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Updated (7/29/12-Topics Merged): Mike Dyer dismissed from Arkansas State


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It is being reported that Malzahn says Dyer "likely out" for this season.

Imagine that. Getting in trouble and claiming family problems to transfer didn't work.

I understood that Dyer was gone.

He is now. The post you quoted was from May

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How many NCAA football players have been kicked off two different Division I teams in 7 months? But maybe Dyer technically just quit Auburn.

I wonder if he'll still try for a Division II school or just sit and wait for the NFL draft?

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Mark Murphy told a story while in Huntsville for his annual recruiting wrap up meeting how there was construction on campus I wanna say near the old coliseum and Dyer was parked near a construction trailer with music blaring at like 2 am. So a foreman who was asleep in the trailor woke up and told Dyer to turn it down and Dyer smarted off to him. The foreman was a marine and pretty much told Dyer turn it down or else. He did.

BTW that was Mark Murphy who said this. Basically the inference Mark gave was he is a punk. Its sad. Really sad. But you cant fix stupid.

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I wonder if Malzahn will catch hell for his handling of the situation. I guess the question is did he know in March that this happened, and the circumstances involving the gun and dope. It reads to me like the dismissal is happening now after the FOIA request brought the details to light. Hope I'm wrong, though.

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According to a Jonesboro Sun report written by Matt Roberson (subscription required), the dismissal is likely related to a March traffic stop in White County. Dyer was pulled over by an Arkansas State Trooper who found marijuana and a gun in his vehicle.

Video of the traffic stop was obtained by The Sun through a Freedom of Information Act filed by the Searcy Daily Citizen.

It is unclear who was in possession of the gun and marijuana, per the newspaper's report. Trooper Royce Denney issued Dyer a speeding ticket and no charges were filed stemming from the discovery of the handgun or drugs. Per The Sun Denney is currently under investigation for his handling of the stop.

The Sun has details of conversations between Dyer and Denney caught on the officer's in-car video camera. (It's worth the $.99 one-day subscription fee.)

"You’ve got a career ahead of you, but you’re being a total dumb ass right now,” Denney apparently says to Dyer during the stop.


Cop to Dyer:

"You’ve got a career ahead of you, but you’re being a total dumb ass right now."


Hard to sum it up better than that...

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Mark Murphy told a story while in Huntsville for his annual recruiting wrap up meeting how there was construction on campus I wanna say near the old coliseum and Dyer was parked near a construction trailer with music blaring at like 2 am. So a foreman who was asleep in the trailor woke up and told Dyer to turn it down and Dyer smarted off to him. The foreman was a marine and pretty much told Dyer turn it down or else. He did.

BTW that was Mark Murphy who said this. Basically the inference Mark gave was he is a punk. Its sad. Really sad. But you cant fix stupid.

I heard the same story.

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"You’ve got a career ahead of you, but you’re being a total dumb ass right now."

Any doubt that it went in one ear and out the other???

Dyer testified in April but was stopped in March. He testified that he was a "changed person". Did Gus only suspend him AFTER the video came out? Gus must have known of the March traffic stop before now. Clarett-Dyer still doesn't get it.


Sure we all made mistakes when we were young. But how many of our mistakes included being stopped with a gun and chronic, use of spice, your gun being used in the commission of an armed robbery ("hitting a lick") and being a complete idiot and throwing away a full ride on a FBS football program. Not to mention an NFL career that now looks less probable by the day. Let's not be stupid people.

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Phillip Marshall has a good read (free content)...

But those of us who cover Auburn saw a change in the spring of 2011. The friendly kid from Arkansas wasn't so friendly anymore. It continued in the fall. His teammates saw it, too.

Dyer was having a big sophomore season on the field, but he started to miss classes and the downward spiral began. When he was suspended and eventually left, most of his teammates were glad to see him go. It had gotten that bad. When Antonio Goodwin, one of four players charged with armed robbery, went on trial, Dyer smirked as he testified that his gun had been used. He said under oath that he smoked synthetic marijuana and the real thing.

Read more: http://auburn.247spo...Mike-Dyer-82757

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This story makes me sad. Michael Dyer is ultimately responsible for the mistakes he has made, but somehow I feel that he has been let down too. I don't know his family situation, but something tells me there were some life lessons not addressed during his upbringing. Temper this statement with the reality that maybe Michael just didn't absorb what his family was teaching.

For some reason, and maybe it's because I'm older, I don't perceive kids being taught the life skills and general respect I was taught when I was growing up. For instance, and it's not the litmus test for parenting skills, but when I meet a young person and they use Yes Sir and No Sir with me, I have a good perception of how their parents are raising them.

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Probably in poor taste for me to suggest but what are the odds Dyer sometime down the road makes claims that he was paid while at Auburn, especially if he fails to ever play a down in the NFL.

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Hmmm, I'll say 60/40. On the one hand, such claims get attention. On the other hand, many coulda-beens just want to fade from the public eye. Plus, despite all the mistakes he's made, he's relatively sober and extremely talented. I think he still gets his crack at the NFL.

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hmmm, Randy Moss comes to mind as a guy kicked off 2 (actually 3) college teams within 7 months. Including unbelievably Papa Bowden's FSU Criminoles when they were letting accused rapists and cop bribers start game after game while their trials were pending. Of course he went on to be one of the greatest WRs in the history of the NFL but that's another story.

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I keep a gun in my vehicle at all times, so the gun part doesn't worry me at all.

Dyer should have had enough sense to not speed with drugs in the car. For his own sake he's got to start living cleaner, smarter or preferably, both.

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I keep a gun in my vehicle at all times, so the gun part doesn't worry me at all.

Dyer should have had enough sense to not speed with drugs in the car. For his own sake he's got to start living cleaner, smarter or preferably, both.

That's not the point. Was it registered? Don't know. Would you still carry a gun if your gun had been previously *borrowed* and used in the commission of a violent crime? What about if you are on your umpteenth second chance at playing football??? Drugs + guns = serious questions about this young man. Sadly I believe this will not be the last run-in with the law that Mr Dyer will have.

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I keep a gun in my vehicle at all times, so the gun part doesn't worry me at all.

Dyer should have had enough sense to not speed with drugs in the car. For his own sake he's got to start living cleaner, smarter or preferably, both.

That's not the point. Was it registered? Don't know. Would you still carry a gun if your gun had been previously *borrowed* and used in the commission of a violent crime? What about if you are on your umpteenth second chance at playing football??? Drugs + guns = serious questions about this young man. Sadly I believe this will not be the last run-in with the law that Mr Dyer will have.

Is that his car? Not speculating or saying anything just asking a simple question people don't go off half cocked.

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I keep a gun in my vehicle at all times, so the gun part doesn't worry me at all.

Dyer should have had enough sense to not speed with drugs in the car. For his own sake he's got to start living cleaner, smarter or preferably, both.

Forgive me If I'm wrong but he was not 21 years old when he was pulled over or when his gun was used in the robbery

** he was 21 when he was pulled over I was wrong but did he have a ccp?? I carry almost everywhere I go but I do it legally. Plus I rarely see a gun being mentioned by police if it was being carried legally

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Well, he wasn't charged with illegal possession of either a gun or drugs, so we are left to speculate, aren't we?

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Arkansas State Coach Gus Malzahn met with media on Wednesday. He addressed the recent dismissal of running back Michael Dyer and the circumstances that led the Red Wolves to cut ties with the talented Auburn transfer.

Malzahn also announced Ronnell Wright has been suspended indefinitely from the team. Wright was part of the March 10 traffic stop near Searcy that ultimately led to Dyer's dismissal and a state police investigation into the trooper involved.

Below is the statement:

On Saturday, July 28, 2012, I informed Mike Dyer that he had been released from the Arkansas State University football team after discovering new facts regarding an incident from March in which Dyer was issued a speeding ticket.

A few days after the incident in March I was approached by Robert Speer, who was identified to me at the time as a previous head coach’s security detail. He informed me that there had been a traffic stop the previous weekend where Dyer received a speeding ticket. He said that it was his understanding that drugs and a weapon were involved and that I should be aware of it.

When I found this out, I immediately confronted Mike as I do in any situation regarding issues from my players. Mike admitted to having a gun in the trunk of his vehicle, but adamantly denied being in possession of any drugs. Now obviously, I don’t condone my players carrying weapons, but Mike informed me the gun was registered and in the trunk. Therefore, it is my understanding that no laws were broken. Because Dyer was only issued a citation for speeding and because there was no evidence of drug use – no citation issued for drug possession – I decided to handle the matter internally.

On Friday, July 27, 2012, however, my office was contacted by the University Media Relations Department. The Media Relations Department had been contacted earlier in the morning by the Arkansas State Police, notifying them that a video existed which provided additional information pertaining to the traffic stop. I immediately contacted University administration, and I alerted them to the issue.

After securing a copy of the video that evening, I witnessed for the first time the incriminating remarks made by the female passenger and by Mike himself. Along with the events that took place in the video, the new evidence gave me strong reason to believe that there were drugs involved despite the adamant denials. That night after watching the video, I contacted Mike and made him aware of the facts that I saw on the video and I let him know I would be following up with him the next day.

On Saturday, I spoke with University administration to inform them of the new information I had received to let them know I would be dismissing Mike from the team that day. He was officially dismissed from the team on Saturday afternoon.

I do not know the officer that pulled over Mike that’s on the video. To my knowledge, I’ve never met this officer and have had no contact with the officer since the incident occurred in March. As for Ronnell Wright, who was also seen in the video – Ronnell Wright is suspended indefinitely from our team. I cannot go any further into that because there is still some information being gathered and I cannot answer any questions regarding Ronnell.

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