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Pete Thamel on Finebaum


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did not deny that Urban tipped him off, said he wasn't going to go into that stuff of how it comes out

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Oh my goodness was Thamel squirly or what...lol...PF asked him about the Urban Meyer deal and he said thats just people spinning the story to take the heat off. He actually said it is not a reporters job to comment on he said this and that guy said this...HOLY &^*&^%*&^%...Isn't that what this whole story is based on....LOL he was lying in my opinion.

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What I got out of that

1.He believes Bonds

2.Urban Meyer is the one who started all of this IMO.

3.He wants to fit this story in the "college football is corrupt"narrative.

4.He has written more than one hit peice against AU

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I missed it.  I was on the phone.  It sounds like I didn't miss much.  Did he really say that it wasn't a reporter's job to comment on he said this...  You are exactly right.  That IS what the whole story is based on.

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What I take away from that interview is, we discovered that someone (we aren't sure who) was stupid enough to say out loud that they could deliver Cam for $$. So we broke a story that scattered enough shot around just to see if we hit anything that would carry the story beyond a few days, we didn’t so it's dying.

I also thought it was interesting that he was shoveling the credit for the story off to ESPN, if there was anything to it, these reports would be climbing over each other to take credit.

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Basically said that it was ESPN's Story (take the heat off the NYTimes)...  Also basically indicated that Myers was part of it (probable part of the confirmation)..

One point he did make was that the Article should not keep folks from voting for Cam and that the Oregon RB was arrested this past year for domestic abuse...  

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So now there is a second inconsistency in Bond's story.  He claimed Friday that he never talked to Meyer about it, but this guy didn't do the same.  Hmmmmm.

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I also thought it was interesting that he was shoveling the credit for the story off to ESPN, if there was anything to it, these reports would be climbing over each other to take credit.

Bingo that said everything that he didn't want to take the heat. He handed it all off to the three at ESPN....very telling indeed. Paul said it was the most cool interview he has had with Thamel or something to that effect...LOL...Thing is crumbling around them.

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If this is all true,I dont think we have seen the last article written by this guy on this situation.He sounded very convident that he has the goods.

If the original story isnt followed up on IMO,thats all hes got.

THIS is the guy that broke the story,ESPN just piggie-backed his story.Further proof  imo,that Urban Meyer was the tipster.

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Odd responses all the way around.  He was careful not to be specific about anything and made sweeping comments about being sure that there has been cheating in the past in basketball recruiting and that SEC schools are smart enough to respond in a way that defers any guilt.  Duh.  Got even less responsive when asked about Meyer's role.

He said that Cam is the best CFB player in the country.

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telling thing I hear: who gives away credit for a "major" story? they got nothing...moving on

That's his cue from the REC.  They know everyone has made the connection between TTown and the NYT.  They don't want this coming back on them.

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Didn't hear the interview, but it sounds like a moron asking questions with an idiot answering them.

Normally I would agree with you about FB.  But, he has been defending Cam, Mr. Newton and Auburn since this story broke.  He is a good mouthpiece to have on your side.  

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