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The future of Tebow


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Looks like Tebow will be given the boot since Manning is coming. I never liked him while he was at Florida, but since then I am a big fan. The way everyone is always is against him makes me pull for him. We home school our son and we talk to him about Tebow being home schooled and how he is a Christian role model. I hope he lands in a place that can find some use for him. Elway was one of my favorites back in the day, but I've lost lots of respect for him in the way he has done Tebow in the past and now.

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The way everyone is always is against him makes me pull for him.

Absolutely agree with this. I was so happy when the Broncos beat the Steelers in that playoff game exactly for this reason.

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Looks like Tebow will be given the boot since Manning is coming. I never liked him while he was at Florida, but since then I am a big fan. The way everyone is always is against him makes me pull for him. We home school our son and we talk to him about Tebow being home schooled and how he is a Christian role model. I hope he lands in a place that can find some use for him. Elway was one of my favorites back in the day, but I've lost lots of respect for him in the way he has done Tebow in the past and now.

I really don't know why Denver drafted tebow. They had to know his capabilities. That said I don't think they have treated him well. Not that the nfl treats anyone who is not a superstar well. Even manning got the boot when his star dimmed.

Tebow may be better off with another team and one that does not have an ex Super Bowl quarterback hanging around the front office.

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McDaniels drafted him and now that whole regime is gone. He just landed in the wrong place.

Jacksonville, anyone?

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Jacksonville would be good for Tebow I think. I also was sick of hearing about him at the college level (segment every Gameday), but he is a breath of fresh air in the NFL. Nice to see something besides shot, hit, beat, someone in a nightclub stories. He will have alot of UF fans in that area that will support him. Elway was a prick to him at Denver, so I think the front office will be more respectful of him. I also believe if he doesn't work out as a QB he can still have a NFL career at another position like Matt Jones did (before his drug issues).

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Well, Elway has been a douche his whole career. Wasn't he drafted by a team he refused to play for, so they traded him to Denver?

I personally have to question why Denver would want to pay that kind of money for Manning who is pushing 40, hasn't played in over a year and has had a series of serious neck operations. I could understand Baltimore keeping him to groom the next guy.

I too resent the way the media has treated Tebow because of his faith. If they made light of a Jew or Muslim the same way, political-correctness groups would have been all over it. Of course when you get a complete POS like Alec Baldwin involved and I would argue exactly the opposite of whatever side he is on!

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Well, Elway has been a douche his whole career. Wasn't he drafted by a team he refused to play for, so they traded him to Denver?

Yep, the whiney ass prick was drafted by the Baltimore Colts (before they moved to Indy) and cried like a baby about how he was too good to play for lowly Baltimore. He's the primary reason I've hated Denver ever since.

I personally have to question why Denver would want to pay that kind of money for Manning who is pushing 40, hasn't played in over a year and has had a series of serious neck operations. I could understand Baltimore Indianapolis keeping him to groom the next guy.

fixed that for you. Huge waste of money. They swapped a never was for a damaged mediocre has been.

I too resent the way the media has treated Tebow because of his faith. If they made light of a Jew or Muslim the same way, political-correctness groups would have been all over it. Of course when you get a complete POS like Alec Baldwin involved and I would argue exactly the opposite of whatever side he is on!

HUH? The media has been swallowing tebows jock ever since he took his first snap at florida. I do agree its sickening the way the media is all over this kid, but it certainly hasn't been in any way negative attention. They are constantly putting tebow up on a pedestal like he's better than everybody else.

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The media isn't all negative about him, but remarks like his virginity was a huge question going into the draft. The NFL commentators have been his biggest enemies.

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Well, Elway has been a douche his whole career. Wasn't he drafted by a team he refused to play for, so they traded him to Denver?

Yep, the whiney ass prick was drafted by the Baltimore Colts (before they moved to Indy) and cried like a baby about how he was too good to play for lowly Baltimore. He's the primary reason I've hated Denver ever since.

I personally have to question why Denver would want to pay that kind of money for Manning who is pushing 40, hasn't played in over a year and has had a series of serious neck operations. I could understand Baltimore Indianapolis keeping him to groom the next guy.

fixed that for you. Huge waste of money. They swapped a never was for a damaged mediocre has been.

I too resent the way the media has treated Tebow because of his faith. If they made light of a Jew or Muslim the same way, political-correctness groups would have been all over it. Of course when you get a complete POS like Alec Baldwin involved and I would argue exactly the opposite of whatever side he is on!

HUH? The media has been swallowing tebows jock ever since he took his first snap at florida. I do agree its sickening the way the media is all over this kid, but it certainly hasn't been in any way negative attention. They are constantly putting tebow up on a pedestal like he's better than everybody else.

WAY too early for that kind of talk. He's only 2 seasons removed from an MVP. The season after that was still a double-digit win playoff run. First season without him, his team wins 2 games, and doesn't really lose any other substantial pieces. His team became 10 wins worse without him last season. There was actually significant (if unrealistic) talk of giving him the MVP award last year just because of how valuable his absence proved he was to his team.

Nobody knows what he's going to be when he gets back. He might be "damaged". It's obviously a calculated risk. But "mediocre has been"? The facts don't support that in the least.

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Well, Elway has been a douche his whole career. Wasn't he drafted by a team he refused to play for, so they traded him to Denver?

Yep, the whiney ass prick was drafted by the Baltimore Colts (before they moved to Indy) and cried like a baby about how he was too good to play for lowly Baltimore. He's the primary reason I've hated Denver ever since.

I personally have to question why Denver would want to pay that kind of money for Manning who is pushing 40, hasn't played in over a year and has had a series of serious neck operations. I could understand Baltimore Indianapolis keeping him to groom the next guy.

fixed that for you. Huge waste of money. They swapped a never was for a damaged mediocre has been.

I too resent the way the media has treated Tebow because of his faith. If they made light of a Jew or Muslim the same way, political-correctness groups would have been all over it. Of course when you get a complete POS like Alec Baldwin involved and I would argue exactly the opposite of whatever side he is on!

HUH? The media has been swallowing tebows jock ever since he took his first snap at florida. I do agree its sickening the way the media is all over this kid, but it certainly hasn't been in any way negative attention. They are constantly putting tebow up on a pedestal like he's better than everybody else.

WAY too early for that kind of talk.

Not really. It's my opinion. Disagree if you like, but don't tell me what to say or when to say it.

He's only 2 seasons removed from an MVP. The season after that was still a double-digit win playoff run. First season without him, his team wins 2 games, and doesn't really lose any other substantial pieces. His team became 10 wins worse without him last season. There was actually significant (if unrealistic) talk of giving him the MVP award last year just because of how valuable his absence proved he was to his team.

That's quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I've ever read here, and that boggles the mind considering uaters post here. You are doing a MAJOR REACH here to make these ridiculous statements. There is ZERO proof that Manning being in the lineup at Indy would have resulted in 10 more wins.

But, if you want to take that ridiculous stance, I'll play. He's been involved in 11 playoff teams in his 12 years. The only year they didn't make the playoffs was 2001. Yet, Indy has 9 wins in 19 games in the playoffs. See, that's a LOSING RECORD. He CHOKES in the big games. If you are going to hold the ridiculous notion that he alone (laughable) makes that team 10 wins better, than he alone CHOKED 10 times out of 11 in the playoffs when they failed to get the job done. BUT, mine carries more weight than yours, because manning actually participated in those playoff games and FAILED. With yours, its just MASSIVE speculation that the colts would have been 10 wins better with him. You don't know that. I DO KNOW he FAILED 10 times in the playoffs, 7 of those in the FIRST GAME.

Nobody knows what he's going to be when he gets back. He might be "damaged". It's obviously a calculated risk. But "mediocre has been"? The facts don't support that in the least.

Well, thinking about it, you may be right. Has been may have been a little harsh and it implies that he actually USED to be something. He's a CHOKE ARTIST at its finest.

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Well, Elway has been a douche his whole career. Wasn't he drafted by a team he refused to play for, so they traded him to Denver?

Yep, the whiney ass prick was drafted by the Baltimore Colts (before they moved to Indy) and cried like a baby about how he was too good to play for lowly Baltimore. He's the primary reason I've hated Denver ever since.

I personally have to question why Denver would want to pay that kind of money for Manning who is pushing 40, hasn't played in over a year and has had a series of serious neck operations. I could understand Baltimore Indianapolis keeping him to groom the next guy.

fixed that for you. Huge waste of money. They swapped a never was for a damaged mediocre has been.

I too resent the way the media has treated Tebow because of his faith. If they made light of a Jew or Muslim the same way, political-correctness groups would have been all over it. Of course when you get a complete POS like Alec Baldwin involved and I would argue exactly the opposite of whatever side he is on!

HUH? The media has been swallowing tebows jock ever since he took his first snap at florida. I do agree its sickening the way the media is all over this kid, but it certainly hasn't been in any way negative attention. They are constantly putting tebow up on a pedestal like he's better than everybody else.

WAY too early for that kind of talk.

Not really. It's my opinion. Disagree if you like, but don't tell me what to say or when to say it.

He's only 2 seasons removed from an MVP. The season after that was still a double-digit win playoff run. First season without him, his team wins 2 games, and doesn't really lose any other substantial pieces. His team became 10 wins worse without him last season. There was actually significant (if unrealistic) talk of giving him the MVP award last year just because of how valuable his absence proved he was to his team.

That's quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I've ever read here, and that boggles the mind considering uaters post here. You are doing a MAJOR REACH here to make these ridiculous statements. There is ZERO proof that Manning being in the lineup at Indy would have resulted in 10 more wins.

But, if you want to take that ridiculous stance, I'll play. He's been involved in 11 playoff teams in his 12 years. The only year they didn't make the playoffs was 2001. Yet, Indy has 9 wins in 19 games in the playoffs. See, that's a LOSING RECORD. He CHOKES in the big games. If you are going to hold the ridiculous notion that he alone (laughable) makes that team 10 wins better, than he alone CHOKED 10 times out of 11 in the playoffs when they failed to get the job done. BUT, mine carries more weight than yours, because manning actually participated in those playoff games and FAILED. With yours, its just MASSIVE speculation that the colts would have been 10 wins better with him. You don't know that. I DO KNOW he FAILED 10 times in the playoffs, 7 of those in the FIRST GAME.

Nobody knows what he's going to be when he gets back. He might be "damaged". It's obviously a calculated risk. But "mediocre has been"? The facts don't support that in the least.

Well, thinking about it, you may be right. Has been may have been a little harsh and it implies that he actually USED to be something. He's a CHOKE ARTIST at its finest.

Your ability to handle disagreement with such grace never ceases to amaze, nor does your effective use of capitalization.

Oh, also, you might want to save this for all the Hall of Fame voters who will undoubtedly be ushering Manning in on his first ballot. That way they'll know that your notion carries more weight than theirs, too.

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I don't have a problem with a player out of college manipulating where he is drafted. What if Archie Manning had not engineered Eli being drafted by NY instead of San Diego. Archie can still feel the effects of being drafted by the wrong team every morning. He never had a legitimate shot of being successful in the NFL. Average career of a NFL player is less than 5 years. Hope they can negotiate whatever they can get and be smart enough not to waste the money. Its business, why fans think a player should genufleck to the NFL is beyond me. Same people I quess that think they/the government should dictate terms for everyone else I suppose.

I'm neutral on Tebow but I do enjoy watching him compete. After watching his family manipulate Mike Shula for the sake of media interest/impact for their ESPN recruiting special, then how the press treats him is irrelevant.

John Elway is paid to manage the interests of the owners of the Denver Broncos. He did not draft TT, if he believes it is in the best interest of the team to make of move for PM then he did the right thing. TT will have an opportunity to be successful elsewhere. Time and competition will decide who was correct. Fortunately the NFL is not a beauty pageant nor a popularity contest. Just win baby.

Little doc

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I think it is only a matter of time until Tim takes the scepter from Mark, I believe the new dynamics will not be harmonious even though the two are friends. This trade is tough to decipher as to what the Jets really have planned in the long run.

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Coach Ryan is one of the loudest mouth, cussing type in your face coaches in the league. Going to be interesting with Tebow's persona.

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Jacksonville would be good for Tebow I think. I also was sick of hearing about him at the college level (segment every Gameday), but he is a breath of fresh air in the NFL. Nice to see something besides shot, hit, beat, someone in a nightclub stories. He will have alot of UF fans in that area that will support him. Elway was a prick to him at Denver, so I think the front office will be more respectful of him. I also believe if he doesn't work out as a QB he can still have a NFL career at another position like Matt Jones did (before his drug issues).

I agree. Tebow will fit in well at Jacksonville. If anything, he will sell tickets. I think Tebow could play a different position. FB, TE, LB, he could play just about anywhere. I think he would be up to playing another position if it extended his career in the NFL.

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Jacksonville would be good for Tebow I think. I also was sick of hearing about him at the college level (segment every Gameday), but he is a breath of fresh air in the NFL. Nice to see something besides shot, hit, beat, someone in a nightclub stories. He will have alot of UF fans in that area that will support him. Elway was a prick to him at Denver, so I think the front office will be more respectful of him. I also believe if he doesn't work out as a QB he can still have a NFL career at another position like Matt Jones did (before his drug issues).

I agree. Tebow will fit in well at Jacksonville. If anything, he will sell tickets. I think Tebow could play a different position. FB, TE, LB, he could play just about anywhere. I think he would be up to playing another position if it extended his career in the NFL.

Guess he is going to the Jets though, he did make the statement that he is a football player first and QB second. So thinking the TE spot might be where he is heading.

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Jacksonville would be good for Tebow I think. I also was sick of hearing about him at the college level (segment every Gameday), but he is a breath of fresh air in the NFL. Nice to see something besides shot, hit, beat, someone in a nightclub stories. He will have alot of UF fans in that area that will support him. Elway was a prick to him at Denver, so I think the front office will be more respectful of him. I also believe if he doesn't work out as a QB he can still have a NFL career at another position like Matt Jones did (before his drug issues).

I agree. Tebow will fit in well at Jacksonville. If anything, he will sell tickets. I think Tebow could play a different position. FB, TE, LB, he could play just about anywhere. I think he would be up to playing another position if it extended his career in the NFL.

Guess he is going to the Jets though, he did make the statement that he is a football player first and QB second. So thinking the TE spot might be where he is heading.


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