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The liberal anti-Limbaughs


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We've even seen this attitude on this board.....


Do you think Rush Limbaugh would have publicly admitted and sought treatment for his drug addiction if the National Enquirer hadn't broken the story?



Don't know

Today marks the first broadcast day of Rush Limbaugh's four-week hiatus for treatment of his dependency on prescription pills, and many on the left couldn't be happier. The left typically shows more compassion for a mass murder who lost his latest appeal than they are showing for Limbaugh. So, where is all of this much-celebrated liberal compassion? I suppose we forgot that liberals usually show their compassion by spending someone else's money.

Some on the left are looking at Rush's month of drug rehab as the perfect time to do a little "kicking while they're down." Evan Thomas writes this in a current Newsweek article: "The man behind the curtain is not the God of Family Values but a childless, twice-divorced, thrice-married schlub whose idea of a good time is to lie on his couch and watch football endlessly. Nice."

It's odd, isn't it? The left can't find a way to criticize a welfare brood mare who downloads a succession of future jail inmates she can't possibly afford to raise, but they're eager to apply the "childless" label to someone who can afford to raise a child, but has none.

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We've even seen this attitude on this board.....

When did you see this attitude on this board? I can, however, see how many, many people (liberals) would love to take this opportunity to bash someone who has made it his life's work to bash them with his superior, holier-than-thou attitude and flat-out lies. I'll ask the same question I asked when I initially posted about this story.

As it turns out, we now know that this is his THIRD time to receive drug addiction treatment. Ask this question, "What Would Rush Say?"

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...would love to take this opportunity to bash someone who has made it his life's work to bash them with his superior, holier-than-thou attitude and flat-out lies.

A...Hello, AL Franken, James Carville, NPR, Every LIB on this site, Every Dem Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton, shall I go on?

You libs kill me. You will attack a conservative or republican for something you do as a way of life.

You constantly look down your collective noses at anyone right of Socialist Wacko! If a Conservative or Republican does something its a disgrace if a lib does it's honest and true.

I don't listen to Rush because I realize he is a sensationalist. I also realize that for every wacko on the left, there is one on the right but none of you bleeding heart pansies sees it this way. You get on here proclaiming everything from the left wing mouth pieces and tabloids as stone cold fact. You're too blinded by your hatred for anyone who thinks different from you to realize this matter. Talk about a "holier than thou attitude!"

Hillary epitomized your beliefs when she claimed that the whole Monica scandal was a "Right Winged Conspiracy" just as Gray Davis did only to find out later that you've been made a fool of.

You people slam Bush for attcking Iraq as though there was not any threat there and yet none of you would pull your heads out of WJC's butt long enough to notice his attacks on other countries in much the same way or the disaster of Somolia. You can't even stand the thought of Clinton agreeing with Bush on the Iraq matter. It's too painful and outside the rules of being a true Democrat.

Wise up guys!

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Tiger Al this shouldn't be directed toward you at all I have been empressed with your sympathy. All libs are not the same just like all conservs are not the same. The liberal media has been overly gleeful about the situation. Take a look at newsweek.

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I get Newsweek, and thank goodness it is a free subscription - or else I would demand my money back. What a mean spirited, vicious attack on someone trying to get his life back together, whether once or twice or three times. Rush is a HUMAN, after all, tho libs try to turn him into the anti-Christ. I still don't understand the joy in this country when someone turns out to have feet of clay. I am going to make my displeasure known to Newsweek - but somehow I doubt they publish my letter.

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I disdain what many liberals have done regarding Rush this past week. They've shown themselves to be complete and utter hypocrites. However...

TigerAl and CShine, our resident libbies, are not among them. They quickly came out on this board hoping for Rush's full recovery with no malice or sarcasm that I could detect.

Just wanted to make that clear.

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I disdain what many liberals have done regarding Rush this past week. They've shown themselves to be complete and utter hypocrites. However...

TigerAl and CShine, our resident libbies, are not among them. They quickly came out on this board hoping for Rush's full recovery with no malice or sarcasm that I could detect.

Just wanted to make that clear.


This from TigerAl:

I can't stand Rush Limbaugh...but I truly hope he is successful in his recovery. It must be understood that drug addiction is NOT a character issue. He is not a bad person who is trying to become good, but rather, he is a sick person who's trying to get well. Good luck, you SOB!!! 


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He was being nice. He doesn't like Rush. Can't stand his views or his style. The last line was tongue in cheek (as indicated by the ;) icon you didn't quote). So there was a tad bit of sarcasm...just not at his condition.

I stand by what I said.

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I did include it, but for some reason it didn't paste??? Anyway, there seemed to be others that weren't as understanding as you. Doesn't matter, its still known that there are many one-sided bashers out there.

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Oh, I totally agree. There have been reprehensible things said by tons of liberals. They fancy themselves as having some corner on the market when it comes to caring and compassion. They are liars and full of it. I just wanted to be sure to say that I didn't think TigerAl and CShine had behaved that way and that is a credit to them. I'll keep disagreeing with them like crazy, but it was nice to see them act like human beings when this broke.

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My brother has been through alcohol rehab, and I saw what he went through. I don't like most of the things Rush says in public, but that's politics, not private life. I've made a point of staying out of the business of judging celebrities for their personal failings, but since my name got mentioned in this thread I thought I'd let y'all know where I come from. This is not something I'm going to judge him for one way or the other.

He'll be back soon enough, and then we can all go back to hollering at each other over the outrageous political stuff he says. B)

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