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DId you guys know that Oregon is really good?

VA Tiger

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I'm not too sold on Oregon. Yeah they are fast, but they are no faster than any team in the SEC. They looked undersized too. USC had a lot of success running on them too. Imagine what their D would look like with 4 quarters of our line blowing them off the ball, and chasing Cam, Dyer, OMac, and Fannin around. I don't imagine Fairley would let their 190lb qb sit back their all day to throw the ball either. The other thing I see is that they are averaging less 2 minutes a scoring drive, and they never let up to let their D rest. Don't forget that we were trying to go that fast, but throttled back a bit because we were killing our D.

All that being said, I think it would be fun to watch AU and Oregon go at it.

And shut a few people up in the process....

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We gave up 31 to Ole Miss. This isn't a criticism but these two scenarios look familiar. I am not saying that the quackers are better than us but in their conference they are at the top for now.

Are you freaking kidding???????????????????

Our starting D gave up 24.

Our 'scrubs', which was made up of 9 TRUE FRESHMAN and A WALK-ON, gave up 7.

Good talk.

Come back when you know some facts.

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They are the West Coast version of us IMO. Explosive O that has to score in bunches because the D isn't very good. We have much prettier uni's though.

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I thought Oregon looked really good. Their QB is very accurate, gets rid of the ball fast and the WRs seem to catch most of what is thrown their way. I know Oregon has not played as tough of a schedule as we have, but we shall see. I still think we just need to focus on one game at a time or all this talk won't matter anyway. Let's play HC well enough to get our back ups some much needed reps.

War Eagle !

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Teams that AU has played has a 38-28 record..

24-41 overall opponents record for Oregon thus far.  Hell, Ark St. is a better team than half the teams Oregon has played.

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I watched their entire game last night.  Oregon is not that good.  USC is very bad and had chances to beat them.  The announcers kept pumping them up and complaining that the computers don't have them high in the rankings.  They failed to mention thier pathetic SOS though.  Masoli was a world beater on their team last year....

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When they play somebody.  Their SOS to date is like 111 out of 120.  

Oh yeah - ^ times 1000.

In another post, the computers realize what they are programmed to realize - and SOS computes bad for everyone else but Auburn. Ours will increase as the season continues and those we beat win, and those we meet lose . . .

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Chip Kelly=NO CLASS.  Up by 14 with 2+ minutes left.  1st team still in with his #1 RB, James, still getting all the carries.  He is trying to build his stats up.  I hate to wish somebody would get hurt but...  No need for that.  

Old Spurrier Jr.

Oregon is good and well coached. But the heads said it themsleves (amzing they saw it) - Oregon is a small team. Their line beside their lightning fast offense are vulnerable with a big strong defense. Kiffin's kids showed that last night. I'd like to see Auburn play them when well rested after the SEC run. 

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oregon sucks, you watch them play and you will realize they arent as talented  or even as big as us. theyre highschool

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I think Oregon is a good team, and they are very similar to us.  They execute well on offense, and heave guys that can take it to the house on any play.  I hope everybody thinks they're great, and I hope we get to play them for the NC.  We'd pound'em into a pile of bloody feathers, and then the talking heads won't be able to say anything.

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Barkley lost that game for USC. He kept throwing the ball up for grabs. Oregon is beatable. They are like that punk kid on the playground that picks on all the smaller kids, but when a bigger kid comes in he tucks tail and runs.

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It might just be me, but who cares? If we win out, then we play for the MNC.  It doesn't matter what people say.  We're not trying to get into the game, as of now we are in.

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It might just be me, but who cares? If we win out, then we play for the MNC.  It doesn't matter what people say.  We're not trying to get into the game, as of now we are in.

^^^^^^^ DING DING DING!!! We have a winner!!! ^^^^^^^

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It might just be me, but who cares? If we win out, then we play for the MNC.  It doesn't matter what people say.  We're not trying to get into the game, as of now we are in.

If we do what we need to do, everyone else doesn't matter. Just more BS for the talking head idiots to squawk about. :bow:
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It might just be me, but who cares? If we win out, then we play for the MNC.  It doesn't matter what people say.  We're not trying to get into the game, as of now we are in.

If we do what we need to do, everyone else doesn't matter. Just more BS for the talking head idiots to squawk about. :bow:

what's wrong with squaking?  :dunno:


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It might just be me, but who cares? If we win out, then we play for the MNC.  It doesn't matter what people say.  We're not trying to get into the game, as of now we are in.

If we do what we need to do, everyone else doesn't matter. Just more BS for the talking head idiots to squawk about. :bow:

what's wrong with squaking?  :dunno:


Not much. you do it all the time. ;D
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It might just be me, but who cares? If we win out, then we play for the MNC.  It doesn't matter what people say.  We're not trying to get into the game, as of now we are in.

If we do what we need to do, everyone else doesn't matter. Just more BS for the talking head idiots to squawk about. :bow:

what's wrong with squaking?  :dunno:


Not much. you do it all the time. ;D

After 8 years of marriage you tend to pick up certain traits from your spouse.  ;D

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Barkley lost that game for USC. He kept throwing the ball up for grabs. Oregon is beatable. They are like that punk kid on the playground that picks on all the smaller kids, but when a bigger kid comes in he tucks tail and runs.

I could not understand why they keep throwing.They ran the ball very well. Ground&Pound was clearly not in USC's game plan.
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Barkley lost that game for USC. He kept throwing the ball up for grabs. Oregon is beatable. They are like that punk kid on the playground that picks on all the smaller kids, but when a bigger kid comes in he tucks tail and runs.

I could not understand why they keep throwing.They ran the ball very well. Ground&Pound was clearly not in USC's game plan.

Lane Kiffin wasn't smart enough to figure that out.

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Barkley lost that game for USC. He kept throwing the ball up for grabs. Oregon is beatable. They are like that punk kid on the playground that picks on all the smaller kids, but when a bigger kid comes in he tucks tail and runs.

I could not understand why they keep throwing.They ran the ball very well. Ground&Pound was clearly not in USC's game plan.

Their wrs were abusing oregon's dbs barkely just kept overthrowing them or leading them into hits by the safety.  He about got #83 decapitated at least three times I saw.  But I agree with usc's stable of backs and oregon's lack of size you would think they would just grind them down.  That's not socal style though they have to win pretty not ugly.

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