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everything in music is about to change

Guest auburn warrior

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Guest auburn warrior

and also im gonna have a blog on myspace about our band and, and gonna have some of the songs we've written so far so if you have myspace send me a friend request saying who are or just tell me what you go bye on this board, i should have everything up in a couple of weeks

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My guess is he was trying to get someone to respond

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yeah i just need two more members, we;ve already written a bucnh of songs

I play a mean cow bell

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yeah i just need two more members, we;ve already written a bucnh of songs

If you need a flute player, I'm your man.


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Warrior, are you actually a musician, or is this something that you are just taking a shot at? What do you play?

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Warrior, are you actually a musician, or is this something that you are just taking a shot at? What do you play?

I'm guessing he plays guitar; said in another thread that the band currently consists of three front men and are looking for a bassist and a drummer...

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yes im gonna be rhtym guitarist

Do you suffer from typing dyslexia?  I notice you tend to do this with words a bunch.

I suffer from an acute form dyslexia myself so i feel your pain

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