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OK, everybody step back a little bit and let's look at something. DOES EVERYBODY REALIZE THAT MISSISSIPPI STATE HAS GIVEN THE NCAA THE ENTIRE CASE AND ALL OF THE EVIDENCE THAT THEY NEED TO PUT MISSISSIPPI STATE ON PROBATION FOR A VERY LONG TIME? The NCAA hasn't had to do any legwork or hard investigating! This was served up on an enormous silver platter! In Mississippi State's effort to deflect and accuse the Newton's of wrongdoing, they have put their own head in the guillotine without even knowing it!


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This is a MSU issue, but the story is still about agents.... the MSU coaches did not include anthing in the report and are NOT the ESPN sources...  MSU and Auburn both come out of this...    Rogers goes to jail...

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Not saying you are wrong, but its not a coincidence that Mullen didn't want this to come out.  If you think Auburn's image is taking a hit right now, so is  MSU.  Its just more costly to us with the season we are having.  War Cam Eagle!

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This is a MSU issue, but the story is still about agents.... the MSU coaches did not include anthing in the report and are NOT the ESPN sources...   MSU and Auburn both come out of this...    Rogers goes to jail...

It stopped being just about agents when the coaches became aware of this and still continued to recruit him..regardless of whether money was actually paid or not..THAT is why MSU is in a pinch.

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Unfortunately with all the Auburn bashing, the national media does not even care about the implications of MSU's involvement.  When this is all done with MSU will probably get a scrolling blurb about their hand in this.

No matter how this turns out Auburn's reputation has taken a huge hit.

I remind everyone of the guy who was  originally accused of setting off the bomb at the Atlanta, Olympics.  He couldn't even get a job when all was said and done and I'm pretty sure the media spent all of about 10 minutes to clear his name.

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I remind everyone of the guy who was  originally accused of setting off the bomb at the Atlanta, Olympics.  He couldn't even get a job when all was said and done and I'm pretty sure the media spent all of about 10 minutes to clear his name.

Richard Jewell I think was his name and it basically cost him everything.  First it was his marriage and then his life.

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Unfortunately with all the Auburn bashing, the national media does not even care about the implications of MSU's involvement.  When this is all done with MSU will probably get a scrolling blurb about their hand in this.

No matter how this turns out Auburn's reputation has taken a huge hit.

I remind everyone of the guy who was  originally accused of setting off the bomb at the Atlanta, Olympics.  He couldn't even get a job when all was said and done and I'm pretty sure the media spent all of about 10 minutes to clear his name.

This is my most grave concern....we have done nothing wrong and we will never be able to completely clear our name.  

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MSU is in it up to their necks.  On a side note, did anybody notice that both Rogers and Bond changed their stories yesterday.  This may have already been discussed but I wasnt on the board yesterday.  Rogers first said that he did not solicit money for the Newton family and that he had not had contact with Bond in 20 years.  As of yesterday Rogers is now saying that he Cecil did ask him for money.  The story first broke saying that Bond had been contacted by Rogers about the incident.  A week ago Bond stated that there were two parties in between and he was not contacted directly by Rogers.  As of yesterday, Bond is back to saying he was contacted directly by Rogers.  He also stated that his story never changed.  Thats funny Mr. Bond,  I seem to remember you giving a different account of what happened a week ago on national radio.  I guess we are going to pretend nobody hear that right?  I mean, these two guys have no credibility.  And Miss St. recruited Cam all the way up to signing day even with all of this allegedly going on.

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This matter greatly concerns us. Assuming we have done nothing (which is my assumption), it concerns us in two ways.

1. PERCEPTION, Some MSU fans can't understand why we are upset with them. That's easy for them to ask since it's us taking the hit.

2. Cam Newton: deny it all you like, it is highly possible (I said "possible" not "probable") that his father did something that jeopardized his eligibility. Like it or not, that could have a big impact on Auburn. Reliable sources (such as an attorney who has done NCAA work) can be cited to say it won't. Reliable sources can be cited to say it will. It is possible.

I am highly skeptical about any big announcement coming out of anywhere today that makes this go away for us. We may as well be prepared for this to drag on for a good while.

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Unfortunately with all the Auburn bashing, the national media does not even care about the implications of MSU's involvement.  When this is all done with MSU will probably get a scrolling blurb about their hand in this.

No matter how this turns out Auburn's reputation has taken a huge hit.

I remind everyone of the guy who was  originally accused of setting off the bomb at the Atlanta, Olympics.  He couldn't even get a job when all was said and done and I'm pretty sure the media spent all of about 10 minutes to clear his name.

I agree completely. The national media and focus doesn't care about MSU. It is all AU, the Newtons, and the shady "agents". Perception wise, MSU is not a factor. They are really an afterthought nationally.
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So who is going to jail and/or getting sued by the Newton's for releasing privaledged information regarding Cams academic records at UF?  Mullen may be on the hot seat for that one considered he was at UF at the time and would have access to that information.  I would LOVE IT if this scandal costs Mullen millions of $ and his job.......paybacks are a B&^%H!

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This matter greatly concerns us. Assuming we have done nothing (which is my assumption), it concerns us in two ways.

1. PERCEPTION, Some MSU fans can't understand why we are upset with them. That's easy for them to ask since it's us taking the hit.

2. Cam Newton: deny it all you like, it is highly possible (I said "possible" not "probable") that his father did something that jeopardized his eligibility. Like it or not, that could have a big impact on Auburn. Reliable sources (such as an attorney who has done NCAA work) can be cited to say it won't. Reliable sources can be cited to say it will. It is possible.

I am highly skeptical about any big announcement coming out of anywhere today that makes this go away for us. We may as well be prepared for this to drag on for a good while.

A good while is right.

The media still mentions that jackass Eric Ramsey occasionally too, and it's been over 20 years since that happened. This will always be brought up...especially if Cam is very successful in the NFL.

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I think we all need to step back and breathe. Stop letting the media steer you the way that they want you to go. I will continue to believe we are clean and clear, and that Cam Newton and his family are clean and clear, until someone comes out and admits to wrongdoing or if SOLID AND CONCRETE UNDENIABLE BLACK AND WHITE EVIDENCE is shown. Until then stop listening to the moronic media. We have Georgia tomorrow and are still in the hunt for an SEC Championship and a National Championship. (Just in case some of you have forgotten those facts.)

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