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war eagle 99

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i really think all this is effecting my personal and business life all i have done for three days is look at the news on Cam, hell i even skip out on my wife lastnight and havent done that in 10 years.

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I can relate...I told my wife I needed to quit this message board cold turkey.

I check the messages all day long and into the night...its like an addiction.

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I stayed up all night on this board and first thing got on this morning. I've been on here all day too. This is crazy. Im trying to stay off all together but I'm failing.

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I stayed up all night on this board and first thing got on this morning. I've been on here all day too. This is crazy. Im trying to stay off all together but I'm failing.

I am beyond hooked....It is usually a habit I am OK with and happy about but in this case, it has been following the ESPN/FOX NEWS shenanigans - waiting to see what is next.....ready to get back to "enjoying" this special season we are having!!


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Yeah, I've been spending waaaaayyyyy too much time on this board recently.  I long for the days (about 2 weeks ago) where I could just follow as needed and not be glued to every update!

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i really think all this is effecting my personal and business life all i have done for three days is look at the news on Cam, hell i even skip out on my wife lastnight and havent done that in 10 years.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa....skipped out on your wife, what are you thinking? Do you hate yourself? lol

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I was gonna try to get to bed earlier last night. I was shooting for 10:00....Ended up logging off a little after 12:00. I have been on all day at work. I set my phone off to the side and tell myself that Im not gonna check the site again for another 15 minutes and not 15 seconds later I find myself checking it. Its insane.

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It almost has that feel like we are all waiting on a big time recruit to announce his decision. The NOT knowing is what takes alot of wind out of our sails. :banghead:

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i really think all this is effecting my personal and business life all i have done for three days is look at the news on Cam, hell i even skip out on my wife lastnight and havent done that in 10 years.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa....skipped out on your wife, what are you thinking? Do you hate yourself? lol

yeah, i know i think there is something wrong with me. Hello, my name is Brent and i am addicted to everything Cam Newton. i have a mancrush i think. :( :( :(:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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It's a futile effort. I can't stay off. It's the main topic on my local sports talk radio here in east TN. The host of the show is great and putting together all the inconsistencies. He's very skeptical of this whole thing. He can't understand why this is just now coming out and why Auburn would play Cam if they didn't feel VERY confident that he was clean.

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i really think all this is effecting my personal and business life all i have done for three days is look at the news on Cam, hell i even skip out on my wife lastnight and havent done that in 10 years.

Youngsters!  WDE  :wareagle:

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Think you're hooked now???

wait until late January - early Feb.

the AU football board only recently caught up to the post count of the recruiting board. 

But, at least with recruiting you can follow a normal schedule.  you wont have breaking news at 1AM. this is just nuts what we are going thru now.

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Let me brake this down. I am in outside sales. I am driving around looking for wifi hot spots, I have signed up with Twitter to follow this, I can't get off AE for over 20 minutes, my Blackberry stays alerting me with info, and I am going crazy. Customers keep calling me for orders and I am barley listening trying to read the latest. Make it stop. By the way, I think I am still married and my oldest daughter might have a birthday party tomorrow.

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