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Thoughts on the Toomer's Corner Press Conference


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One "female" seemed to be asking questions that could be used to twist that the poisoning could of been done by city workers....

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I didn't take it that way.  I thought she was just trying to find out how readily available the herbicide was.

Although the way the guy answered to assure it had never been used on campus makes it seem that he may have thought the same thing.

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I didn't interpret her questions at all that way.  For people who don't know chemicals (who, what, when. where, and at what rate) the only way to get an answer is to ask a question.  Which she did.  And Dr Keever's answer was resounding.  I wish the police chief would have been more informative, but understand why he didn't.

What I took away from the press conference was Spirit and Pride.  To see Dr. Enloue (sp?) cry when asked about the probability of the tree's survival reminds me of why I Love Auburn!

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Interesting to learn that the trees could go through several deaths before finally dying.  Lots of information passed along.  There is a website for updates, but didn't catch the addy.

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 To see Dr. Enloue (sp?) cry when asked about the probability of the tree's survival reminds me of why I Love Auburn!

It brought me to tears as well!  I think the University is handling this exceptionally well.  The students were so outraged yesterday I worried that someone would do something crazy in retaliation.  So far I haven't heard anything regarding retaliation and everyone seems to be holding themselves to a higher standard!  This makes me so proud of our young students and the Auburn Family as a whole!

War Eagle Auburn Family!


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