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I'm not sure what the connections to AU all of our posters have, but we seem to have some like Mayor and ST that stay close to AU football operations.  I haven't read through all of the threads last night and this morning, but in the ones I have read, I haven't seen any comments from any of the "insiders."  I'm not reading anything (good or bad) into that, but I am curious as to what the mood of the team is now following the second salvo.  At some point, all this noise has to start taking its toll I think.

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I'm not sure what the connections to AU all of our posters have, but we seem to have some like Mayor and ST that stay close to AU football operations.  I haven't read through all of the threads last night and this morning, but in the ones I have read, I haven't seen any comments from any of the "insiders."  I'm not reading anything (good or bad) into that, but I am curious as to what the mood of the team is now following the second salvo.  At some point, all this noise has to start taking its toll I think.

I asked a few players about it this morning they just laughed... that's literally all they did. Not like a nervous laugh. They just laughed. It was pretty funny.

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I cant tell you much, but I have spoken with one of the insiders and I was told positive things.

If anything, this latest fiasco will only bond Auburn together even more.

Some think that is simply not possible given how close the team already was, but you might be surprised in times like this.

Auburn is going to be ready to play ball this Saturday (My opinion purely).

If you dig around, you can probably resurface Mayors posts about his opinions...

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I cant tell you much, but I have spoken with one of the insiders and I was told positive things.

If anything, this latest fiasco will only bond Auburn together even more.

Some think that is simply not possible given how close the team already was, but you might be surprised in times like this.

Auburn is going to be ready to play ball this Saturday (My opinion purely).

If you dig around, you can probably resurface Mayors posts about his opinions...


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Mr. I would be able to give us all the inside info if everyone didn't run him off!!!   :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

hahaha you're right!

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