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THEORY: I wonder about Jody Wright's tie to Cecil Hurt...


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How closely do you think Jody Wright is tied to Cecil Hurt (the Sports editor of the Tuscaloosa News)?

I think Hurt is in this up to his elbows for the following reasons....

1. Wright had to have a way to get his story to the media. Hurt is the closest media member to the Alabama

program. Hurt knew he couldn't break the story because then everyone would know where it was coming from so he gets Wright in touch with the goobs from ESPN and/or the NYT.

2. Hurt is tight with Paul Finebaum. That may be the reason that Finebaum doesn't want to touch the Jody Wright story.

3. Hurt has been coming on Finebaum's show unscheduled the last few weeks (as if he's be the natual authority on this subject). I think he's been requesting to come on and spin the story and Paul's been more than willing to allow it.

4. Last Thursday an SEC guy (not Slive) made the statement that MSU had not reported everything that had been leaked in the Joe Schad story. Immediatly following that news breaking, Hurt went on the Finebaum show (previously unscheduled I think) and seemed almost livid that the SEC made that statment. He sounded as if he had a personal stake in the game. He has always had an "I could care less" attitude about Auburn but this time it's personal.

Could Cecil Hurt be the News guy that Mayor spoke of being in deep trouble?

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Let's pray that this is so.

Cecil has been involved in some shady deals with Bama.  He knows too much.  Bama will off him before they let him go down.  

If that is what happened, Jody Wright will be the sacrificial lamb.

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Let's pray that this is so.

Cecil has been involved in some shady deals with Bama.  He knows too much.  Bama will off him before they let him go down.  

If that is what happened, Jody Wright will be the sacrificial lamb.

Cecil Hurt is too entrenched in bama, they will not let him go. Wright on the other hand, he is as good as done.

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I'm not saying that he would lose his job.... I'm wondering if he will go to JAIL? Mayor spoke of a media member possibly going to jail. I wonder if Hurt is involved in the leaking of academic records.

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IMO, Cecil Hurt has been acting strange since all this broke.  I thought he has sounded a little confused and maybe skitish to answer some of Paul's questions directly.  Paul didn't push him.  I didn't really put him in this but now it makes sense that he could be right smack dab in the middle of this.  

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not defending Cecil, but he is a weekly guest on the Finebaum show, and has been for a long time...As for him being an expert on NCAA matters, he is since bammer has been on probation for the better part of 15 years now.. He has been Paul's go to guy for matters involving the NCAA for as long as I have been listening to the show... While he may be the closest bammer media figure to Wright, I'm sure he (Wright) has plenty of contact with media members all over this state and around the country..Don't forget that up until a few weeks ago bammer was still in the NCG picture..With as much media attention bammer has gotten this year, there are plenty of opportunities to get this story out to national media figures.. Not saying your theory is wrong, I'm just pointing out that he had plenty of ways to get this story out besides Cecil Hurt.

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Yes, but you can bet your sweet bottom that Wright did not leak this without Saban/Moore/PBJ's blessing.  And I would be willing to guess they called ol Cecil to help facilitate it to who they wanted it to go. 

I always thought it was very strange that Pete Thamel broke this, almost simultaneously with ESPN. 

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not defending Cecil, but he is a weekly guest on the Finebaum show, and has been for a long time...As for him being an expert on NCAA matters, he is since bammer has been on probation for the better part of 15 years now.. He has been Paul's go to guy for matters involving the NCAA for as long as I have been listening to the show... While he may be the closest bammer media figure to Wright, I'm sure he (Wright) has plenty of contact with media members all over this state and around the country..Don't forget that up until a few weeks ago bammer was still in the NCG picture..With as much media attention bammer has gotten this year, there are plenty of opportunities to get this story out to national media figures.. Not saying your theory is wrong, I'm just pointing out that he had plenty of ways to get this story out besides Cecil Hurt.

I do think that Hurt had a part in this; only to get this story elevated to the Ny Times level. If Cecil is under pressure, he would lay it all at the feet of Wright.

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But would a reporter for Fox or New York Times listen to a lowly GA at Alabama about matters at MSU or AU?  Now, if Cecil Hurt, a respected long time journalist, brings them a story and says he can't break it but it has credibility, they may run with it.

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I always thought it was very strange that Pete Thamel broke this, almost simultaneously with ESPN. 

No, you are right. Just don't think Hurt wouldn't push all onto Wright. The NYTimes would back Cecil anyday before they would Jody Wright. As far as ESPN goes, who the hell knows.

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not defending Cecil, but he is a weekly guest on the Finebaum show, and has been for a long time...As for him being an expert on NCAA matters, he is since bammer has been on probation for the better part of 15 years now.. He has been Paul's go to guy for matters involving the NCAA for as long as I have been listening to the show... While he may be the closest bammer media figure to Wright, I'm sure he (Wright) has plenty of contact with media members all over this state and around the country..Don't forget that up until a few weeks ago bammer was still in the NCG picture..With as much media attention bammer has gotten this year, there are plenty of opportunities to get this story out to national media figures.. Not saying your theory is wrong, I'm just pointing out that he had plenty of ways to get this story out besides Cecil Hurt.

1. He is a weekly guest but he normally comes on to talk about Bama. Since all this broke he has come on a few times at random and unannounced. I think he's trying to spin the conversation.

2. No, Donald Maurice Jackson is Paul's NCAA expert. Cecil is NOT objective enough to give a good opinion about Auburn's NCAA issues.

3. Sure, Wright had access to other media members but how many of those members would be willing to help him break an flimsy (possibly illegal) story, and do so with absolutely no credit.

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If you are wondering how Jody Wright would get this story to the NYT, think about how many members of the media were in town for the bammer vs Penn State game....

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If you are wondering how Jody Wright would get this story to the NYT, think about how many members of the media were in town for the bammer vs Penn State game....

Again I say:

The NY Times owns the Tuscaloosa and B'Ham news, I will tell you that.
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I think Joe Schad is tied to Megan Mullins.  

There is a reason that ESPN let Schad break just that one part, but has Low, Forde, and Schlabach break everything else.

Only one reason.....Schad's sources would only talk through him.  Why?  

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Sure, Wright had access to other media members but how many of those members would be willing to help him break an flimsy (possibly illegal) story, and do so with absolutely no credit.

Joe Schad.

I stand corrected  ;D

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I'm sorry but some of these Bama conspiracy theories are starting to sound like an Auburn version of Shane from Centerpoint. Every bad thing that happens to us does not have to be tied to Bama or at least some organized effort by them and Finebaum. :-X

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I think Joe Schad is tied to Megan Mullins.  

There is a reason that ESPN let Schad break just that one part, but has Low, Forde, and Schlabach break everything else.

Only one reason.....Schad's sources would only talk through him.  Why?  

Your right about Megan Mullen, but that just further proves my point. Finebaum has really been throwing her name out there hoping that everyone will latch on to her being the leaker. He's trying to throw the heat onto her and away from his boy Cecil.

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not defending Cecil, but he is a weekly guest on the Finebaum show, and has been for a long time...As for him being an expert on NCAA matters, he is since bammer has been on probation for the better part of 15 years now.. He has been Paul's go to guy for matters involving the NCAA for as long as I have been listening to the show... While he may be the closest bammer media figure to Wright, I'm sure he (Wright) has plenty of contact with media members all over this state and around the country..Don't forget that up until a few weeks ago bammer was still in the NCG picture..With as much media attention bammer has gotten this year, there are plenty of opportunities to get this story out to national media figures.. Not saying your theory is wrong, I'm just pointing out that he had plenty of ways to get this story out besides Cecil Hurt.

1. He is a weekly guest but he normally comes on to talk about Bama. Since all this broke he has come on a few times at random and unannounced. I think he's trying to spin the conversation.

2. No, Donald Maurice Jackson is Paul's NCAA expert. Cecil is NOT objective enough to give a good opinion about Auburn's NCAA issues.

3. Sure, Wright had access to other media members but how many of those members would be willing to help him break an flimsy (possibly illegal) story, and do so with absolutely no credit.

You are making me defend Cecil which I really don't wanna do..

He has been on at random times because this story has been breaking news at random times... Cecil is Paul's go to guy in all matters concerning the NCAA and he pretty much says it every time he has him on in regards to compliance issues. He knows how the NCAA operates, and has a general sense of what they would be looking for.. DMJ is the professional legal opinion for NCAA matters..... I have heard Paul go to Cecil on many matters regarding the NCAA, most recently the Bruce Pearl matter at Tennessee.. Paul considers Cecil an expert because of the many many NCAA matters Cecil has covered involving bammer in the past 15 or 20 years..

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I think Joe Schad is tied to Megan Mullins.  

There is a reason that ESPN let Schad break just that one part, but has Low, Forde, and Schlabach break everything else.

Only one reason.....Schad's sources would only talk through him.  Why?  


So many people are barking up the wrong tree.  Finally somebody gets it right.  

Schad and Mullen.  That is your connection.  Those of you with the wherewithal to follow up, do some checking.  You'll find a strong tie between Schad and the Mullen family.  

The other theory?  Total BS and frankly ridiculous.  The mass conspiracy angle may be fun, but the reality is much, much simpler.  

Schad and Mullen.  You heard it here first.  Or, actually second.  Congrats to the poster above who finally hit the right bell.

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I stand corrected  ;D

You know, what makes me sick in all of this? Schad actually went on an ATL radio station stating that he didn't need to verify his sources; a story is a story. That sumbitch needs his front teeth knocked out.

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This is certainly a possibility and I actually do think he is involved somehow. BUT unless he was involved with leaking the academic records (and I'm not even sure then), then there is not likely there's a crime and he's not subject to a NCAA rules (which I don't see broken either).

HOWEVER, that does not mean that this still couldn't be a HUGE embarrassment to both the newspapers involved and UAT AND it could and would pour somewhere around a million more gallons of pure poison into waters of the biggest college rivalry in the country.  The Hatfields and McCoys already have nothing on AU vs UAT...and there was some serious killin' going on with that!!!

I'm actually not kidding when I say this is ratcheting up a rivalry (that needs no more help!), to a very volatile level.

War Eagle!

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You are making me defend Cecil which I really don't wanna do..

He has been on at random times because this story has been breaking news at random times... Cecil is Paul's go to guy in all matters concerning the NCAA and he pretty much says it every time he has him on in regards to compliance issues. He knows how the NCAA operates, and has a general sense of what they would be looking for.. DMJ is the professional legal opinion for NCAA matters..... I have heard Paul go to Cecil on many matters regarding the NCAA, most recently the Bruce Pearl matter at Tennessee.. Paul considers Cecil an expert because of the many many NCAA matters Cecil has covered involving bammer in the past 15 or 20 years..

Then how do you explain the emotion he has displayed toward this story? Am I the only one that has noticed that he seems to be taking this story personally?

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