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(SIAP) Cecil Newton and Solicitation


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I've been thinking about the latest versions of the story involving Cecil Newton and the resulting assertions by a lot of folks that Cam will eventually be ruled ineligible and AU will have to vacate wins.  I believe the NCAA rule says any solicitation of illegal benefits renders a player ineligible.  Let's accept for a moment the assertion that Cecil Newton and Rogers did discuss money.  Does that constitute solicitation?  Wouldn't a representative of the school have to be involved?  I mean, if I tell my next door neighbor that I'd like for my son to get paid to go to college, have I solicited an illegal benefit from that college?  The same story that alleges Newton and Rogers talked also alleges that MSU never made an offer and no money ever changed hands.  I don't know, but I wonder if that is the scenario that has apparently been discussed by AU with the Newtons, the SEC, and the NCAA.  Based on Cam's appearance on Saturday, I am assuming that whatever those parties have discussed has not resulted in AU being told (directly or indirectly) that Cam was ineligible.  Just a thought.

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I've been thinking about the latest versions of the story involving Cecil Newton and the resulting assertions by a lot of folks that Cam will eventually be ruled ineligible and AU will have to vacate wins.  I believe the NCAA rule says any solicitation of illegal benefits renders a player ineligible.  Let's accept for a moment the assertion that Cecil Newton and Rogers did discuss money.  Does that constitute solicitation?  Wouldn't a representative of the school have to be involved?  I mean, if I tell my next door neighbor that I'd like for my son to get paid to go to college, have I solicited an illegal benefit from that college?  The same story that alleges Newton and Rogers talked also alleges that MSU never made an offer and no money ever changed hands.  I don't know, but I wonder if that is the scenario that has apparently been discussed by AU with the Newtons, the SEC, and the NCAA.  Based on Cam's appearance on Saturday, I am assuming that whatever those parties have discussed has not resulted in AU being told (directly or indirectly) that Cam was ineligible.  Just a thought.

Your assumption is as valid as anyone's.  I think we should play Cam until the NCAA tells us we shouldn't or can't play him.  Its too late in the season to worry about vacating wins.

I would think that definitions of what is a "representative" and "solicitation" are very important.  I would think that you or someone you asked on your behalf can talk to anyone but a school employee about money.

I'm no NCAA rules expert but it would be very hard to prove hearsay, unless there were tapes.  Other than tapes I would think that proof money exchanged hands would be the only sure fire way to enforce the rule.

Just my opinion FWIW.

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How do we know that MSU wasn't the one that solicited the offer and Cecil pulled Cam away from MSU and said they are a dirty program and we are going elsewhere? Maybe MSU is trying to make Cecil the bad guy by claiming he was wanting money. That is my take on this whole situation.

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Let's look at facts, would JJ take a chance on Cam and destroy a clean program with no major infractions since the end of CPD's days? Why would CGC put the program in a tail spin when it is moving back to a top tier program. We need to trust that both JJ and CGC are making the right choses for the program. If they don't, they get fired in disgrace..

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Let's look at facts, would JJ take a chance on Cam and destroy a clean program with no major infractions since the end of CPD's days? Why would CGC put the program in a tail spin when it is moving back to a top tier program. We need to trust that both JJ and CGC are making the right choses for the program. If they don't, they get fired in disgrace..

I agree. People just don't use common sense. Just think of Occam's Razor: What makes more sense? The AU athletic staff knows what's going on and that's why they're comfortable playing Cam Newton -OR- The AU athletic staff is so clueless and can't get a grasp of what's going on (though rival fans' message boards can) that they moved to play Cam regardless of it being a possible violation or that the games could be vacated later on.

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Au in Cullman, that has been my opinion all along.  All you have to do is look at who is in the middle of the controversy . . Kenny Rogers.  A guy already KNOWN as a runner and manipulating athletes to sign with his agent.  He saw dollar signs (big dollar signs) when he realized Cam was going to MSU . . . a place he knew exactly to call to solicit mony for his signature.  Cecil going to him and initiating it just doesn't make any sense.  I really believe the NCAA and SEC knows this and this is why Cam is playing.  It's Kenny R. they are going after, not Cam.  The media has really jumped on a story by taking the word of someone already under investigation with the NFL in hopes they were right.  They could care less that being wrong could cause serious damage to Cam and Auburn.  They only care about being the "one" who broke the story and getting their 15 minutes of fame.

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WHich makes sense that Mullen wanted to keep this quiet and just let it go. Urban may have been the one to push it but I dont think he knew his buddy Mullen was actually the dirty bird. I still am trying to link the guy at bama which used to be at MSU into my theory though.

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We as the Auburn Family, need to quit acting like a bunch of fools and stand up for the coaches and players of this team. Two short years everyone cried when CGC was hired and called JJ and idiot. Now where are we? 11-0, west champs, and a chance for NCS game. Why do we believe the but heads at ESPN who for the whole season has said that we didn't belong there? We have heard the it does not matter where the information comes from, and what about the just made up reports of wrong doing. Face it, it is Auburn against all the country. We have been dumped on and we continue to believe everything that we hear. Why??????? Are we Lambs, or we the WAR DAMN EAGLES.

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We as the Auburn Family, need to quit acting like a bunch of fools and stand up for the coaches and players of this team. Two short years everyone cried when CGC was hired and called JJ and idiot. Now where are we? 11-0, west champs, and a chance for NCS game. Why do we believe the but heads at ESPN who for the whole season has said that we didn't belong there? We have heard the it does not matter where the information comes from, and what about the just made up reports of wrong doing. Face it, it is Auburn against all the country. We have been dumped on and we continue to believe everything that we hear. Why??????? Are we Lambs, or we the WAR DAMN EAGLES.


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This is what i was screaming last week and got called a turd 4 it. There is no reason that Cecil would jepardize cams future for that kind of money when a year from now cam will be able to buy him a new church of any size. I think kr approached cecil ( who may have entertained the idea at first). But when Bond came clean to the msu coaches cam became possibly ineligible for them to recruit. Cecil figures this out so cam goes to AU so cams eligibility wouldn't be a problem. This is reason for Cam's statement about AU being a above board program or something of that nature i don't remember the exact quote comparing us to msu. And also the reason for the statement from chizik that cam is eligible at auburn. read between the lines not msu. When msu saw that cam bailed on them then they reported it to the sec not before because they were still recruiting him. They did this just in case Cecil squealed.  What they didn't figure on was that kr would try to make a buck by trying to extort cecil and bring the whole thing back into the lime light. Mullen is in the same position we are second year coach with a up and coming program he doesn't want ne thing to do with cheating either nor did he want all this brought back up. I think this will be eventually pinned on kr. but we shall see

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