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The more things change, the more they stay the same. . .


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In the second year of the renewed Iron Bowl rivalry, after the 41 year hiatus, Alabama was a heavy favorite over the Tigers, who had only won one game.  They had just the year proir beaten the Tigers 55-0 and their fans felt that this year they would win by an even larger margin.  When Auburn players got on the team bus at the hotel to go to the stadium, Alabama fans in the parking lot goaded them, waving handfuls of money, saying "This says fifty-six, Auburn boy, this says fifty-six. . .fifty-six."

Auburn won that game 14-13.  A one point win that many called the biggest victory in AU's 58 year history.

Doesn't this story remind you of the most recent Iron Bowl?

(info obtained from the Auburn Football Vault)

The more things change, the more they stay the same!


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