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Has anyone seen the previews for Super8?

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It looks like a cool movie i know some folks may like lost, fringe, or alias J.J. Abrams and Spielberg are collaborating on a upcoming film called super 8.  The premise is about 8 kids that live near Area 51/Nellis Air force base/Dreamland and there is a train wreck that the air force has dubbed train chemical spill, while they are filming with their super 8 cameras they catch something sinister on film.  There is a teaser up on you tube it looks to be a good movie I just hope it lives up to the hype that the teaser has set on the net. 

If you watch the teaser tell me what you think is in the train car, I think it's some sort of alien, but many have said that it's the AVENGERS, the HULK, or some kind of super hero but i don't know of any super hero characters that originate from Area 51 in 1977.

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I saw the trailer for the first time last night, which made me go to a site advertising it. Different, creepy, so it peaked my interest.

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I saw the trailor when I went to see Iron Man II. This movie certainly looks awesome and I cant wait to see what Abrams and Spielberg come up with in this one.

^^^^GA?? Why you going to the movies when you can watch them online for free..??? Personally, I like going to the movie theatre but right now, saving the money is top priority...... 

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