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Breakups are hard.

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...but i feel like a bit weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I have been stressed with worries over the relationship.

Bright side? Loving family, the care of the AU family, and my FIRST AU GAME SEPT 4th!


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...but i feel like a bit weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I have been stressed with worries over the relationship.

Bright side? Loving family, the care of the AU family, and my FIRST AU GAME SEPT 4th!


You are better off single at Auburn.  The loveliest ladies are in the loveliest village.  ;) 

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Guest auwrangler

no mater who's to blame or if it was just mutual, all you can do is learn from any mistakes and move foward.

you learn far more from mistakes than you do from not dealing with adversity.

good luck bro.

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...but i feel like a bit weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I have been stressed with worries over the relationship.

Bright side? Loving family, the care of the AU family, and my FIRST AU GAME SEPT 4th!


Thats bama crap. The MF'ing has to stop.

But I know you're excited for your first game! Wont be disappointed  :thumbsup:

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