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USCEe game...what would you like to see?


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1. Faster Tempo

2. More short, quick passes

3. More screen plays

4. Less runs plays gobbled up in the back field

5. Consistency

6. No turnovers


1. Very few big plays given up

2. More sacks

3. Better coverage

4. Better penetration by the D-line

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That's exactly what I'm talking about. Your not giving "objective criticism" or discussing what you observed when you compare one of our coaches to a high school coach.  If you were as smart as you thought, you wouldn't have watched Auburn for 50 yrs, you would have been coaching them.

I did not say that I was smart. Did you watch the first half of that game? It was one of the most embarrassing first halves of football at Auburn that I have seen since the Franklin debacle. That points to coaching. We have a great bunch of players and Malzahn has shown that he can be brilliant while at other times not so much. The jury is out on him as far as I am concerned until he shows something different. Everyone on here has been saying that we are holding back, that Cam doesn't know the offense, etc... They clearly see that some thing isn't right. I don't know all of the answers. I am not paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to find them but he is. He needs to earn his pay.

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1. quicker tempo.

2. Get the passing game involved earlier in the game through some short 3 to 6 yard passes.

3. Take a couple shots over the top and keep their safeties and corners honest.

4. Fannin back in the slot.

5. Dyer and OMac running well.

6. The offensive line playing like they aren't freshmen, a la less penalties and better blocking.

7. Our offense has become predictable and it looks like we have a formation for every play we run.  Teams are catching on to it and they are killing our run plays.  I would love to say that we just miss Tate a lot but Ben wouldn't be able to help us at this point.


1. bring the corners up to at least 3 to 5 yards off the line instead of the 9 or 10 off that they have been playing.

2. better help from the ends in the pass rush.  Seems like the tackles are the ones pressuring and the ends are just behind them.

3. A dedicated spy for the running back.  Put Bynes on the Lattimore and don't let them get 10 to 15 yards a play on screens.  Spurrier is not a dummy, he has seen that short slants and screens kill our offense and he will be ready to throw them.

Special teams:

1. I would like to see better decision making on punt returns.  Carr seems to want to dance too much instead of just taking 5 yards when he can.

Things that we are doing well and need to continue:

1. Not much on offense.  I hate to bash here but I can't think of anything I really like about the offense right now.

2. Our interior defensive line is playing lights out right now.

3. Our safeties are doing what they are supposed to and not allowing plays behind them and they are doing a good job of making the tackle when they get to the ball.

4. Linebackers are playing fast and eventually they will begin being in the right place.

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27 pts, 414 offensive yds against what will probably end up being the best team in the ACC this year.  I'd call that earning his pay.  I guess we have to produce 500+ yds every game and they all need to be easy wins.  This is big time college football. Sometimes it's going to be a dog fight.

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USC is undefeated and a team that many predict will win their division.  Unlike us, they have handidly won their games.  I think this will be our toughest opponent to date and I just don't know how AU will play.  But they can't get off to a slow start again.  Garcia is experienced and playing much better than last year.  Our dbacks have got to play great and we have to pressure the qb.  But garcia can throw on the run.  With Lattimore, USC now has a running game.  Our D just got tested with the Clemson game, now they get another great runner.  Everyone has made some great comments.  I would add that I want to see fire and intensity from the initial kick-off.  Believe in ourselves and play like we are on a mission.   

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27 pts, 414 offensive yds against what will probably end up being the best team in the ACC this year.  I'd call that earning his pay.  I guess we have to produce 500+ yds every game and they all need to be easy wins.  This is big time college football. Sometimes it's going to be a dog fight.

Whatever, just don't read my posts. I don't think the first half was "big time college football".

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Dyer can totally get more yards than Lat.  Lattimore has not seen a road crowd yet, and it would be great for Jordan-Hare the first one he sees.  JHS will be rockin for this one.

I don't mean to sound smart, but the crowd isn't going to be the one trying to tackle him. We have to tackle better in space. Offensively, our O HAS to be more consistent. Even if the drives don't result in points early on, we have to get some first downs to keep our D off the field. It became increasingly obvious toward the end of the game last night that Clemson's running game was wearing us down, which I think was a direct result of being on the field for nearly the entire first half.

I agree with your points.  With better tackling, the defense could be fairly productive.  That first half probably won't happen again, that was somewhat disappointing to see what the time of possession was.  I thought that the defense did decent for how much they were on the field.  Last year, that defense would have been toast....

I'm just saying that Latt still has to play in a road game.  JHS might be a interesting night for him....

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A win, of course! But wouldn't it be nice if Michael Dyer showed his stuff and we shut down Marcus Lattimore at the same time?

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Another W and i think we will get it.USCe hasn't played a game half as tough as this one will be.Saturday we will find out who has a good team and who has a great team.We have to play a complete game.In the past two games we've had worthless calls that cost us big time.They took us from around the 10 back to around the 40 and thats taking points off the board and cant continue to happen.

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