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I used to like Tim Brando.........


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You know, it is not that Tim Brando knows anything anyone else doesn't on the Cam situation but he just thinks he is smarter and talks down to the AU fans.  I think that is crap.  If he could only be as smart as he thinks he is!  WDE!

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Yeah I just listened to him saying "Is there anything more entertaining then listening to ___ try to explain the betting lines to finebaum listeners"  It was pretty obvious that he wanted to replace finebaum listeners with Auburn fans.  It really kinda irked me, because a lot of people out there are probably very ignorant when it comes to how betting lines are determined.  I know nothing about it at all, and when I see a 9-2 team a 4 point favorite over an 11-0 team it makes me wonder why AU seems to never get respect (as was being pointed out).  Sure, the guy explaining all of this did a fine job explaining it...but Brando's little holier than thou response about it when he got on made me want to kick him in the sack.

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I agree...I mean when someone calls all of us Auburn fans "Whackos" WTF?  But like we have all said its us against the world...WDE!

That wasn't directed at all Auburn fans just some of the idiots that were blowing up his inbox with emails about how he was in on various conspiracies and saying he should do better investigations before talking about cam even though the guy is a "broadcaster" not a journalist (let alone investigative journalist).  

So yeah, calling those people wackos is appropriate.  Every fan base has these fans even us.  If he wants to call them out more power to him just so long as he doesn't lump all of us into the category.

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I am so tired of hearing the argument that we are getting so much scrutiny is because we are undefeated and in the BCS mix.    I don't remember ever in the past when teams are undefeated and in the mix getting picked apart like this.   I don't see Oregon getting any scrutiny or TCU or Boise.  Now, I understand the CAM situation (as much as we think it is WAY overblown) but the Nick Fairley stuff is ridiculous.   This was Brando's response to a caller that asked about him talking about Fairley so much last season but this past weekend, there were punches thrown in the Arkansas game and no one talked about it.   What a blowhard!  WDE!

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The problem is F'boom and Brando call themselves reporters and try to skate around being a journalist. His whole skit was all I am a poor reporter, reporting fact as I know them, right or wrong and for the people that believe he is wrong they can kiss royal a$$. When people like Brando and F'boom get caught up in the crap like the Cam story and they invest their time keeping it going they don't care about the facts they believe that the smell does not flow up hill. When BS is called on them they run and call everyone calling them on it stupid, when in fact it is them that need to flushed down the pot and forgotten about.

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"Never mistake for malice what can easily be explained by ignorance."

--somebody, probably a long time ago.

Tim Brando is indeed an arrogant blowhard.  Don't let him live rent-free in your mind.

Nice.  Top first post of the day!!!

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He call use the "message board slang" early in season and called Bama "bammers" so he has a tad bit of decency somewhere in him... I think.

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Yeah I just listened to him saying "Is there anything more entertaining then listening to ___ try to explain the betting lines to finebaum listeners"  It was pretty obvious that he wanted to replace finebaum listeners with Auburn fans.  It really kinda irked me, because a lot of people out there are probably very ignorant when it comes to how betting lines are determined.  I know nothing about it at all, and when I see a 9-2 team a 4 point favorite over an 11-0 team it makes me wonder why AU seems to never get respect (as was being pointed out).  Sure, the guy explaining all of this did a fine job explaining it...but Brando's little holier than thou response about it when he got on made me want to kick him in the sack.

Just take the points and laugh all the way to the bank! ;D

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Did that idiot legend just say defenseful??? Whats that?


i prefer to call him the lesion, but he did crack one on brando about his rug. said he looked like an 80yearold jim morison.  seems like cbs would foot the bill for an in studio stylist. or at least a consultant or wig maker.
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