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Does the GOP have a demographics problem?


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Zakaria: The Republican Party’s demographics problem

By Fareed Zakaria, CNN

The Republicans have a powerful case to make in the general election: The economy remains bad; the recovery is weak; unemployment is very high. Republican candidates for president could make the argument that Barack Obama has been in charge of this economy for three years and that the slow economy is his responsibility.

They could also make the argument that Obama’s vision of the role of government in the economy is wrong - that their approach would be much more friendly to the private sector and to business.

These are all very plausible arguments and, as an experienced businessman, Mitt Romney is the perfect candidate to make them.

But I see a demographic problem for the Republicans. They are alienating too many large groups to be viable - at least in the long run. A recent Pew poll shows Obama with an 18-point advantage over Mitt Romney with women because of the recent discussions about contraception and abortion. Polls show Latinos supporting President Obama 6-to-1 over Mitt Romney. African Americans poll something like 9-to-1 in Obama’s favor.

So if you lose blacks, women, Latinos (and Republicans have probably already lost Arab and Muslim Americas), what are you left with? You can’t win a general election with the angry, white, male vote. That’s clearly a core vote for the Republican Party but it’s not going to be enough.

Serious people within the Republican Party like Jeb Bush have made this point repeatedly. Yet the dynamics of the Republican Party are driving it in that direction.

Part of the reason for this is that the party is increasingly a Southern party reflecting the region’s concerns and passions. It is also, increasingly, a party run by the grassroots and not by the establishment. So maybe this is an unstoppable phenomenon, but when you look at long-term demographics, it’s tough to see how you construct a majority adopting this policy.


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The demographic trends are correct (except for the 18 point gap for women, that's not real).

White people and people with money don't have enough babies to counter balance the baby boom from poor people and illegal immigrants.

Therefore, we slip closer and closer to socialism through demographics.

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Don't know why this would be surprising. Romney has spent his time up here in the western burbs and I do not believe he has even dipped a toe into the southside. There is practically no hispanic or african-american population out here. Actually quite amazed at how intolerant and segregated Chicago is.

Point being, why be surprised, white males is who he is targeting if his tour through Illinois is a proper indicator. Course with some 35 plus shootings over the weekend in the southside, I wouldn't go down there either.

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Course with some 35 plus shootings over the weekend in the southside, I wouldn't go down there either.

But, but, but Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws!


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Course with some 35 plus shootings over the weekend in the southside, I wouldn't go down there either.

But, but, but Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws!


Ya but I didn't say which criminals were doing the shooting, the civilians or the ones with badges. :poke:

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These demographic trends are the reason why the democratic party supports illegal immigration.

If you can't win with the electorate you have, make a new one illegally.

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These demographic trends are the reason why the democratic party supports illegal immigration.

If you can't win with the electorate you have, make a new one illegally.

BOOM! Thank you!

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The latest data on Latino voter preferences, commissioned by Fox News no less, shows that Republicans are getting absolutely crushed among Latinos. Among the findings, 69.5 percent consider themselves Democrats or lean that way, while just 15.9 percent consider themselves Republican or lean that way.

And if the election were today:

Obama 70

Romney 14

Read More

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These demographic trends are the reason why the democratic party supports illegal immigration.

If you can't win with the electorate you have, make a new one illegally.

The Democratic party supports illegal immigration? That's news to me. Link?

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These demographic trends are the reason why the democratic party supports illegal immigration.

If you can't win with the electorate you have, make a new one illegally.

The Democratic party supports illegal immigration? That's news to me. Link?

Sanctuary cities.

Obama admin fighting the state laws looking to find illegal immigrants.

Obama admin refusing to guard the border.

Democrats blocking Texas Voter ID Law.

I could keep listing, but answer this: would there be more illegal immigrants or less illegal immigrants if the democrats had no votes in Congress for the last 20 years?

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Course with some 35 plus shootings over the weekend in the southside, I wouldn't go down there either.

But, but, but Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws!


Ya but I didn't say which criminals were doing the shooting, the civilians or the ones with badges. :poke:

Police hurt people? Maybe they should be illegal, too.


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These demographic trends are the reason why the democratic party supports illegal immigration.

If you can't win with the electorate you have, make a new one illegally.

Do you have a link that the Democratic Party supports illegal immigration?

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Course with some 35 plus shootings over the weekend in the southside, I wouldn't go down there either.

But, but, but Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws!


Must not have them in Florida

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Course with some 35 plus shootings over the weekend in the southside, I wouldn't go down there either.

But, but, but Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws!


Must not have them in Florida

And yet Ft. Hood is a gun free zone.

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Course with some 35 plus shootings over the weekend in the southside, I wouldn't go down there either.

But, but, but Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws!


Ya but I didn't say which criminals were doing the shooting, the civilians or the ones with badges. :poke:

Police hurt people? Maybe they should be illegal, too.


Ya, the Chicago police apparently have a rep for shoot first ask questions later....plant if unable to answer, or so it appears. Seems almost every news story about a gang related shooting is then followed by police being investigated for shooting unarmed individuals. Though honestly in their defense that area has to be scary, couple teens turned and unloaded on a officer last night and put him in the hospital.

I don't know this town is messed up lol. They freaking elected a guy with 75% of the votes tonight that allegedly took 7 grand in embezzlement, just because the other guy running against him use to have affiliation with the other party. So its ok to bribe and embezzle but by God do not lean toward the middle.

BTW, murders always go up when the heat rises and we have had 5 straight days of 80 degrees temp, which apparently equals July here lol, so I hear they are making summer illegal cause it hurts people also.

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These demographic trends are the reason why the democratic party supports illegal immigration.

If you can't win with the electorate you have, make a new one illegally.

Do you have a link that the Democratic Party supports illegal immigration?

That was already asked, here is my response:

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These demographic trends are the reason why the democratic party supports illegal immigration.

If you can't win with the electorate you have, make a new one illegally.

Do you have a link that the Democratic Party supports illegal immigration?

That was already asked, here is my response:

I just thought you would link the actual Democratic Party platform where it states specifically that the Party supports illegle immigration. You know, something factual.

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BTW, murders always go up when the heat rises and we have had 5 straight days of 80 degrees temp, which apparently equals July here lol, so I hear they are making summer illegal cause it hurts people also.

I lived in Chicago in the 80s. The heat of the summer kills off a fair number of older people too. More people probably have a/c now, but still summer is dangerous. It should be regulated and only available to people that are trained and licensed by the DSR (Dept. of Summer Resources).

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These demographic trends are the reason why the democratic party supports illegal immigration.

If you can't win with the electorate you have, make a new one illegally.

Do you have a link that the Democratic Party supports illegal immigration?

You don't need a link to something that is right in front of your face!

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BTW, murders always go up when the heat rises and we have had 5 straight days of 80 degrees temp, which apparently equals July here lol, so I hear they are making summer illegal cause it hurts people also.

I lived in Chicago in the 80s. The heat of the summer kills off a fair number of older people too. More people probably have a/c now, but still summer is dangerous. It should be regulated and only available to people that are trained and licensed by the DSR (Dept. of Summer Resources).

Actually they still have the problem with the elderly and older areas not having AC. Think it was a couple of years ago but they really had a major issue with it and set up places as cool zones in public buildings. Provided transit service to and from these areas. Believe they do it every summer now. Saw it on one of those weather channel specials late one night.

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Am I the only one annoyed every time someone describes ANYONE who doesn't vote for a democratic candidate...they paint hem as an "angry white male."

I hardly think that accurately summarizes 50% of America.

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These demographic trends are the reason why the democratic party supports illegal immigration.

If you can't win with the electorate you have, make a new one illegally.

Do you have a link that the Democratic Party supports illegal immigration?

You don't need a link to something that is right in front of your face!

Then it should be easy for you to find

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Am I the only one annoyed every time someone describes ANYONE who doesn't vote for a democratic candidate...they paint hem as an "angry white male."

I hardly think that accurately summarizes 50% of America.

Agree. But the rational stems from the fact the article notes:

The party is increasingly a Southern party reflecting the region’s concerns and passions. It is also, increasingly, a party run by the grassroots and not by the establishment.

Label it as you will...

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Sanctuary cities.

Obama admin fighting the state laws looking to find illegal immigrants.

Obama admin refusing to guard the border.

Democrats blocking Texas Voter ID Law.

Most of this comes back to the voter suppression issue not immigration, which we've discussed before. And some of it (e.g., 'refusing to guard the boarder' is a downright distortion of the truth.

I could keep listing, but answer this: would there be more illegal immigrants or less illegal immigrants if the democrats had no votes in Congress for the last 20 years?

So now, we're no longer want to be a country of immigrants? You guys never cease to amaze me. (BTW - This is not a dodge - the question is ridiculous unless you are suggestion Republicans are prepared to permanently close our borders ... which is obviously even more ridiculous.

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Southern Party?


And many of those states like Ohio, Iowa, etc are all swing states.

Again, it is this author's attempt to marginalize anyone who is crazy enough to disagree with the liberal political machine as belonging to some fringe group that isn't representative of America.

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