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Texas Tech recruiting


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I was just looking over what XCTT was gonna have coming in this year and was amazed ! They only have TWO 4 * recruits so far and a plethera of 3 *s . I know that really means nothing at all in the big scheme of things ,but i would have thought a program like TT would garner more attention from in-state recruits with their offense...

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TT sits pretty low on the totem pole in that region and conference as far as recruiting goes. Texas, OK, Neb....pretty tough competition to fight against.

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TT doesn't make the upper tier but every so often. Their coach is the one who made the press often and pulled the university around.

On the recruting side - have you ever been to Lubbock? Even their students say its the ugliest campus around :laugh:

Hope Tbbs can get it going. Theyneed more than OU and UT in the mix.

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His style of recruiting, believe it or not, fits their mold wonderfully...  And please spare me the smart butt comments.  He, for the most part and until the end there, did a good job with the "diamond in the rough" type players that will basically be the type of players he will get there.  The difference between us and Texas Tech is that we can go after the "Big Cats" and land them, as our new staff is already showing early.  Tubs just didn't feel the need to put a lot of effort into doing so.  That was just his style, which is one reason I believe he may just be a good fit there.

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His style of recruiting, believe it or not, fits their mold wonderfully...  And please spare me the smart butt comments.  He, for the most part and until the end there, did a good job with the "diamond in the rough" type players that will basically be the type of players he will get there.  The difference between us and Texas Tech is that we can go after the "Big Cats" and land them, as our new staff is already showing early.  Tubs just didn't feel the need to put a lot of effort into doing so.  That was just his style, which is one reason I believe he may just be a good fit there.

Im holding my tongue on this one... I believe he might just do well there if he can keep a good staff. Im going to wait and see what happens before I open my mouth.
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He'll never do well at TT, TT will never do well period, he is using this as a stepping stone to get back into coaching

Strong opinion there, buddy.  It may be a stepping stone for him.  I wasn't taking that into account when making that last post.  I wouldn't go as far as saying they will never do well, PERIOD!
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He'll never do well at TT, TT will never do well period, he is using this as a stepping stone to get back into coaching

Strong opinion there, buddy.  It may be a stepping stone for him.  I wasn't taking that into account when making that last post.  I wouldn't go as far as saying they will never do well, PERIOD!

They will NEVER do well as long as Texas and OK are in the same division....it's like saying kentucky will win the SEC...haha that will NEVER happen (Never as in next 50 years)

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Guest simonsez

He'll never do well at TT, TT will never do well period, he is using this as a stepping stone to get back into coaching

Strong opinion there, buddy.  It may be a stepping stone for him.  I wasn't taking that into account when making that last post.  I wouldn't go as far as saying they will never do well, PERIOD!

They will NEVER do well as long as Texas and OK are in the same division....it's like saying kentucky will win the SEC...haha that will NEVER happen (Never as in next 50 years)

Dangerous words.  Kentucky gonna end up winning games like they did when Bear Bryant was there just because you said that.

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Some of you act as if TT never recruited any top players and never won any games at Auburn. Who recruited J.Campbell, R.Brown, C. Williams, D.Aromodashu?, C.Rogers and all the other all star players over the past ten years? How did Auburn win more gamesover his tenure than all but a very few teams in the country? Personally, I am baffled. Somebody else must have been responsible for all of that.

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He'll never do well at TT, TT will never do well period, he is using this as a stepping stone to get back into coaching

Strong opinion there, buddy.  It may be a stepping stone for him.  I wasn't taking that into account when making that last post.  I wouldn't go as far as saying they will never do well, PERIOD!

They will NEVER do well as long as Texas and OK are in the same division....it's like saying kentucky will win the SEC...haha that will NEVER happen (Never as in next 50 years)

Dangerous words.  Kentucky gonna end up winning games like they did when Bear Bryant was there just because you said that.

Don't underestimate joker phillips, but i don't see em consistently beating uf, nevr know though

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Guys this is Kentucky we are talking about in the same division as GA, TN, and FL........Not to mention if they do get to the  SEC championship they have to play UA, AU, or LSU.....it will not happen in the next 50 years...Kentucky is a BBall school and Texas Tech is more Bball then Football

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It just all depends on your definition of "well" when talking about TT (and I am not even gonna bring Kentucky into this discussion).  They had a few pretty darn good years under Leach.  To say they will never do well is really going out on a limb.  That's my only point.  Chances are you can look back on their history 50 years from now and come to the conclusion that they have always overall been a mediocre program, though.  So, basically I do see your point.  HA!

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LoL, maybe I should have defined my definition of good.  I define good as at least 1 conference championship every 5 years.  I don't think TT will be able to do that with Texas so dominant and OK on the rise.  I personally don't think Tubby will be there for more than 5 years.  Just my opinion of course

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It just all depends on your definition of "well" when talking about TT (and I am not even gonna bring Kentucky into this discussion).  They had a few pretty darn good years under Leach.  To say they will never do well is really going out on a limb.  That's my only point.  Chances are you can look back on their history 50 years from now and come to the conclusion that they have always overall been a mediocre program, though.   So, basically I do see your point.  HA!

hey your right... you never know... I mean TT did beat Texas last year
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Hmmm I have never understood this, Coach Tubs was and still is a great coach yet every time someone mentions him there are AU fans trying to pile on with all the idiots from other SEC schools who dont like him cause he kicked the crap out of them for a decade. What would he have to do to finally gain the respect he should have earned from us as a fan base. He was with AU for 10 years, during his time we were one of the winningest teams in the country, the NFL is filled with his talent, in the next 15 years I think you will see even more of his coaches show up as stars which speaks to his ability to find rising young coaches, he ran a clean program and I can not remember any legal problems or other such black eyes for the program under his watch, he got cheated out of a national championship which I honestly credit for the benefit of doubt the SEC always seems to get now but any way you shake it you can not say that he didnt do all he needed to. I get that he got stale and we are doing well without him but I think that is just that natural progression of present day coaching and it happens to all of them with a few expections. I think the man should always be remembered well and be respected for what he has done for the program. He did what any good employee does, he left the job a much better job than he found it. Although I enjoy all the great recruits and all the fun of the ups and downs I also enjoyed knowing that if auburn scored 21 points 9 out of 10 times we were going to win, and i enjoyed watching us knock the crap out of everyone on D. I dont think to like the current state of Auburn football we have to dislike where we have been. Everyone is entitled to their opinion i just cant relate

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Hmmm I have never understood this, Coach Tubs was and still is a great coach yet every time someone mentions him there are AU fans trying to pile on with all the idiots from other SEC schools who dont like him cause he kicked the crap out of them for a decade. What would he have to do to finally gain the respect he should have earned from us as a fan base. He was with AU for 10 years, during his time we were one of the winningest teams in the country, the NFL is filled with his talent, in the next 15 years I think you will see even more of his coaches show up as stars which speaks to his ability to find rising young coaches, he ran a clean program and I can not remember any legal problems or other such black eyes for the program under his watch, he got cheated out of a national championship which I honestly credit for the benefit of doubt the SEC always seems to get now but any way you shake it you can not say that he didnt do all he needed to. I get that he got stale and we are doing well without him but I think that is just that natural progression of present day coaching and it happens to all of them with a few expections. I think the man should always be remembered well and be respected for what he has done for the program. He did what any good employee does, he left the job a much better job than he found it. Although I enjoy all the great recruits and all the fun of the ups and downs I also enjoyed knowing that if auburn scored 21 points 9 out of 10 times we were going to win, and i enjoyed watching us knock the crap out of everyone on D. I dont think to like the current state of Auburn football we have to dislike where we have been. Everyone is entitled to their opinion i just cant relate

Sorry if I came across as bashing Tubs....I like Tubs and like what he did at Auburn.  He is a great coach.  I was bashing Texas Tech.  Tubs  being at TT will not do as well as he did at AU.  He won't be able to get the quality talent and he has to play against Texas and OK which get double the talent.  This is just my opinion that he is using this as a stepping stone for a better head coach position back in the SEC in the next 2 years

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Is it just me or are all the "TT" references in this post kinda confusing? I mean, are we talking about Texas Tech, or Tommy Tuberville, or Tony the Tiger........ :laugh:

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he's a good coach but he's also a horrible recruiter

Tubbs is a good recruiter - he needs to surround himself with more recrutier and energenic types. His staff over theyears has produced a few HC's in waiting - but not nearly as many as he should have.

Seems there are two types of coaches. One is conservative, hires HIS assistants and keeps them forever. The second group hires assistants with a great deal of energy who want to be HC's one day and will move heaven and earth to get there.

In the first case, you have assistants that stay five plus years and they become your family due to their loyalty. This program can be very good, but rarely is great. In the second case, you have a much greater chance hitting the trifecta on a two to three year cycle as the staff reaps the rewards of a conference or NC and moves up. Look at the top escelon programs and when they were their best. Then look at the ones that once were great but moveing into mediocrity.

It just like business. I'd rather hire someone who has two to three years per job with great results than someone who was with one compnay for 10 years. If I'm not pushed by my direct repports, I'm wondering why. Football manageent is the same

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