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AUQBDad is now on Twitter...


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I'd like to announce this to my AU family.

I want to try and keep it AU. I'd like for some of my AU family on twitter to let me know how I can follow you also!


Love you guys!


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I don't know what to say. I just opened the account abt an hour ago. I logged in and there I was.

Try Robin Beach

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try following me-jsbauburn, then I can follow you from there.  I searched Robin Beach and 3 came up, but none looked like they were you.

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no, I'm still on the old twitter.  I refuse to go to the new one until it makes me. 

edit--I didn't realize that the old one had a search box until I just looked for it and found it.  Guess what, I searched it there, and that popped up.  I was using the "find people" tab.

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I don't know why it wouldn't find him.  I signed out and signed back in and it came right up.  I'm 'ddonahoo1' but I don't tweet, I just follow others. 

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Twitter on mobile wouldn't find AUQBDad, but I went to standard view and you came right up. Go figure.  :dunno: I am Weegle347 on Twitter. I rarely tweet, I mostly follow.

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hey, i actually saw you on there before i saw this post, i'm not sure how it all works, i'm pretty new to it myself.. maybe we follow some of the same players, i dunno..

anyway, add me to your au family list when you get a chance, i use the same name there as well. and thanks for all your posts.  i'm an al.com refugee, so this place is like a breath of fresh air!

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