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Just received 2 gifts in the mail from the Phoenix area

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I had heard that AZ had the toughest DUI laws in the country so I was very careful not to drink and drive while out in the Phoenix area..

I had not heard that several of the cities in the area had photo ticketing traps set up there.

I have one ticket from Tempe for $250 and one from Mesa for only $157.

Glad I got a good price on my game tickets !!

Hope no one else got nailed with this. Apparently this method of issuing tickets is common there. Wish I had known !

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For the price of a plane ticket, a night in a hotel, and a day off work, you can fly out there and fight them......Think there's a chance they realized how far away you are before they mailed them?

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Been doing a little research on this photo ticket deal. apparently only about 1/3 of violators pay this tickets.

My main concern is whether or not they forward this to the AL DMV. My last speeding ticket was less that 2 years ago.

At 5 pts per speeding violation this could throw me into a suspended license situation ! These were in 2 different municipalities . If I knew they wouldn't contact AL DMV , I would just pay and be done with it.

The vehicle was a rental and they tracked me down through the rental car co. There are attorneys all over the internet that will fight this in AZ.

I consulted with my atty yesterday . I was in 35 mph zones both times , once clocked at 42 mph and the other time at 52. Not Lamborghini speeds exactly !

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I have heard several stories of AU fans who got theses "gifts".  I saw one of the gift packages.  It actually had two photos of the same offense.  While running a red light (or dark orange according to the perpetrator), the two photos was detailed enough that you could see the driver leaning forward looking up at the light in one.  :laugh:  The other photo was from the rear showing the license plate.  He paid it.   

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