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Terrence Coleman

The Defiant

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"I dont know anything about the Mobile HS system but to say the high school is teh reason he did not get inis ridiculous."


If you don't know anything about the Mobile HS system then how on Earth can you make a statement such as this?

Name a HS that does not teach it's students.

I have faith in a school system, that I know nothing about, to teach the students.

The Mobile County Public School System has been struggling for about the last 10 years. Huge cuts have been made in advanced teaching programs, extracurricular activities, fine arts, and special education. To add to that, they have more students enrolled than ever. And Williamson is towards the bottom of the public school list.

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"I dont know anything about the Mobile HS system but to say the high school is teh reason he did not get inis ridiculous."


If you don't know anything about the Mobile HS system then how on Earth can you make a statement such as this?

Name a HS that does not teach it's students.

I have faith in a school system, that I know nothing about, to teach the students.

The Mobile County Public School System has been struggling for about the last 10 years. Huge cuts have been made in advanced teaching programs, extracurricular activities, fine arts, and special education. To add to that, they have more students enrolled than ever. And Williamson is towards the bottom of the public school list.

I only found a handful of players that signed LOI's in the last 10 years.  AC and Jamarcus Russell are the only ones of note that actually got in stright up.  Fairley needed the help too.  Seems our coaches may need to target elsewhere regardless if it is the teachers or players fault. 

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"I dont know anything about the Mobile HS system but to say the high school is teh reason he did not get inis ridiculous."


If you don't know anything about the Mobile HS system then how on Earth can you make a statement such as this?

Name a HS that does not teach it's students.

I have faith in a school system, that I know nothing about, to teach the students.

The Mobile County Public School System has been struggling for about the last 10 years. Huge cuts have been made in advanced teaching programs, extracurricular activities, fine arts, and special education. To add to that, they have more students enrolled than ever. And Williamson is towards the bottom of the public school list.

I only found a handful of players that signed LOI's in the last 10 years.  AC and Jamarcus Russell are the only ones of note that actually got in stright up.  Fairley needed the help too.  Seems our coaches may need to target elsewhere regardless if it is the teachers or players fault. 

I mean Mobile is a talent rich area, and don't forget about those private school kids, but yea, if they can't make the grades (regardless of who is at fault) then we need to stay away

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"I dont know anything about the Mobile HS system but to say the high school is teh reason he did not get inis ridiculous."


If you don't know anything about the Mobile HS system then how on Earth can you make a statement such as this?

Name a HS that does not teach it's students.

I have faith in a school system, that I know nothing about, to teach the students.

Go right ahead and have faith in it, then.  There are, though, several examples within this very thread to support ST's point, as if he needs any to support his credibility.
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Isn't Williamson where Lavoyd James went to? Another of last years committments that had to go the Juco route

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"I dont know anything about the Mobile HS system but to say the high school is teh reason he did not get inis ridiculous."


If you don't know anything about the Mobile HS system then how on Earth can you make a statement such as this?

Name a HS that does not teach it's students.

I have faith in a school system, that I know nothing about, to teach the students.

Every single public high school in America. You can have all the faith in the world in public education, but...well, it's not the most intelligent route. This country got the idea for its education system from Prussia, whose system was set up to educate peasants enough that they could adequately serve the wealthy elite. Now, it's not exactly the same, but does it REALLY make you feel good to know that's where it started?

Public education is about memorization, listening to the teacher well enough to regurgitate the information back to them on the test, which leads to students to remember things for just long enough to pass the test and move on. This is especially brutal in math, because forcing kids to think for themselves and use logic in solving problems is taboo in today's political climate...not to mention that teachers get paid so poorly that it's often difficult to find adequate educators for all of the classes, and those teachers usually teach the more advanced classes anyway. And then too many kids complain about teachers being hard on them, and too many parents are too uninvolved in their kids' lives to do anything other than blame the schools for making their kids stupid.

Oh yeah, and the money that is supposed to go to the education system quite often gets earmarked and assigned to something else by politicians. On top of that, a few years ago Alabama was ranked 49th in the country in funding for public education (not sure about now), so not only is the money distributed poorly, there's not enough of it to begin with.

I could go on listing the evils of American public education, but if I haven't made my point already, then you're never going to listen.

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I disugre.  My publik ejukshun has survd me gud.  I can mak Big Max by hart.  Nex wek I git tu lurn the driv thru rejistr. 

As much as I get the sarcasm, coming from you...well, I'm not so surprised that you are a product of that system.

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Pretty disappointed that we have fans who would deny a good person with great talent a scholarship and a chance at a better life just because they didn't have the grades to get in the first go around.

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Pretty disappointed that we have fans who would deny a good person with great talent a scholarship and a chance at a better life just because they didn't have the grades to get in the first go around.

This +1 (for guerra because of the zero's LOL)

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I disugre.  My publik ejukshun has survd me gud.  I can mak Big Max by hart.  Nex wek I git tu lurn the driv thru rejistr. 

As much as I get the sarcasm, coming from you...well, I'm not so surprised that you are a product of that system.

Again, around4ever not = auburn4ever just in case you got us mixed up. 

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I disugre.  My publik ejukshun has survd me gud.  I can mak Big Max by hart.  Nex wek I git tu lurn the driv thru rejistr. 

As much as I get the sarcasm, coming from you...well, I'm not so surprised that you are a product of that system.

Again, around4ever not = auburn4ever just in case you got us mixed up. 

Oh crap, I knew that, but I only glanced at your sn, so my apologies around. You're actually pretty cool. It's the other A4E that has issues...

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I disugre.  My publik ejukshun has survd me gud.  I can mak Big Max by hart.  Nex wek I git tu lurn the driv thru rejistr. 

As much as I get the sarcasm, coming from you...well, I'm not so surprised that you are a product of that system.

Again, around4ever not = auburn4ever just in case you got us mixed up. 

Oh crap, I knew that, but I only glanced at your sn, so my apologies around. You're actually pretty cool. It's the other A4E that has issues...

Well, I do have issues too.  Apology not necessary, I guess it was in poor taste as pointed out by WT.  I really was just trying to be funny about a very serious and the sad state of the public education system in Alabama.   

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Well, I do have issues too.  Apology not necessary, I guess it was in poor taste as pointed out by WT.  I really was just trying to be funny about a very serious and the sad state of the public education system in Alabama.     

Yeah, I got that, and the saddest part of it is that it's pretty true. :-/

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I disugre.  My publik ejukshun has survd me gud.  I can mak Big Max by hart.  Nex wek I git tu lurn the driv thru rejistr. 

As much as I get the sarcasm, coming from you...well, I'm not so surprised that you are a product of that system.

Again, around4ever not = auburn4ever just in case you got us mixed up. 

^^^^THIS +100000000000000000000000^^^^...again, sorry Around4Ever

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Your post earlier hit the nail on the head.  The system is so screwed up, a reformation is the only way to fix it.  The public system is to blame; the school administrators are to blame; the teachers are to blame; the parents are to blame; and a certain amount of blame must be placed on the individual student.

I did graduate from a public system in '75 and I feel like I got a decent education.  Both of my kids went through a pretty good public system, although they went to different high schools.  Both graduated with honors, in '05 and '07 and and have done well in college.  There are some pretty good public systems in the state.   And then there are some pretty bad ones too.          

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Why is it that everyone is always trying to blame someone else in this country. There is no sense of personal responsibility left in this country anymore. It is always someone else's fault. If a kid does no get a good education than that is his or her own fault coupled with the parents fault for not doing their job. "Get out my face" parenting is what is ruining our schools.

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Why is it that everyone is always trying to blame someone else in this country. There is no sense of personal responsibility left in this country anymore. It is always someone else's fault. If a kid does no get a good education than that is his or her own fault coupled with the parents fault for not doing their job. "Get out my face" parenting is what is ruining our schools.

You are correct Valour, that is why I included them in the blame.  But, the entire system is broken. 

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As a high school teacher, I have to agree with most of what has been said. The system is broken. No question about it. And there is plenty of blame to go around. Students need to take more responsibility for their actions. Parents need to be more involved in their children's lives. Admins need to get rid of a broken tenure system that allows teachers to "coast" until retirement. Also, we need cut through all of the crap that is being pushed down from the top (No Child Left Behind, etc.) and just teach. I don't need 75 different standards to tell me how to teach. What I need is a sink in my room and maybe some tables? Let's cut out 75% of the heirarchy that is the Department of Education and spend that money where it was supposed to be spent... the CLASSROOM.

*Steps off of soap box*

Sorry guys...  :dunno:

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Why is it that everyone is always trying to blame someone else in this country. There is no sense of personal responsibility left in this country anymore. It is always someone else's fault. If a kid does no get a good education than that is his or her own fault coupled with the parents fault for not doing their job. "Get out my face" parenting is what is ruining our schools.

I put it more on the parent than the student...not that students should not be held accountable, but that it is the parents who should be holding them accountable. Sadly, far too many parents either don't care enough to give their kids any direction or they push them in entirely the wrong direction.

As a high school teacher, I have to agree with most of what has been said. The system is broken. No question about it. And there is plenty of blame to go around. Students need to take more responsibility for their actions. Parents need to be more involved in their children's lives. Admins need to get rid of a broken tenure system that allows teachers to "coast" until retirement. Also, we need cut through all of the crap that is being pushed down from the top (No Child Left Behind, etc.) and just teach. I don't need 75 different standards to tell me how to teach. What I need is a sink in my room and maybe some tables? Let's cut out 75% of the heirarchy that is the Department of Education and spend that money where it was supposed to be spent... the CLASSROOM.

*Steps off of soap box*

Sorry guys...  :dunno:

You're absolutely right, but unfortunately, it's simply not going to happen. My father was on the county BOE for six years, and when election time came around, he wouldn't even let them put his name on the ballot because he couldn't stand the politicking that goes on ALL THE FREAKING TIME even at the county level. It's disgusting.

And for the record, NCLB is something akin to what I would come up with if I were trying to design the worst school system possible.

Now, I'm going to have to get back up on my soap box. Someone pointed out that there are many pretty decent schools in the state, and that's true. I went to one of them. It's a very small school (or, well, it's growing pretty quickly now...I think we're up to 4A, but my graduating class was 74), and there were several pretty bad teachers, but there were several pretty good ones. The problem is that "pretty good" is a relevant description, not really an accurate one.

Example: My best friend graduated with about a 3.4 GPA. He was on the advanced curriculum, and took all the way up to calculus in math. Now, admittedly, he only did calculus because he knew I'd be there to make sure he picked up everything, but nevertheless, he's certainly not dumb. But because math teachers are supposed to teach their kids how to punch numbers into the calculator rather than emphasizing the necessity of understanding basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, he was completely reliant upon his calculator. I watched as he punched 7 + 4 into the dang number box instead of taking two seconds to think what the sum is.

But maybe it's just that he's not a math person, right? And he's not. Never has been. But then there was the time during our freshman year of college that he was going over his notes for his history final (which was the only class we didn't have together that semester) with another friend who shared the class. I remember hearing him distinctly say, "And Adolf Hitler, who took control of Germany in 1952..." I stopped him and told him that Hitler didn't take control of Germany in 52, and before I could explain any farther, he blew up on me for "arguing with the book."

Now, again, I understand that he was stressed out because of finals, and I get that everybody does not share my innate affection for history, especially WWII, but how could he have possibly gotten through 12 years of grade school and a full semester of college and not have any clue whatsoever that WWII happened in the 40s? Like I said, he's not stupid. But the system is so chocked full of holes that it's no wonder the country is in the shape it's in.

You can defend individual schools all you want, but the reality is that those individual schools, even the "good" ones, still funnel it's students through the system and into the machine that has become the United States of America.

That same friend's mother works for the state. I don't remember what exactly it is she does, but I know she has been there for 25 years, and the ditzy blond who started 3 years ago after graduating from Troy makes 10 grand more per year than she does. Her degree is in drama. Acting as if she's working is the only thing that course of study does to help with the job. But that's the way it works.

...Ok, I need to stop. If I keep going, this is going to branch deeply into politics, both in the government and in the corporate world, so per ST's no politics rule, I'm afraid I am not going to trust myself to go any farther. It's kinda pointless to talk about it, anyway. The only way real change will ever occur is if We The People grow a set and stand up to the government. And I just don't see that happening any time soon.

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What does your friend not knowing how to add or anything about history have to do with the government? And which government? Local school boards, state, federal? I love it when "the government" is the enemy (like Beck does) but there are 3 separate governments rolled into one entity known as "the government"

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What does your friend not knowing how to add or anything about history have to do with the government? And which government? Local school boards, state, federal? I love it when "the government" is the enemy (like Beck does) but there are 3 separate governments rolled into one entity known as "the government"

*Sigh* I stopped specifically because I didn't want to go any farther into politics, but to answer your question about school boards, it's all three. Yeah, I know, you're going to roll your eyes and think me a fool just wanting to fight the power, but I'm not going to explain it any more than that. Please drop it.

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