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If I had to put my money on someone right now, I'd say our next coach will be Will Muschamp.  From what I've been hearing (rumors of course) his house is off the market and he's been shopping around for coordinators.  The sports guy on 102.3 this morning said that when the dust settles, Muschamp will be the new coach, so he doesn't know what they're waiting for.  Could be completely wrong, as Muschamp knows more than most the inner workings of the Auburn administration, but he'll probably have them right where he wants them.  They wouldn't can another coach within a short period after Tubbs leaving.  Who knows.

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I have heard the same rumor Kiser..

I read Phillip Marshall and anybody who follows Auburn Football knows that he is in the know. He threw out a name today. Jim Leavett @ USF.. It made me start to wonder... I use to live south of Tampa ( I also coached football down there)and there is speed galore that he could bring here. The players loved him and he can recruit..

I havent really heard his name thrown around much..

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I have heard the same rumor Kiser..

I read Phillip Marshall and anybody who follows Auburn Football knows that he is in the know. He threw out a name today. Jim Leavett @ USF.. It made me start to wonder... I use to live south of Tampa ( I also coached football down there)and there is speed galore that he could bring here. The players loved him and he can recruit..

I havent really heard his name thrown around much..

interesting. I havent really heard much mention of him either. I think I'll do a little reading about him when I get a chance.

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yeah i heard about Jim Leavitt but i really don't see him leaving b/c they are committing alot of things for him at South Florida but Auburn would be a great opportunity for him! Who knows?

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I'm going to read some more about him tomorrow because its past my bedtime. so far I'm pretty impressed. the link to his official page is below for those interested...

Jim Leavitt Bio - Official Athletics Web Site of the University of South Florida

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Muschamp's name keeps resurfacing no matter how many times you hear the Phillip Marshalls of the Auburn world claim there is zero chance.  I just don't know what to believe.  My wife spoke to a person that is "best friends" with a prominent booster last night and he swears up and down that Muschamp has already agreed to a deal with Auburn.  On the other hand, I keep hearing from numerous sources that the higher ups are trying to figure out a way to pay Spurrier $4 million a year and that he will come if they give him 100% control over everything and stay out of his business, kinda like the Saban deal at Bama.  Now, one person I heard from had a good point on this topic.  He said, if we give Spurrier a deal like that then we may actually get rid of the micromanaging b.s. that is going on and making us look like a total damn joke to the rest of the nation.  Just a thought, though.  All I know is that Skip Hotz reportedly just turned down Syracuse and Turner Gill could be slipping through our fingers, which may be the biggest mistake we make in some time.  This is all crazy and starting to eat at my nerves.  I will definitely not put my money on any one coach or any given time table for sure.  I just hope the right choices are made so we can return to prominence asap!  WAR EAGLE!!!

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Well to tell you the truth WarAUEagle to this point in the search nothin will surprise me but i have a gut feeling from all the people that i have talked to we should have a coach before the players go home for Christmas, which is next Friday. I guess we will have to wait and see b/c im not counting anything out but im also done with rumors, which i have stated several times!

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I don't mind speculating just for discussion purposes as long as people don't look at what I say and assume that I am in belief that what I am talking about is true.  In other words, it is all fun to talk about as long as it isn't taken as being serious.

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yeah thats true speculation is the greatest thing in sports......thats the reason that athletes and coaches are getting paid more!! Some of the rumors i have heard are great!! It makes me feel like im dreaming LOL

:wedance: :wedance: :wedance: :wedance: :wedance: :wedance: :wedance: :wedance: :wedance: :wedance:

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I think I get more frustration out of it than anything. One minute I think one thing, the next its different. I sincerely hope that the people in charge have a plan that will get us a real good coach soon.

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