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Dorial Green-Beckham (new info)


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I've saw Dorial on several occasions. He's from Sprinfield MO.

His adopted parents want him to stay close to home.

Word is it's between OU, U of A, and Mizzou.

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Easy, there is a long long way to go to February 2, 2012. We don't know who all is on our recruiting board verbatim. In addition, these coaches know what the hell they're doing. Trust me.

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Easy, there is a long long way to go to February 2, 2012. We don't know who all is on our recruiting board verbatim. In addition, these coaches know what the hell they're doing. Trust me.

Set DAD straight sparkey!!!  ;) 

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This guy is a 6'6'' WR and weighs 220lbs!  Why are we not recruiting him??

Class of 2012 for everyone who has not heard of him.

6'6"?   :o  It would be great to have a 6 and a half foot WR. Do they have a 40 time posted?

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Hahahaha, sorry AUQB Dad, that was meant for RkyMtnTIger not you good sir. I by no means want to sound like I'm being insulting to you. And, I was simply saying to them that we may be trying anyway.

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I knew what you meant.

I am by no means "thin skinned" :)

Just don't dish it out if you can't take it. :)

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I knew what you meant.

I am by no means "thin skinned" :)

Just don't dish it out if you can't take it. :)

Q for you (feel free to ignore too) - how practically, quickly (if that's a real sentence) can a recruit get comfortable with a coach/staff?

And this relates to Bug C's situation. I see playing time benefiting AU's proposition, but I see the relationships Bug C has developed with UAT coaches and coaches of other programs as putting AU at a disadvantage in so far as AU getting on Bug C too late in the game.

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I've saw Dorial on several occasions. He's from Sprinfield MO.

His adopted parents want him to stay close to home.

Word is it's between OU, U of A, and Mizzou.

As only a new AU parent could know, one visit with his folks to The Loveliest Village could change everything!

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Easy, there is a long long way to go to February 2, 2012. We don't know who all is on our recruiting board verbatim. In addition, these coaches know what the hell they're doing. Trust me.

The only reason I posted this is because the recruiting sites do not have Auburn as a school that has offered yet.  I also know that the coaches are well aware of what is going on.  I have full trust in the Auburn coaches.  I also do not think it is ever too early to start looking at the next group of recruits....unless they are not in high school yet  :)

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I've saw Dorial on several occasions. He's from Sprinfield MO.

His adopted parents want him to stay close to home.

Word is it's between OU, U of A, and Mizzou.

I am assuming the "U of A" is Arkansas and not Alabama.

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I've saw Dorial on several occasions. He's from Sprinfield MO.

His adopted parents want him to stay close to home.

Word is it's between OU, U of A, and Mizzou.

I am assuming the "U of A" is Arkansas and not Alabama.

You're correct

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I've saw Dorial on several occasions. He's from Sprinfield MO.

His adopted parents want him to stay close to home.

Word is it's between OU, U of A, and Mizzou.

I am assuming the "U of A" is Arkansas and not Alabama.

If so...what a big-time target for Bobby Petrino to get.

Literally :laugh:

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Thank you for lending your astute grammarian skills to this quaint conversation! ;)

Depends on the personalities as far as developing chemistry. Just like any other relationship.

A visit to the lovliest village COULD change everything for sure! ;)

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Thank you for lending your astute grammarian skills to this quaint conversation! ;)

Depends on the personalities as far as developing chemistry. Just like any other relationship.

A visit to the lovliest village COULD change everything for sure! ;)

Well me grammarian skills are perfert as AUQBDad knew

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