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"I didn't come here to lose"....


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From all I've been hearing in the last week or so especially, I really wouldn't be surprised if this kid breaks out soon.  He is definitely showing potential and flashes of brilliance.  There are some folks in the program that are really getting excited about Angelo.

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From all I've been hearing in the last week or so especially, I really wouldn't be surprised if this kid breaks out soon.  He is definitely showing potential and flashes of brilliance.  There are some folks in the program that are really getting excited about Angelo.

I love that I am hearing that. If Gabe comes along quickly him + angelo might be twice the power of nick fairley :-P

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We could use about four breakout players right now on defense. I would love for Holland to settle in and get people lined up more effectively. We need a DE that decides hes gonna finally put some pressure on opposing QB's (Craig Saanders, anyone?) and finally I think we have seen a little already but Chris Davis look like he could emerge as a shut down player pretty soon. That, along with a defensive tackle like Angelo stepping up, and our defense will make huge strides.

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We could use about four breakout players right now on defense. I would love for Holland to settle in and get people lined up more effectively. We need a DE that decides hes gonna finally put some pressure on opposing QB's (Craig Saanders, anyone?) and finally I think we have seen a little already but Chris Davis look like he could emerge as a shut down player pretty soon. That, along with a defensive tackle like Angelo stepping up, and our defense will make huge strides.


If a DT steps up and has to take double teams.......that is a gap for us on running....if he is able to get past double teams.....the qb is in for a long game

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Also I think Evans not being ni the starting lineup hurt our run defense last week, and may have been a reason we played so much nickel

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He is definitely a future leader.  I am impressed with his leadership skills so far.  His brain is mature enough,  but he still has baby fat on him.

In the next 10 months he will look the part of his mature brain,  and a serious leader we shall have.

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It would be a moltivating and much needed site to see a few leaders emrge right now on the D side

of the ball...IMO Blackson(DT) would be a great start along with Sanders(DE), Freeman(LB) and Davis(CB).

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I would love to see Craig Sanders at linebacker! He is big and fast! Would love to see him on  blitz straight up the middle. :yay:

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I would love to see Craig Sanders at linebacker! He is big and fast! Would love to see him on  blitz straight up the middle. :yay:

I've hoped this for a while now.

Our LB's are playing worse than our DL (IMO). At least the DL has plenty of bodies.

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I have been excited about AB ever since he committed to Auburn. He has the classic look of a DL along with the ability to be a star. I look for defenses to have trouble with him as he gains more and more experience.

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LB has a huge learning curve.  These kids have to read their assignment, react, get off blocks, get in coverage, etc while a herd of 300 lbers are blocking their view, attempting to pancake them, etc.  I think LB learning curve is just has hard as the QB learning curve on offense if not harder.  The QB knows what is supposed to happen.  The LB has to figure it out and react.  It is true that our MLB depth is not as star studded as some other positions and we could use some recruits to come in and help. But the game will slow down for the guys out there soon.  They already took about half a season worth of snaps so that could help in the long run.  :-[  I do wonder though that since CTR is the linebackers coach how much time he is able to dedicate to the LBers instead of working on his role as DC?


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based on what i have seen so,i say again,so far,blackson is the best DT we have....he may not be doing everything right,but he is showing signs of being a great player before long....whitaker has potential and wright is doing better.....carter has a way to go....i watch the DT's closely because they are the heart of a defense,and blackson is going to play on sunday if all goes well with him...

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Nobody paid much attention, but when Chris got banged up things started to change in that game. If you ask me, Chris Davis is the leader of this team. We need him for South Carolina. I hope they rest him for FAU. If we need him to beat them, we might as well just concede a 2-10 season. I don't think that's the case, though.

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Does anyone know if Cam has said anything public about our season so far?  He probably has been asked by the Panters not to make any comments public about Auburn or any SEC team. I would think that Cam would say something like this:

1. I love Auburn and am thankful for being able to be a part the 2010 SEC & National Championship and winning the Heisman. Auburn is a young team that is trying lay the foundation for another SEC & NC. Hang in there with this team, they will come through soon if we all just have a little more patience. I am an Auburn man through & through and will always be an Auburn Tiger till the day I die.

Just my take on what he might say.



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