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i just went on auburn football.com

Guest auburn warrior

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Guest auburn warrior

and just went on auburn football.com and they are acrting like its the end of the world, the least they could do is try to stay positive

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Yeah i saw where they were acting like it was the end of the world!! I was like DAMN come on people lets see through the fog!! Some fans its gonna take Chizik coaching Auburn to a 10 win season or going undefeated to think it was a GREAT hire!!

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I am on there alot, but I have figured out who to listen to on there and who to just completely ignore.  They aren't all bad.  I just get so angry reading some of the garbage on there and the pay site I am a member of but it does absolutely no good to get in to it with those idiots.  For one, some are mullets in disguise and others, I have found, are a totally different kind of fan than I.  They are extremely fairweather.  That guy, Buckeye Tiger is about the biggest fairweather fan I have ever seen.  He said you couldn't be a bigger fan than him.  He was a part of the Raptor team that traveled to road games with our birds and he knew everything about Aubuirn football, but yet, when we started losing this year, he said he would not watch another game.  I just cannot fathom being that kind of fan.  I would NEVER miss a game, damnit!!!  I went to all the games this year except for the one in loserville (I finally ran the bank account all the way down).  I felt so bad, and still do, that I missed it, even though we were blown out.  Anyways, there are a lot of morons out there.  Don't let them get you down!  WAR EAGLE!!!

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I dont really post on there but I have noticed that they have every type of person and fan out there. I think that many will come around once they get their heads straight and realize the most obvious fact about this whole thing: Chizik is the new HC and he's here to stay, he's more passionate about Auburn than 90% of them, and the least we can do as Auburn fans is support him and give him a chance. make the best of what youve got...the most simple concept in life! WAR DAMN CHIZIK!

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I agree.  And don't listen to Sportscall X!!!  The only thing those guys want to do on there is knock Jacobs and Lowder, call for their firings.... talk about conspiracies, how Lowder was soley responsible for Tubs being gone!  Who knows what went on with any of this.  Things happen but some people blow it out of proportion.  I really think that the Chizik hire was all on Jacobs, guys!  Lowder and friends wanted the biggest name they could get.  Anyways.  Sharpie!  Lets move on and talk about the future, guy!  You are not going to get Jacobs fired and I can assure you that Lowder will be around with that $ until the day he dies.  S**t happens like this at all the major football schools.  Anyways, WAR EAGLE!

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