political,comedic,sometimes satire. It's a SHOW.

The right sees Rush Limbaugh as the "truth". He sits there for 3 hours Ada spewing that venom that the NEOCONS lap up. His listeners aren't able to think on their own or question any of the pablum he throws there way. As such no one in the Republican party has the balls to say, "guys, he is a big fat, former 4 times married(remember family values)ex pill popper." " It's a radio show for God's sake"

The left called him an entertainer for years, no different than Maher, just a bigger audience.

You clearly don't know what a neocon is but Rush is not a neocon. He is a traditional concervative and what he speaks that frightens you so is called truth.

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He is a traditional concervative and what he speaks that frightens you so is called truth.

Well it apparently frightens himself as he apologizes for it

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I don't know a single Maher watcher who doesn't take his commentary as truth. Sure, they think it is funny and that he's a comedian. But they agree with everything he says.

It's not like, when he calls Palin's daughter a whore, they thing he's wrong or out of line. They don't view him like they view the onion.

If we are discounting the political views of comedians, why the hell is Al Franken holding elected office?

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I don't know a single Maher watcher who doesn't take his commentary as truth. Sure, they think it is funny and that he's a comedian. But they agree with everything he says.

It's not like, when he calls Palin's daughter a whore, they thing he's wrong or out of line. They don't view him like they view the onion.

If we are discounting the political views of comedians, why the hell is Al Franken holding elected office?

I don't know a single Bama fan with an IQ above 25. Harvey Updyke being the exception.90% never attended school there, let alone finished high school. They think it is humorous to hang their sack on some passed out drunk opposing fan.They keep WalMart busy stocking crimson cotton sweat suits and actually believe they "won" 14 National Championships. Their most quoted line after a NASCAR race is "can I borrow your jumper cables."

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I don't know a single Maher watcher who doesn't take his commentary as truth. Sure, they think it is funny and that he's a comedian. But they agree with everything he says.

It's not like, when he calls Palin's daughter a whore, they thing he's wrong or out of line. They don't view him like they view the onion.

If we are discounting the political views of comedians, why the hell is Al Franken holding elected office?

I don't know a single Bama fan with an IQ above 25. Harvey Updyke being the exception.90% never attended school there, let alone finished high school. They think it is humorous to hang their sack on some passed out drunk opposing fan.They keep WalMart busy stocking crimson cotton sweat suits and actually believe they "won" 14 National Championships. Their most quoted line after a NASCAR race is "can I borrow your jumper cables."

THIS isn't about BAMA or a rivalry between two schools. This is about an agenda by your leftist counterparts who use fairness as a magic wand and not as a stand on principal. :angry:

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I don't know a single Maher watcher who doesn't take his commentary as truth. Sure, they think it is funny and that he's a comedian. But they agree with everything he says.

It's not like, when he calls Palin's daughter a whore, they thing he's wrong or out of line. They don't view him like they view the onion.

If we are discounting the political views of comedians, why the hell is Al Franken holding elected office?

I don't know a single Bama fan with an IQ above 25. Harvey Updyke being the exception.90% never attended school there, let alone finished high school. They think it is humorous to hang their sack on some passed out drunk opposing fan.They keep WalMart busy stocking crimson cotton sweat suits and actually believe they "won" 14 National Championships. Their most quoted line after a NASCAR race is "can I borrow your jumper cables."

THIS isn't about BAMA or a rivalry between two schools. This is about an agenda by your leftist counterparts who use fairness as a magic wand and not as a stand on principal. :angry:

We were making wide sweeping generalizations

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I don't know a single Maher watcher who doesn't take his commentary as truth. Sure, they think it is funny and that he's a comedian. But they agree with everything he says.

It's not like, when he calls Palin's daughter a whore, they thing he's wrong or out of line. They don't view him like they view the onion.

If we are discounting the political views of comedians, why the hell is Al Franken holding elected office?

I don't know a single Bama fan with an IQ above 25. Harvey Updyke being the exception.90% never attended school there, let alone finished high school. They think it is humorous to hang their sack on some passed out drunk opposing fan.They keep WalMart busy stocking crimson cotton sweat suits and actually believe they "won" 14 National Championships. Their most quoted line after a NASCAR race is "can I borrow your jumper cables."

THIS isn't about BAMA or a rivalry between two schools. This is about an agenda by your leftist counterparts who use fairness as a magic wand and not as a stand on principal. :angry:

We were making wide sweeping generalizations

And your sweeping generalization managed to completely miss the mark.

Which isn't unusual.

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And your sweeping generalization managed to completely miss the mark.

Which isn't unusual.

We talking about the super-insane-awesome-unmasking-undeniable Obama video tape recently released?

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And your sweeping generalization managed to completely miss the mark.

Which isn't unusual.

We talking about the super-insane-awesome-unmasking-undeniable Obama video tape recently released?

I'm not sure what you two are talking about. I made a post and you both want to go off on tangents.

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Freedom? They care less about Freedom and more about their agenda. dry.gif

Sums up the Bush years quite well

A completely empty and baseless counter to the issue at hand.

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Freedom? They care less about Freedom and more about their agenda. dry.gif

Sums up the Bush years quite well

A completely empty and baseless counter to the issue at hand.

To you, I am sure.

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Freedom? They care less about Freedom and more about their agenda. dry.gif

Sums up the Bush years quite well

A completely empty and baseless counter to the issue at hand.

To you, I am sure.

To most sane people.

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See here is the difference in our two groups

Us on the left know what and who Bill Maher is and does. He is a comedian/political observer who has a show on HBO. I'll be watching tonight at 10:00 eastern by the way. He has both liberals and conservatives on his show. Yes he crosses the line of decency in my opinion sometimes. But his show is what it is.... a political,comedic,sometimes satire. It's a SHOW.

Yeah, Bill Maher's political opinions are so irrelevant that CNN has had him as a guest on their programs to talk about politics.

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See here is the difference in our two groups

Us on the left know what and who Bill Maher is and does. He is a comedian/political observer who has a show on HBO. I'll be watching tonight at 10:00 eastern by the way. He has both liberals and conservatives on his show. Yes he crosses the line of decency in my opinion sometimes. But his show is what it is.... a political,comedic,sometimes satire. It's a SHOW.

Yeah, Bill Maher's political opinions are so irrelevant that CNN has had him as a guest on their programs to talk about politics.

And Rush goes to speak to Conservative groups and hops up and down like a bunny

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