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OMG!!! Cam Newton tapes.....


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....his ankles before the game.   I think it's to prevent injury. 



That is too funny but just wrong on so many levels. Thanks for the pulse check this morning GT! :devil:

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YOU, MY FRIEND, ARE A BAAAAAAD MAN!!!   I spit coffee all over my laptop!!!

Came pretty close to it myself.

Thanks for the mild heart arrhythmia this morning.

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....his ankles before the game.   I think it's to prevent injury. 



That is too funny but just wrong on so many levels. Thanks for the pulse check this morning GT! :devil:

Really, after the last 7 days any story makes your pulse race?  I think I am now numb to any report.

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GT, we need to invite you to a duct tape party after our win today

This party should be held at Toomers too. More people, more tape. Really sticky tape. ;)

Joe Shadd should never have come to Auburn...

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I just threw up in my mouth...  probably the bourbon and water last night.  :cool:

Likewise!!! Omg!!! I nearly had heart failure and it's waaay too early in the morning for this!!!

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I was smart enough to look who started the thread, and when I saw it was GT, I knew this was a joke...but it was a danged good one!!!

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I was smart enough to look who started the thread, and when I saw it was GT, I knew this was a joke...but it was a danged good one!!!

I'll keep that filed away for future reference!!!  It sure made me want to cry in my Wheaties this morning!!!  :P

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Well, thats 1 way to get the blood flowing early in the morning... :yay:  I gotta go take a valium now because my heart is pumping too  fast..  :hellyeah:

I hear ya!!!  Sheesh!!!  You'd think SOME people would have a little respect!!!  Apparently not, if it gets a good laugh and causes the rest of us to die from heart failure!!!  Bleh!!!

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