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UGA Quotes after the Game


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For me personally he wasn't that special.  We just had some blown assignments and they capitalized.

- Outside Linebacker Justin Houston

Basically it came down to gadget plays.

- UGA Defensive Coordinator Todd Grantham

I'm not going to comment on that right now on whether he will send tape to SEC office on several Fairly hits on Murray - Mark Richt

1.  Who the hell is Justin Houston?  Is he the one that Cam gave the "hard" stiff arm to in the 1st quarter?  :laugh:

2.  We score 49 and it was because gadget plays?  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

3.  UGAY is a dirty team and when Richt sends that tape to the SEC office he may get alot more than he bargained for.

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3.  UGAY is a dirty team and when Richt sends that tape to the SEC office he may get alot more than he bargained for.


My feelings exactly.

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hmmm gadget plays?? Are you talking about the plays that we put 300 something yards rushing on the #2 rushing defense. I wouldn't call that gadget plays I would call it shoving the football down your throat. Houston is just mad because his D was owned by our rushing attack.

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Yeah , Lutz had 2 catches that were the biggest gimmicks I've ever seen score. What a crock. Omac  :o those were the trickest 3 touchdown runs I've ever seen. :-\ Cam, running into the endzone, yep,all gimmicks. :laugh: Your team got it's arse whipped. Have the character you claim to have .Man up,wuss.

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Yeah , Lutz had 2 catches that were the biggest gimmicks I've ever seen score. What a crock. Omac  :o those were the trickest 3 touchdown runs I've ever seen. :-\ Cam, running into the endzone, yep,all gimmicks. :laugh: Your team got it's arse whipped. Have the character you claim to have .Man up,wuss.

To be honest, we did run one statue of liberty in the second half that netted about 5-6 yards.  So if you take away that one "gadget play" we still rushed for about 310 yards.  Way to call it Todd.  

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[/co3.  UGAY is a dirty team and when Richt sends that tape to the SEC office he may get alot more than he bargained forlor]

May have a "few" gaps in the vid.  :dunno: Whatca think?

:laugh:  :laugh: That's a very real possibility.  Hopefully the SEC has their own copy.

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Oh yeah, that gadget play we have ran all year where we line up and our O line and wide outs move the whole D about five yards off the ball and we run it.  They never could have seen that play coming at all.  Gadgets, with the penalty on the 1st statue of liberty and the one time Kodi has gonna pass it (true gadget of sorts) those are the only plays they did stop!

Surely he was mis-quoted are had his hands on his throat and couldnt be understood, he must have meant we kinda stopped their gadget plays but the rest of the game they ran all over us with superior talent and more fire power than we could muster.  

What a bunch of whinning losers!!

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Misdirections = Gadget Plays in Mark Richt's mind.  We've got speed. 'nuff said.

And last year the bammers said Auburn had 3 "trick" plays. So they just needed one more. I think Gus will have that covered for them this year. "If it weren't for those 27 dozen trick plays yall wouldn't have won". Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

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hmmm gadget plays?? Are you talking about the plays that we put 300 something yards rushing on the #2 rushing defense. I wouldn't call that gadget plays I would call it shoving the football down your throat. Houston is just mad because his D was owned by our rushing attack.

Houston is just mad because his name was only called maybe twice during the whole game.  The O-line owned his a$$ the rest of the time.

Whaa, Whaa, UGA!  Cry it up!  I love it!

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Actually none of the "gadget plays" worked very well, the read option, dive and those darned draw plays worked VERY well. It has been fun to live in Georgia this weekend!!

I guess gadget plays are the ones were your gadget defense doesn`t work. Georgia tried several different alignments and none of them helped. Grantham scared he may be looking for a job soon. The read option is very tricky if you have no clue how to stop it.

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We don't have trick plays... it's just that our regular plays happen to trick people.

I guess UGA thinks its a gaget paly if we don't yell out "CAM NEWTON RIGHT", "CAM NEWTON LEFT", "PASS", "DYER MIDDLE", "REVERSE", "O-MAC RIGHT END....".  

Good luck to UGa vs Tech.  I don't think they will tell them what plays they are running either.

Can't wait to hear Tech Fans singing to UGA "You'll beeee home foooor Christ....mas" .  Come on we all know the words!

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Guest War Eagle 29

Richt alone is responsible for the poor conduct of his team. I am sure the SEC will be reviewing the game film, but not because they want to see the play when Fairly was blocked into the thuga QB. Perhaps they will be interested in Richt wandering way off the sidelines onto the field on several occasions; Fairly being mauled by a thuga player in retaliation for a legal hit on the QB; the entire thuga bench emptying onto the field during a fight - etc., etc.

The Dawgs are the dirtiest team in College Football. They remind me of the 80's era Miami Hurricanes.

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I used to think MR was a classy dude but it's obvious either he's really dirty or has no control over his thugs.  Then again it could be both.  I've lost respect for him as well.  Plus I have never heard a team and fanbase cry so much over a loss.  They need to get over it.

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I like coach Richt, but he better give up whining about Nick.  If he didn't want his 160lb qb hurt, he shouldn't have been out there trying to score when the game was over.  You get what you ask for.

With that being said, what the hell is Georgia anyways?  Thats old news.  Iron Bowl is what matters now.  Most important and toughest game of the year, by far.

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