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Lugenbill Comments today...


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Tom Lugenbill who has been ESPN's lead college football recruiting analyst, but lately is expanding to just being a college football analyst was on the radio in Montgomery today with Josh and Doug.  I was unable to hear the entire conversation, but I heard a lot.  Remember, he is sitting beside this den of snakes at the ESPN desk every day debating the merits of their "case" against Cam.  Overall, he sounds like he is one of the few national sports guys that still haven't gone wild-eyed over the edge with allegations on this story.

Here are the key things of interest he said that I noted...some good, some not as good:

Based on what he knows, as of RIGHT NOW, Auburn has nothing to worry about.  He said this could obviously change, but as of RIGHT NOW, that was his opinion.  He said he absolutely believes NOBODY on the AU staff has been involved in any improprieties.  However, he said, that doesn't mean someone else associated with the university (and not under the control or oversight of the athletic department, i.e., boosters) couldn't have been involved in something without the staff being aware.  He added that ultimately, the head coach will still be held accountable.  He suggested that although he was impressed by the anger (and apparently the honesty he sensed) in CGC's comments, he thinks he may be saying too much at this point.  He also said that although it was irrelevant to the more serious allegations, both he and Forde were watching Cam's comments yesterday and never heard him deny all of the cheating allegations at UF.  This, he said, ties to the character and subsequent believability of future statements.  He said that if voters base their votes in the polls based upon this to keep AU out of the title game, it would be very bad/wrong.  Lastly, he said he thinks the results of this investigation, which he thinks will last well past the end of the season, will all come down in the end to Cecil Newton--his conversations, his church, etc.  He didn't leave me feeling really bad, but it also didn't leave me feeling very good...

War Eagle to all my Auburn Family!

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I am not sure we are guilty nor am I sure we are innocent. An investigation has been going on for a while. It has been publicly leaked only recently.

I am positive we are innocent


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in other words: He has no idea, just like the rest of us.

^^^^^ x 10000000000000000000000000000000000000

he covered his sorry ESPN a$$ by not committing to anything b/c he doesn't know sh!t, just like the rest of his knob-jockey co-workers.

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jmcrosson:  EXCEPT, I am comfortable in assuming that Lugenbill has had access to all of what they consider the "inside" info, reported yet or not, that Joe Schad and the rest of the ESPN college football "reporters" have access to, which I suspect is a fair amount more than anyone on this board has access to.  As I said, he was absolutely definitive on his belief that nobody on the staff was involved in anything this "stupid", if indeed there has been misdeeds.  That is very important to me and CONFIRMS what I already thought.  The bottom line for me was the statement about the end game on this being with Cecil Newton.  Lars Anderson, the SI writer of the Cam article a few weeks ago, essentially said the same thing yesterday on FB.  War Eagle!

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one thing that i don't understand about all of this and maybe yall can shed some light for me is if cams dad felt like cam would be as good in the sec as he was in junior college why would he take a chance on screwing up his recruitment/elligibility  into the biggest stage in college football ( The Sec). Yes $180,000.00 is a lot of money but this kid will make many multiples of this in the next level. Why would someone ie his dad or even himself take that risk of jepardizing his elligibility? Coming back to the sec would have to be a dream come true after the problems in fl and it seems to me he is very appreciative of the opportunity to do so.  I personally can't even see a booster of ours paying a player at that monetary level due to the risk of the harshness of the  penalty like  Bama faced just a short time ago this isn't giving eric ramsey a couple hundred so his kid can have milk and diapers and chizik is too straight up to do something of this magnitude. Seems to me that maybe someone was prostituting Cam without his knowledge then if they had the money nailed down  it would be offered  to Cam or his dad without either asking for it but as a bonus for cam attending msu.  Maybe this is why cam ended up in auburn?

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basically there are multiple stories that float this way or that way and have a twist about this or that. I haven't seen anyone come out with an actual factual article that states this or that HAS happened it is speculation and random inserts about Cam.

(Ex. -----200k---------. -------and Cam spilled his juice. --------alleged phone call---------church brought up to code.-------Ncaa-----espn-------he went to florida and blinn and is at auburn.)

same stupid rumors that don't hold any water.....

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one thing that i don't understand about all of this and maybe yall can shed some light for me is if cams dad felt like cam would be as good in the sec as he was in junior college why would he take a chance on screwing up his recruitment/elligibility  into the biggest stage in college football ( The Sec). Yes $180,000.00 is a lot of money but this kid will make many multiples of this in the next level. Why would someone ie his dad or even himself take that risk of jepardizing his elligibility? Coming back to the sec would have to be a dream come true after the problems in fl and it seems to me he is very appreciative of the opportunity to do so.  I personally can't even see a booster of ours paying a player at that monetary level due to the risk of the harshness of the  penalty like  Bama faced just a short time ago this isn't giving eric ramsey a couple hundred so his kid can have milk and diapers and chizik is too straight up to do something of this magnitude. Seems to me that maybe someone was prostituting Cam without his knowledge then if they had the money nailed down  it would be offered  to Cam or his dad without either asking for it but as a bonus for cam attending msu.  Maybe this is why cam ended up in auburn?

um....turd alert....


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n2:  I don't think so.  Read it again.  He's saying the whole story (which we obviously don't know, but what we do know) lacks logic which, in the absence of more info, calls into question the validity of the allegations and the credibility of the people who are saying it.  WDE!

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 I personally can't even see a booster of ours paying a player at that monetary level due to the risk of the harshness of the  penalty like  Bama faced just a short time ago this isn't giving eric ramsey a couple hundred so his kid can have milk and diapers and chizik is too straight up to do something of this magnitude.

I agree Chizik and our staff would never do anything like this, but I'm not so sure about our boosters.

Just because someone has alot of money doesn't mean they have alot of brains. I'm not say I think any of this is ture, but I'd say I wouldn't be too shocked if a booster did do something like this.

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n2:  I don't think so.  Read it again.  He's saying the whole story (which we obviously don't know, but what we do know) lacks logic which, in the absence of more info, calls into question the validity of the allegations and the credibility of the people who are saying it.  WDE!

I could have misread - I took it as he was saying he didn't understand it but also taking it as fact....I see where you are going with it. My bad...

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I really enjoy listening to Tom. He seems extremely knowledgeable about college football. On this specific topic, Tom has consistently not bought into the fingerpointing and muck raking going on. He has done investigating on his own, and comments on what HE knows about the situation, not what he has read about it. We need more Tom's in the journalism field IMO.

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no n2hoops not a turd at all. au grad 89 and  93. U kinda quick to accuse ppl of stuff u don't know there. Ive been a member here a long time just never post. All im wondering is why would someone take a stupid chance on this kind of behavior? No one wins therefore I don't believe anyone in the auburn camp would have esp after the things i mentioned above. but I would think that there is a motive to the madness and whether it be fox espn msu whomever it needs to be addressed and dealt with where no other 18 to 22 yr old kid has to go thru it. It kind of reminds me when espn stole the heisman away from Peyton Manning although they didn't cut on peytons character the way they are cams

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no n2hoops not a turd at all. au grad 89 and  93. U kinda quick to accuse ppl of stuff u don't know there. Ive been a member here a long time just never post. All im wondering is why would someone take a stupid chance on this kind of behavior? No one wins therefore I don't believe anyone in the auburn camp would have esp after the things i mentioned above. but I would think that there is a motive to the madness and whether it be fox espn msu whomever it needs to be addressed and dealt with where no other 18 to 22 yr old kid has to go thru it. It kind of reminds me when espn stole the heisman away from Peyton Manning although they didn't cut on peytons character the way they are cams

As I said earlier, I misunderstood your post - I took it the opposite of what you were obviously intending. My bad.

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