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Question for the Mods


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OK, gotta ask... what's the likelihood that some "bad" news regarding Auburn (maybe leftover Cam crap) breaks Sunday or Monday from one of the usual Bama spin rags (e.g. Thayer Evans)?  I've heard some of the REC disciples have circled Jan 31 on the calendar as the day something shakes loose.  Now, I only post this here because if they were trying to get something negative on AU out, it would have to be to try to dissuade a few recruits from signing.  Someone here, I think it was the Mayor or ST all but called the Cam story breaking during Bama's off week last fall.  Just wondering if there is any whispering around reliable sources.  Answer, lock, and delete is fine.

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It would need to be an extremely detrimental article to have any affect.

The odds of that are slim.

The odds of anything that detrimental coming out is highly unlikely.  The odds of the turds attempting to derail our NSD are actually a lot higher.  But, the attempt will be futile. 

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Just from an average joe perspective, if someone was going to do a hit piece, they would have done it a little while back to have a complete impact on the signing class.  Jan 31st seems a little late to me.  Also, I think the coaches have put in the recruits head that if a hit piece comes out, disrgard it and nothing will come of it.  The commits have bought in to what the coaches are telling them, and they trust the coaches.  That is one reason why our class is steller this year.  My 2 cents.

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I did a little snooping around and I think this what the turds are hoping for...

"Other defendants asked for transcripts of that testimony as a part of discovery for the case, but the government only supplied partially redacted transcripts. The rationale is that the redacted sections contain information unrelated to the current bingo indictments, and that they pertain to a separate, ongoing investigation that might be compromised by the release of the information to anyone.

Again, there is much speculation out there as to what that other investigation is. No one knows for sure what it covers except for the investigators and prosecutors, however. The government has agreed to hand over the full transcripts by January 31, so unless it asks for and is granted an extension, we'll probably know what the other investigation is by the end of the month based on further indictments and arrests. That other investigation could be a source of further clues in the Newton case. Operative words: could be."


Nothing to get ruffled about. 0% chance anything comes out of this. NSD will come, we will move to #1 on Scout and ESPN, and order in the universe will be fixed.

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I did a little snooping around and I think this what the turds are hoping for...

"Other defendants asked for transcripts of that testimony as a part of discovery for the case, but the government only supplied partially redacted transcripts. The rationale is that the redacted sections contain information unrelated to the current bingo indictments, and that they pertain to a separate, ongoing investigation that might be compromised by the release of the information to anyone.

Again, there is much speculation out there as to what that other investigation is. No one knows for sure what it covers except for the investigators and prosecutors, however. The government has agreed to hand over the full transcripts by January 31, so unless it asks for and is granted an extension, we'll probably know what the other investigation is by the end of the month based on further indictments and arrests. That other investigation could be a source of further clues in the Newton case. Operative words: could be."


Nothing to get ruffled about. 0% chance anything comes out of this. NSD will come, we will move to #1 on Scout and ESPN, and order in the universe will be fixed.

I agree with you.  Tomorrow, we may wake up to an article titled "Cam Newton part II of investigation?" and people will not read it and ASSUM we will burn.  That is what the world has come to these days.

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You guys will be happy to know the day the turds had been waiting for for months has been delayed until after NSD.


Hmmm.  No mention of Auburn football anywhere in that article.  The part of me that knows how ridiculous all these conspiracy theories are really wants this trial and its associated documents to hurry up and get out there so these idiots will be exposed for the fools they are and will (maybe) STHU for a while.

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You guys will be happy to know the day the turds had been waiting for for months has been delayed until after NSD.


Hmmm.  No mention of Auburn football anywhere in that article.  The part of me that knows how ridiculous all these conspiracy theories are really wants this trial and its associated documents to hurry up and get out there so these idiots will be exposed for the fools they are and will (maybe) STHU for a while.


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FYI, did any hear that the world was going to end next week too?  Well it is per my sources.  They have been wrong with their prediction 47 other times and keep moving the date back.  I bet MG is just sitting back and laughing at these bam theroists.  Why is April a month to circle the breaking news??

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Why would the authorities care about compromising an ongoing NCAA investigation which has no legal jurisdiction over any matters?  They merely regulate the participating institutions. 

It is highly unlikely the Feds are THAT worried about another ongoing investigation of the NCAA.

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The "redacted" comment tickles me.  As a former military person and government employee, I am well aware that a document is redacted to remove items that are either classified or, in this case, not related to the specific investigation at hand.  Ask any law enforcement official, and they will tell you that when wire taps are issued, only the specific discussions listed in the authorization are allowed to be used as evidence.  The rest of the stuff on the tapes doesn't even have to be about an "investigation" at all.  If it isn't related to the primary warrant, it will be removed from the transcripts.  I'd love for the full document to come out with a bunch of discussions about what people were having for dinner and who someone's latest girlfriend is.

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I heard whispers that Mississippi State might be getting hit by some stuff because the Cam Newton "saga" brought some stuff to light. Rumor is MSU boosters might have been paying players to come.

But this is just rumor.

Is this appropriate for the Recruiting section though? Think this has been derailed.

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The "redacted" comment tickles me.  As a former military person and government employee, I am well aware that a document is redacted to remove items that are either classified or, in this case, not related to the specific investigation at hand.  Ask any law enforcement official, and they will tell you that when wire taps are issued, only the specific discussions listed in the authorization are allowed to be used as evidence.  The rest of the stuff on the tapes doesn't even have to be about an "investigation" at all.  If it isn't related to the primary warrant, it will be removed from the transcripts.  I'd love for the full document to come out with a bunch of discussions about what people were having for dinner and who someone's latest girlfriend is.

Exactly.  But here's the thing.  In early January, the Feds redacted pages from interviews with Massey in December because of an ongoing investigation.  But, they agreed to release the entire documents by January 31.  A few days later, they indict Gilley on allegedly trying to bribe Massey to not testifying against him.  You don't have to be a genius to figure out that the ongoing investigation was against Gilley based on the interview of Massey.  You do have to be a crazy conspiracy theorist to imagine that this has anything whatever to do with Auburn, however. 

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