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Interesting article about Angelo Blackson's high school

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It's really long, so I'll just post the link.  His name isn't mentioned, but it's not exactly a positive article.


Ouch!  :( Sounds like the sooner we get Angelo out of that sketchy place the better!

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I will personally follow this with great interest.  A local private high school here in Nashville has, in the past, produced many good, solid, NCAA athletes.  Some have become significant Auburn athletes.  They, the local HS, have been investigated and cleared of all wrong-doing .  My concern , here, is where "Bear" fits;  that is, is he a good, Christian kid that came there for all the right reason, or......?  But, in all this, it could be good for our side.

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It's really long, so I'll just post the link.  His name isn't mentioned, but it's not exactly a positive article.


I'm at work, so our system may be blocking this, but when I click the link, it brings up a blank page.  Has this article been removed?  Can someone summarize?

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It's really long, so I'll just post the link.  His name isn't mentioned, but it's not exactly a positive article.


I'm at work, so our system may be blocking this, but when I click the link, it brings up a blank page.  Has this article been removed?  Can someone summarize?

It is a really in depth article, but the gist of it is that Red Lion Christian Academy is breaking a lot of rules to become a football powerhouse. 

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Wow...that is some sketchy stuff.  I wonder how Angelo came to Red Lion? 

Other than being on the team, hopefully Blackson is not linked to this at all.

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Hold on, guys!!  Red Lion has been accused, not convicted!!  I agree, where there's smoke, there's fire.  But this is not the first time this has happened;  the problem is that it is in Delaware, where , if you want to plug a void space, you do it in the VP's head!  If this was Hoover, Ala., or Brentwood , Tn. it wouldn't even make the news

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It's really long, so I'll just post the link.  His name isn't mentioned, but it's not exactly a positive article.


I'm at work, so our system may be blocking this, but when I click the link, it brings up a blank page.  Has this article been removed?  Can someone summarize?

It is a really in depth article, but the gist of it is that Red Lion Christian Academy is breaking a lot of rules to become a football powerhouse. 

Thanks for the update.  I hope our guy isn't involved in anything that could hurt his future!  I know our coaches would steer clear of any shady dealings, so I trust this may all just be speculation!

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From the article:

Charges include: recruiting students for athletic purposes; providing scholarship money ...

I know for a fact this happens at the prominent private schools (or atleast the one I went to) in Mobile and I would imagine at every large private school in the nation. Didn't realize it was a big deal.

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From the article:

Charges include: recruiting students for athletic purposes; providing scholarship money ...

I know for a fact this happens at the prominent private schools (or atleast the one I went to) in Mobile and I would imagine at every large private school in the nation. Didn't realize it was a big deal.

Yeah, at my private school in Mobile, we have a few athletes who are on financial aid so they can pay for tuition. Basically scholarship money

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I posted the article just because I thought it was pretty interesting.  Everything I've read about Blackson leads me to believe he's a great kid with his head squarely on his shoulders.

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well its not good at all, that much is for sure. I will agree with a lot of you this sort of thing isnt uncommon in our football crazed south but i guess they at least want to think it is in delaware. Good news though is he isnt mentioned and trust me if there was any chance that he was involved in this, it would have been reported, Think about it, he is a very talented player, they are talking about 13 year olds coming and going, this kid is a sr. with a scholarship in hand from a powerhouse SEC team, if they could have linked him to it he would have been all over it. Probably some real crap going on there but I would say we are safe most likely

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Why do y'all think there are trophys for 10 straight state baseball championships at Glenwood Academy in Phenix City? Maybe more by now.

Years ago they had a couple of doctors on their board that were big baseball fans. Every great player from Columbus, Phenix City and Smith's Station somehow wound up at Glenwood. It's common, and I see no problems for Blackson as an individual. My guess would be that the Delaware school has done a bunch of things to bring high powered athletes in, but that's pretty much SOP for places that have the money.

Of course the competition is griping but this sort of thing can be done without breaking any laws if they are smart enough, and they probably are smart.

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Nothing wrong with recruiting if your a private school.  Your private not public, you don't take state money. 

Also kids that grow up with more money on the average have more opportunity for athletic tuitoring, or are more involved in sport clubs. 

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I will personally follow this with great interest.  A local private high school here in Nashville has, in the past, produced many good, solid, NCAA athletes.  Some have become significant Auburn athletes.  They, the local HS, have been investigated and cleared of all wrong-doing .  My concern , here, is where "Bear" fits;  that is, is he a good, Christian kid that came there for all the right reason, or......?  But, in all this, it could be good for our side.

I'm assuming you are talking about Brentwood Academy?

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