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ESPN Sport Reporter idiots


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Anyone else just hear on the Sports Reporters they went down the laundry list of rumors and stated them all al fact.  Even said he cheated at Florida and went into detail that he signed his name to someone elses paper and bought a paper online.  Ad oh yeah Cecil is now admitting that he shopped his son for 180k.  This is just irresponsible reporting! I can not believe there are not lawas about this.

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What a flipping joke? These guys are pretty much wanting to outlaw football. After this Rick Reilly presented his Boise State case and Moore for Heisman campaign.

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Looks like another posted the same time, sorry you can combine or delete.

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Have I missed something??? I know I shouldn't, but I've been reading other boards and many are discussing how Auburn was told by the NCAA to sit Cam. Did this happen??? Go ahead and jump me now for reading other sites. BTW - I don't think I have EVER seen a team hated as much as we are right now. My goodness. It is like Georgia did nothing wrong in last night's game and we were out there playing like a bunch of terrorists.

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If the NCAA had told Coach Chizik not to play Cam - rest assured he would not have been on the field....

I trust Coach is doing the right thing- he is a man of faith (as is the whole staff)

All roads may lead to Starkville - but rest assured the road when through Tuscaloosa to get there!!!

:zapbama:  :zapbama:  :zapbama:

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If the NCAA had told Coach Chizik not to play Cam - rest assured he would not have been on the field....

I trust Coach is doing the right thing- he is a man of faith (as is the whole staff)

All roads may lead to Starkville - but rest assured the road when through Tuscaloosa to get there!!!

:zapbama:   :zapbama:  :zapbama:

I would say Coach is a man of integrity....that and faith do not always run together.  :)

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Have I missed something??? I know I shouldn't, but I've been reading other boards and many are discussing how Auburn was told by the NCAA to sit Cam. Did this happen??? Go ahead and jump me now for reading other sites. BTW - I don't think I have EVER seen a team hated as much as we are right now. My goodness. It is like Georgia did nothing wrong in last night's game and we were out there playing like a bunch of terrorists.

Don't you feel dirty after going over there?   I think you answered your own question in a round-about way.  Everybody else hates us because we are on top.  The fans will say anything to make them feel better.  I can assure you that if the decision was made to let him play it was done with all the facts presented and very savvy rules people agreeing to it.   Now, go shower off and stay here.    

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yes sports reporters need to be more informed before they make complete asses of themselves. espn runs the disclaimer but still should expect them to at least know what they are talking about.

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They hate us because there has been a shift of power from the east to the west division and the SEC is dominating college football. There is also a shift of power in the state from west to southeast and the Bammers are scared that their football god isn't invincible.

:beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet:

:zapbama: :zapbama: :zapbama: :zapbama: :zapbama:

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I'll be honest with you, I want Moore's stock to rise more and more from ESPN. The more he is promoted, the more votes are taken away from LaMichael James. The more those two split the votes, the better for Cam. If one of them gains the vast majority of the remaining votes, the Heisman is pretty much shot to Cam.

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I'll be honest with you, I want Moore's stock to rise more and more from ESPN. The more he is promoted, the more votes are taken away from LaMichael James. The more those two split the votes, the better for Cam. If one of them gains the vast majority of the remaining votes, the Heisman is pretty much shot to Cam.

Or Moore could take Cam votes. It needs to stay right where it is IMO.

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I'll be honest with you, I want Moore's stock to rise more and more from ESPN. The more he is promoted, the more votes are taken away from LaMichael James. The more those two split the votes, the better for Cam. If one of them gains the vast majority of the remaining votes, the Heisman is pretty much shot to Cam.

Or Moore could take Cam votes. It needs to stay right where it is IMO.

That's what ESPN is trying to do.....get KM more votes. Create controversy to get viewers.....at Cam's expense.

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I'll be honest with you, I want Moore's stock to rise more and more from ESPN. The more he is promoted, the more votes are taken away from LaMichael James. The more those two split the votes, the better for Cam. If one of them gains the vast majority of the remaining votes, the Heisman is pretty much shot to Cam.

Or Moore could take Cam votes. It needs to stay right where it is IMO.

That's what ESPN is trying to do.....get KM more votes. Create controversy to get viewers.....at Cam's expense.

I was against the idea the other day, but maybe it is time to get Al Sharpton and Jesses Jackson involved in this thing. (I hope this is very clear that I am kidding)

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