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President Obama vs Chick-fil-a


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Why did you post this?

Did you think I wasn't informed that Obama now supports Gay Marriage?

Where was the outrage from the LEFT over the last 4 years BEFORE, he decided to "evolve?"

That was quite the epic wrestling match Obama had with himself. Hulk Hogan eat your heart out.

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Why does Obama get a pass all these years before he evolved?

This goes to every person who now tries to be holier than thou and be a moral compass in berating people who go to a Fast Food place, yet, completely ignore the person who holds the most powerful government position on the planet??!! Are you kidding me?

I guess we common folks should start taking these as compliments to be held in a much more higher standard as elected officials and President Obama.

Talk about an income class warefare of different standards between the 99% and 1% being held to the same standard.
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Not necessarily giving him a pass but at the same time, I think it's fair to applaud him for ultimately reaching the right conclusion...

I posted the link for the obvious reasons, let's talk where we are today, it's what's relevant.

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Not necessarily giving him a pass but at the same time, I think it's fair to applaud him for ultimately reaching the right conclusion...

I posted the link for the obvious reasons, let's talk where we are today, it's what's relevant.

Where Obama is today is exactly where he was 4 years ago. He is picking the position that be believes helps him most in the election. He thinks he needs base turnout this year instead of cross-over appeal.

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Not necessarily giving him a pass but at the same time, I think it's fair to applaud him for ultimately reaching the right conclusion...

I posted the link for the obvious reasons, let's talk where we are today, it's what's relevant.

Where Obama is today is exactly where he was 4 years ago. He is picking the position that be believes helps him most in the election. He thinks he needs base turnout this year instead of cross-over appeal.

if only Romney had a consistant position... on anything.

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Not necessarily giving him a pass but at the same time, I think it's fair to applaud him for ultimately reaching the right conclusion...

I posted the link for the obvious reasons, let's talk where we are today, it's what's relevant.

Where Obama is today is exactly where he was 4 years ago. He is picking the position that be believes helps him most in the election. He thinks he needs base turnout this year instead of cross-over appeal.

if only Romney had a consistant position... on anything.

Do some homework and quit taking the loons at dailycoots seriously and do some homework.

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Not necessarily giving him a pass but at the same time, I think it's fair to applaud him for ultimately reaching the right conclusion...

I posted the link for the obvious reasons, let's talk where we are today, it's what's relevant.

I don't think you personally have the right to applaud him on his stance now, unless you were equally as indignant and vocally opposed to him before his nuance - as you are towards CFA now.

Why are liberals who oppose gay marriage not hateful bigots, but ANY conservative who shares a similar stance are allowed no similar moral gray area?

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Not necessarily giving him a pass but at the same time, I think it's fair to applaud him for ultimately reaching the right conclusion...

I posted the link for the obvious reasons, let's talk where we are today, it's what's relevant.

Where Obama is today is exactly where he was 4 years ago. He is picking the position that be believes helps him most in the election. He thinks he needs base turnout this year instead of cross-over appeal.

if only Romney had a consistant position... on anything.

Do some homework and quit taking the loons at dailycoots seriously and do some homework.

does he support Romneycare or Obamacare?

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Not necessarily giving him a pass but at the same time, I think it's fair to applaud him for ultimately reaching the right conclusion...

I posted the link for the obvious reasons, let's talk where we are today, it's what's relevant.

Where Obama is today is exactly where he was 4 years ago. He is picking the position that be believes helps him most in the election. He thinks he needs base turnout this year instead of cross-over appeal.

if only Romney had a consistant position... on anything.

You mean like being opposed to an individual mandate, then being for it?

Or closing Guantanamo, then keeping it open?

Or promising to repeal the PATRIOT Act, then extending it 4 more years?

Or viewing marriage as between one man and one woman, then being for gay marriage?

Or claiming to be against torture when in reality we're just outsourcing it now?

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Not necessarily giving him a pass but at the same time, I think it's fair to applaud him for ultimately reaching the right conclusion...

I posted the link for the obvious reasons, let's talk where we are today, it's what's relevant.

Again, it's nice to know you hold President Obama to a lower standard than others. This time it's Dan Cathy.

You tell us that you will no longer buy from Chick- Fil-A because of his stance on one issue...Gay Marriage.

Then, when it came to voting and fervently supporting Obama, you could overlook his stance on Gay Marriage as it wasn't even close to being part of a litmus test for you.

Chick Fil A =in your wheelhouse for a political litmus test.

Most power government position in the world in Obama = Meh

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Not necessarily giving him a pass but at the same time, I think it's fair to applaud him for ultimately reaching the right conclusion...

I posted the link for the obvious reasons, let's talk where we are today, it's what's relevant.

Again, it's nice to know you hold President Obama to a lower standard than others. This time it's Dan Cathy.

You tell us that you will no longer buy from Chick- Fil-A because of his stance on one issue...Gay Marriage.

Then, when it came to voting and fervently supporting Obama, you could overlook his stance on Gay Marriage as it wasn't even close to being part of a litmus test for you.

Chick Fil A =in your wheelhouse for a political litmus test.

Most power government position in the world in Obama = Meh

The only other possible explanation is that he thought Obama was lying for political purposes in 2008.

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The only other possible explanation is that he thought Obama was lying for political purposes in 2008.

RIR isn't that arrogant to assume he knows the inner-most thoughts of Obama. That sounds more like something TexasTiger would do. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not necessarily giving him a pass but at the same time, I think it's fair to applaud him for ultimately reaching the right conclusion...

I posted the link for the obvious reasons, let's talk where we are today, it's what's relevant.

I don't think you personally have the right to applaud him on his stance now, unless you were equally as indignant and vocally opposed to him before his nuance - as you are towards CFA now.

Why are liberals who oppose gay marriage not hateful bigots, but ANY conservative who shares a similar stance are allowed no similar moral gray area?

You can't take my hypocrisy and self-righteous indignation away. All I'll have left is my partisan rhetoric and name calling. Seriously though, good post.

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