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Nick Fairly. WOW !!!!!!!!


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That kid played his rear end off tonight.  I thought that was one of the best games from a defensive tackle I have seen in a long, long time.  He absolutely dominated his man all night long.  Keep it up............ :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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We've had some really good DT's here at Auburn, but none of them have dominated a game like Fairly did tonight since the man who is coaching him was playing.  I'm thouroughly impressed Mr. Fairly!

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Great game but nothing like Sen' Derrick Marks's game vs LSU in 08 

I know SDM had some great games for us but remind me what he did against LSU in 08.  I can't image it could have been that much better than what NF did against State.   

Move over Dinky, there is a new Saint Nick in Alabama and it is Fairley obvious which one we love to watch!


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Guys, it's Fairley, not Fairly (SW, I know you got it right). Sorry to nitpick, but this is his name we're talking about.

And yeah, he was outstanding. Nick appears to finally be coming into his own and living up to that massive potential that we've known was there all along...and I wouldn't be too surprised to see Jeffrey Whitaker earning a spot beside him (yes, starting over two upperclassmen) by the end of the season. Can you imagine what a scary interior line that would be?

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...and I wouldn't be too surprised to see Jeffrey Whitaker earning a spot beside him (yes, starting over two upperclassmen) by the end of the season. Can you imagine what a scary interior line that would be?

I thought about that during the game last night.   JW drew a double team almost every play last week (while he was in).  Who do you double team when he is in with Fairley?   You almost have to contemplate  using up 4 blockers to stop the two of them?     

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Fairly was the player of the game and a beast!!!

With all due respect to Cam, I thought that Nick deserved being named the player of the game by ESPN's crew.  He certainly deserved it.

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