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Interesting...read between the lines


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**The ESPN report said Mississippi State compliance officials relayed the alleged conversations of the Newton seeking money to SEC compliance officials in January, according to two other sources close to the football program. The SEC, NCAA and Auburn have reviewed his eligibility, and have allowed Newton to play his season.  

I would like to highlight the words "alleged", "January", and "2 other sources".

So here is what I get from all this. There is a lot of fluff coming out of MSU right now. The fact that multiple people are spilling their guts makes me think they have been under investigation for quite some time. If, in fact, these allegations of seeking money were turned over to the SEC in JANUARY, then the "tapes" we are hearing about would have been turned over as well. This would serve as a smoking gun, and Cam would not be playing, because there would be no further questions. The fact that the "investigation", which, to be frank, we don't even know exists, continues, tells me they have found nothing. ESPN seems to be the only ones "investigating"...and they are investigating old news apparently.

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I gotta agree that MS is the one under investigation. Why would the SEC office continue to be silent with all of the accusations flying out of Mississippi... I'm telling if you go back and listen to last weeks Tiger Talk Rod Bramblett let it slip when he introduced CGC.. He said we are going not to comment about that unnamed school under investigation..

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