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i know its early

Guest auburn warrior

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Guest auburn warrior

and we just want to see how recruiting goes and get to see the spring game, but what are your expectations for next season, i have to say if we have decent pereformane from all sides of the ball probably, 9 or 10 wins, if not 7, 0r 8 wins, or possible  another 5-7 season, of course i could be wrong, this year i picked us to be undefeated when we played georgia, we all saw how that went

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I think 8 wins would be pretty realistic with new coaches, new offensive and defensive personalities, and still a young QB without much experience.  I hope for more, but remember our road schedule includes LSU and UGA next year, plus Bama is still loaded no matter how bad you hate it. 

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Guest auburn warrior

yeah man i hope im wrong but if we don't get decent play especially on offense, we will probably have 7 or 8 wins, 5-7 is also possible

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5-7 is possible, but I just do not understand not making a bowl game.  We schedule tat least 3 games/year to win without a doubt (well besides this year), and you have to be able to beat the bad SEC teams, an pull out one more.  We should expect no less. There were a few games this year that were lost on coaching.  I do love Tubs, but we did lose some games because of very poor play call. 

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Guest auburn warrior

no arguement their of course if tony franklin that name leaves a bad taste in my mouth, had done his job we wouldn't have had more and than 4 losses, of course it wasn't all his fault since he wasn't coaching last half of the season, like i said that name leaves a bad taste in my mouth, from now on i'll just say him

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[quote author=aunick24 link=topic=432.msg2288#msg2288


plus Bama is still loaded no matter how bad you hate it. 

Bama... I still refuse to believe they are any good... I am going to continue to tell myself that they only barely made it through during a down year by LSU, AU, and UGA.  They also had many near defeats by several other teams.  I am severely Orange and Blue sited when it comes to this...but just let me fall asleep happy for one more year pretending that there were 10+ flukes!


But on a serious note... I believe that an 8 win season is attainable for sure.  It is a bit of a hard call not knowing what our offense will even try to look like on how many wins we actually will have.  However, looking at the talent that we have on the field its hard to believe that we should not be able to at least go to a bowl game.

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Did anybody else see that Chris Todd is having surgery on his shoulder?  Hopefully after that he may actually be able to throw the ball on something lower than a rainbow curve.  Hell, he may even come back and compete with the other quarter backs.  It was pretty obvious all year that something had to be medically wrong with the kid.  There was no way that he could have always looked like that with a school like Auburn offering him.

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I don't believe alabama is loaded, either.  They lost their QB for one and I believe are losing several more.  Anyone know the total?  Looking at the size of Terrence Cody's mammary glands, I think if someone said his pants made him look fat, he'd cry and leave the field.  It really was a down year in the SEC with the exception of FL.  I don't think there's any way to even guess about the outcome of next season since we don't have a staff in place and haven't seen a practice.

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I'd say that 7 or 8 wins isn't out of reach for a couple reasons. We aren't really picking up new offensive and defensive schemes, we're kinda just going back to the old ones that worked so that doesn't bug me.

And Alabama is and was overrated. Every team they beat to get to number 1 ended up being mediocre at best (ahem...clemson, georgia). Florida was the first time they played a ligitimate team, and they got their collective a##'s handed to them because they tried to play shootout with tim tebow.

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Oh yeah.  They will be going into next season with an unproven QB.  I am hearing rumors that Little Nicky is getting nervous and wanting to look for a junior college QB because he doesn't believe either of his options will cut it next year. 

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8-5 or 9-4 would not be a disappointment to me. We could do better if we get lucky in a game or two. I found out this past season that anything can happen on any give day. So I think the less excited we get the better off we will be.  :zapbama:

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This topic is the reason we love this site. Everyone said something intelligent and there wasn't any complaining. We don;t sound like Bammers.  :beatmullet:

Agreed on the 7-8 win season. I think if we can find a kicker it will help us win several. As well as a good OC, we should be overpowered at RB as well as have some good receivers to keep it balanced. I want Pierre Louis back, that joker can fly. We need a deep threat that actually exists to help us out. If we get a good deep route man and can get the O-line moving again, and a kicker, I see us competing for a 9 win season. QB will be interesting. I think that Kodi or Trotter will be the man next year. I have heard so many good things about Trotter's arm. Maybe Kodi will get his rhythm down in the offseason and learn to make those deep throws. I am not expecting us to throw it deep every down but we need a Tim Carter that can beat people deep. In the SEC that is hard to do. War Eagle. Once again thanks for joining us here at Wareagleauburn.com. More to come soon, get excited.  :zapbama::beatmullet:

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Bama will be tough next year, but I agree with you guys that I dont think they are going to be as good as they were this year. They will have to break in a new quarterback. We all know how that goes... LSU, KENTUCKY, AUBURN, AND TENNESSEE all had new qbs this year and all teams struggled harshly. So I think bama is a possible 8 win team next year, but it will all depend on their qb.

if you look at LSU on paper they probably had the most talented offense surrounding a quarterback. Demtris Byrd, Brandon Lafell... Kieland Williams, Charles Scott, Trindon Holiday. Without a qb with solid experience, they cant get the ball to the hands of the playmakers.

Arkansas could be good next year. They have a lot of young Talent returning,but once again they will be breaking in a new quarterback.  So we will see right off the bat next year how good Auburn will be because I think we play West Virginia first.

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Brandon I agree with Pierre Louis back. If we can get a deep threat on the outside and put Pierre in the slot like a faster Wes Welker then we can really make safeties be honest. Then in return our RB pounds the rock against a seven man front. We got too predictable last year and everybody put 8-9 men in the box and we couldn't back them off throwing.. Most people try to make football harder than it has to be. You find advantages one of two ways on offense. 1: You get one more person blocking than they have defending or 2: Spread them out in a space that allows your athletes to do their thing....

I know this sounds to simple to be true but all of you that have played or coached know that it is was it is....

War Damn Eagle: I am freaking ready for next fall.

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Yeah me too b/c he is a great reciever he will probably turn out to be one of the top 3 in this class if we can hang on to him....i heard that if Stafford leaves UGA for the NFL then we are about an 5:1 favorite to get him but if not then we are 50:50

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