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USCEe game...what would you like to see?


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We are in trouble next Sat. if we cannot get our passing game established early. This is my #1 concern.

I would like to see less Kodi Burns at wideout and more Carr/Blake/Benton/Reed (all have the ability to be bigger threats on the field than Burns, imo). Kodi may have had all camp this year to dedicate 100% of his time at practicing WR, but it's also showing on the field that he has not yet developed into a well-rounded talent at wideout. I think the coaches feel obligated to give him starting playing time as a favor for stepping down at QB and being an unselfish team leader. I think we have much bigger playmakers that can spark some consistency in our pass attack.

Also, I would like to see sustained drives where short and medium range passes keep us rolling on 1st and 10 instead of the go-to run. We have our big pass plays taking a long time to develop and Cam seems be slow in looking to check off his receivers. Instead of a constant vertical passing attack, it would be nice to see some changes in the routes that are run. Cam has to make the smart decisions, and the receivers need to give him some confidence by getting themselves into open space enough to be able to make plays (small or large) on a consistent basis. We've got to have more than one go-to guy. Adams bailed us out on several drives last night.

The passing game is not going to be a problem against S. Carolinee.

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A secondary comprised of players who play like they are on scholarships, not on the jv football team.

A little harsh don't you think?

Well I was not super impressed with our play last night either.  (He is just venting)

Im sure our coaches will do a little face to face venting this week in pratice. But AU did pull out of it with a W.

What I want vs. SC:

1. a win.

2. Nobody hurt

3. less penalties and turnovers.

4. the "Gus Bus" to show up for the game BEFORE half-time.

5. our secondary stop Garcia.

6. our D stop Lattimore.

7. Dyer get more yards then Lattimore.

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Dyer can totally get more yards than Lat.  Lattimore has not seen a road crowd yet, and it would be great for Jordan-Hare the first one he sees.  JHS will be rockin for this one.

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Dyer can totally get more yards than Lat.  Lattimore has not seen a road crowd yet, and it would be great for Jordan-Hare the first one he sees.  JHS will be rockin for this one.

I don't mean to sound smart, but the crowd isn't going to be the one trying to tackle him. We have to tackle better in space. Offensively, our O HAS to be more consistent. Even if the drives don't result in points early on, we have to get some first downs to keep our D off the field. It became increasingly obvious toward the end of the game last night that Clemson's running game was wearing us down, which I think was a direct result of being on the field for nearly the entire first half.

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I want to see us come out of the tunnel and play up to our potential from the very start. We have a very talented team, and if we would have been giving 100% from the start then the Miss. S.t and Clemson games likely wouldn't have even been close.

If we keep hanging back and letting opponents roll over us for the first half, we will eventually find a team that will take the lead and we wont be able to take it back.

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I'll tell you what I want. I want to come visit this site next week after the game and not have to sort through a bunch whiny posts about what we should have done and shouldn't have done and why you all know more about offensive and defensive game plans our coaching staff. Then again that's probably asking too much, so I'll settle for just ANOTHER WIN!

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I'll tell you what I want. I want to come visit this site next week after the game and not have to sort through a bunch whiny posts about what we should have done and shouldn't have done and why you all know more about offensive and defensive game plans our coaching staff. Then again that's probably asking too much, so I'll settle for just ANOTHER WIN!

:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

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I'll tell you what I want. I want to come visit this site next week after the game and not have to sort through a bunch whiny posts about what we should have done and shouldn't have done and why you all know more about offensive and defensive game plans our coaching staff. Then again that's probably asking too much, so I'll settle for just ANOTHER WIN!

What should we talk about? If we aren't allowed to discuss what we see as glaring deficiencies in our team as well as the good things, what is the use of having a discussion. I have followed Auburn football for 50 years. If I want to critique something about them with an objective attitude, I will. We were outcoached period! Did we win? Yes, and I am glad of it. But, if we don't become less predictable on offense we are sunk. That first half was embarrassing. Gus looked like a high school coach in the first half. JMO. Now jump on me!

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Penalties have been a big reason for the struggles on O and D. In the Clemson game alone, their 2 TD drives would not have happened without Auburn penalties to keep the drive alive. Also the O was about to get into rythm in the first half and costly penalties stalled the drive.

Secondly, Cam has to be more aware of ball security in the redzone. The past 2 games turnovers took away crucial points.

If both of these things get improved upon, we will finally see that complete dominate performance we have been looking for.

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That's exactly what I'm talking about. Your not giving "objective criticism" or discussing what you observed when you compare one of our coaches to a high school coach.  If you were as smart as you thought, you wouldn't have watched Auburn for 50 yrs, you would have been coaching them.

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