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My SIAP but I had to chuckle at this...from BleacherReport


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Relax Auburn fans, by next week this story has no legs concerning Cam or Auburn, just as it had none before Chris Low decided to break it. This story is for Mr. Rogers to clear up and defend himself against the NCAA and a judge. No doubt the truth will come out in due time. But I tell you this; If history shows Auburn and Newton are indeed innocent. And if Auburn wins out and Cam Newton “the obvious front runner” in a walk off to the Heisman Trophy receives harm that may cause Newton to lose the award that everyone up to this point proclaimed over and over was his to lose. Break out the check book Mr. Low, Pat Forde, Mark Schlabach and ESPN, you’re the ones that may be providing a pay day to the Newton’s. I would wage that it would be more than a $180,000 bucks.

Now, would the winnings from a successful lawsuit be against NCAA rules?


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It would be nice for some of these scum bags to pay through the nose.  This is too much like the duke lacrosse saga a rush to judgement by media types.  Destruction of players and their families character and the labeling of a school as allowing bad actors on their sports teams.  It is time for these media people to feel the wrath of what they so often unleash.

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A lawsuit will not happen... But what is happening is the Attorney is making sure NO MORE wrong information is being published....  Because if they do publish lies now, he can prove malice....

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I would also think that a huge payday from Urban Meyer would be warrented. :wareagle::believe:

fwiw, Bond was on 680 am in Atlanta today and said the conversation with Myer and Mullen never happened.

If we're to believe Cam's dad and Auburn in this, then I think we have to believe that too.

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I would also think that a huge payday from Urban Meyer would be warrented. :wareagle::believe:

fwiw, Bond was on 680 am in Atlanta today and said the conversation with Myer and Mullen never happened.

If we're to believe Cam's dad and Auburn in this, then I think we have to believe that too.

Not necessarily.  No one I'm aware of has come out as a "source" and said either Cam or his Dad were trying to get money - only that a former MSU player negotiated with JOHN BOND of MSU to deliver Cam to MSU in MSU's recruitment of Cam.  Now according to at least one journalist, and several recruiting boards, there ARE SPECIFIC ALLEGATIONS that Bond, Mullen, & URBAN CRYER talked about the issue and that URBAN CRYER used his relationship with a NYT reporter to PUBLISH innuendo damaging to the REPUTATION (aka LIBEL) of said Cam and Cecil Newton.  I think it is very easy to believe Cam and Cecil's denial of the innuendo and not believe Bond's denial of specific accusations.  Regardless, this couldn't have happened at a better time for the Auburn football program since it has a coach in Gene Chizik that knows how to use this type of fodder as fuel to bring his current team from "Good to Great".  It was already close to combustion, and this story just might provide the spark to start the nuclear chain reaction to the MNC.

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....  Regardless, this couldn't have happened at a better time for the Auburn football program since it has a coach in Gene Chizik that knows how to use this type of fodder as fuel to bring his current team from "Good to Great".  It was already close to combustion, and this story just might provide the spark to start the nuclear chain reaction to the MNC.

The force is strong with this one.  Resist the dark side. 

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I would also think that a huge payday from Urban Meyer would be warrented. :wareagle::believe:

fwiw, Bond was on 680 am in Atlanta today and said the conversation with Myer and Mullen never happened.

If we're to believe Cam's dad and Auburn in this, then I think we have to believe that too.

Not necessarily.  No one I'm aware of has come out as a "source" and said either Cam or his Dad were trying to get money - only that a former MSU player negotiated with JOHN BOND of MSU to deliver Cam to MSU in MSU's recruitment of Cam.  Now according to at least one journalist, and several recruiting boards, there ARE SPECIFIC ALLEGATIONS that Bond, Mullen, & URBAN CRYER talked about the issue and that URBAN CRYER used his relationship with a NYT reporter to PUBLISH innuendo damaging to the REPUTATION (aka LIBEL) of said Cam and Cecil Newton.  I think it is very easy to believe Cam and Cecil's denial of the innuendo and not believe Bond's denial of specific accusations.  Regardless, this couldn't have happened at a better time for the Auburn football program since it has a coach in Gene Chizik that knows how to use this type of fodder as fuel to bring his current team from "Good to Great".  It was already close to combustion, and this story just might provide the spark to start the nuclear chain reaction to the MNC.

Not one of those articles - and I read them - actually quote Bond directly as saying the phone call happened.  It was all "sources" and "people close to the story", etc. 

I'm not saying it didn't happen, but Bond claims it's not true and he's never been quoted as saying it 100% did, so I feel like if we're going to back up Cam's family and AU, then we have to go with his story as well.  Maybe it will be proven wrong, but at this point, I haven't seen any evidence that it has other than hearsay.

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I would also think that a huge payday from Urban Meyer would be warrented. :wareagle::believe:

fwiw, Bond was on 680 am in Atlanta today and said the conversation with Myer and Mullen never happened.

If we're to believe Cam's dad and Auburn in this, then I think we have to believe that too.

Not necessarily.  No one I'm aware of has come out as a "source" and said either Cam or his Dad were trying to get money - only that a former MSU player negotiated with JOHN BOND of MSU to deliver Cam to MSU in MSU's recruitment of Cam.  Now according to at least one journalist, and several recruiting boards, there ARE SPECIFIC ALLEGATIONS that Bond, Mullen, & URBAN CRYER talked about the issue and that URBAN CRYER used his relationship with a NYT reporter to PUBLISH innuendo damaging to the REPUTATION (aka LIBEL) of said Cam and Cecil Newton.  I think it is very easy to believe Cam and Cecil's denial of the innuendo and not believe Bond's denial of specific accusations.  Regardless, this couldn't have happened at a better time for the Auburn football program since it has a coach in Gene Chizik that knows how to use this type of fodder as fuel to bring his current team from "Good to Great".  It was already close to combustion, and this story just might provide the spark to start the nuclear chain reaction to the MNC.

Not one of those articles - and I read them - actually quote Bond directly as saying the phone call happened.  It was all "sources" and "people close to the story", etc. 

I'm not saying it didn't happen, but Bond claims it's not true and he's never been quoted as saying it 100% did, so I feel like if we're going to back up Cam's family and AU, then we have to go with his story as well.  Maybe it will be proven wrong, but at this point, I haven't seen any evidence that it has other than hearsay.

What?That makes no sense,the Urban leak specualtion has nothing whatsoever to do with whether Cam and his father are clean.Cam and his father never said Yrban is the leak,so why would you tie the two together?You can believe Cam and his father and not believe the leak storu about UM..

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I would also think that a huge payday from Urban Meyer would be warrented. :wareagle::believe:

fwiw, Bond was on 680 am in Atlanta today and said the conversation with Myer and Mullen never happened.

If we're to believe Cam's dad and Auburn in this, then I think we have to believe that too.

Not necessarily.  No one I'm aware of has come out as a "source" and said either Cam or his Dad were trying to get money - only that a former MSU player negotiated with JOHN BOND of MSU to deliver Cam to MSU in MSU's recruitment of Cam.  Now according to at least one journalist, and several recruiting boards, there ARE SPECIFIC ALLEGATIONS that Bond, Mullen, & URBAN CRYER talked about the issue and that URBAN CRYER used his relationship with a NYT reporter to PUBLISH innuendo damaging to the REPUTATION (aka LIBEL) of said Cam and Cecil Newton.  I think it is very easy to believe Cam and Cecil's denial of the innuendo and not believe Bond's denial of specific accusations.  Regardless, this couldn't have happened at a better time for the Auburn football program since it has a coach in Gene Chizik that knows how to use this type of fodder as fuel to bring his current team from "Good to Great".  It was already close to combustion, and this story just might provide the spark to start the nuclear chain reaction to the MNC.

Not one of those articles - and I read them - actually quote Bond directly as saying the phone call happened.  It was all "sources" and "people close to the story", etc. 

I'm not saying it didn't happen, but Bond claims it's not true and he's never been quoted as saying it 100% did, so I feel like if we're going to back up Cam's family and AU, then we have to go with his story as well.  Maybe it will be proven wrong, but at this point, I haven't seen any evidence that it has other than hearsay.

What?That makes no sense,the Urban leak specualtion has nothing whatsoever to do with whether Cam and his father are clean.Cam and his father never said Yrban is the leak,so why would you tie the two together?You can believe Cam and his father and not believe the leak storu about UM..

I wasn't tying them together.  I'm just saying to not jump to conclusions since there doesn't seem to be any concrete info that Meyer, Mullen and Bond had a phone conversation.  I've seen about 20 threads on here today damning Meyer.  All I'm saying is that if we're going to back up Cam's family and AU's claims, which I do believe to be true, let's not condemn Meyer and I think we have to take Bond at his word as of now.

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